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Stack Overflow iPhone App (placeholder)

This is a placeholder for the Stack Overflow iPhone app. There's already a Stack Exchange app. How is this different? Why does it need to exist? There are a lot of new features in Stack Overflow …

Review Stalker Reloaded: A cross-site dashboard for reviews

A one-stop pinned tab, always checking for review opportunities on main and meta as aggressively as is useful between multiple sites you configure.

SENotifier, a Stack Exchange inbox notifier for Mac OS X

SENotifier is a Mac OS X app that shows the current contents of your Stack Exchange inbox in the menu bar.

Stack Exchange Global Flag Summary

Provides a network wide flag summary for all Stack Exchange sites. If you are logged into the Stack Exchange network and you have this script installed, you can visit the new flags tab in your Sta…

JavaScript SDK-based workflow never pushes message back from OAuth login_success page on Stack Exchange side

I'm using the JavaScript SDK by Stack Exchange provided with the latest API, and despite following the official instructions & examples it doesn't work - it seems there is a bug which breaks th…

Devy (Placeholder)

About I am developing a desktop application (Devy) for stackoverflow with enhanced user interface. Platform Windows, OS X Language NodeJS, Angular2

API “Hello World” code

The Stack Exchange API is based on HTTP and URLs, just like the web page you're browsing now. Except instead of HTML, the responses are all in JSON. Let's say we wanted to call the /info method: …

SEdictionary: A Domain-specific Dictionary for Software Engineering Terms

We developed a domain-specific dictionary for terms in Software Engineering called SEdictionary. The dictionary includes the the definitions of software-specific terms, abbreviations and synonyms, …

SOUP app placeholder

Nothing to see here. This is just a dummy post that will let me get write access to the API when combined with an access token whose scope includes write_access.

Sentinel - monitoring new answers to old questions

First there was Natty - looking for new answers to old questions that aren't actually answers, and posting them in a chatroom. Then there was Sentinel. Sentinel is the web dashboard for Natty. Th…

Got a Bad Status Line

Since about 10 AM US-CDT on August 8, 2015, I've been getting ('http protocol error', 0, 'got a bad status line', None) on a /users/{ids}/associated query after several successful such queries e…

Default Stack Exchange behavior interferes with my “Mark answers as favorites” code?

I'm developing a browser extension that lets users mark answers as favorites. The default Stack Exchange behavior when the favorite button is clicked messes everything up, though. Even if I set my …

Access token keeps being invalidated

For Stack Overflow Extras (SOX), a few users and myself have seen our access token being invalidated very often without any apparent reason. We aren't requesting new tokens (which would invalidat…

Copy post content as markdown — quick and easy way to quote people!

This is a userscript that converts the selected text to Markdown and allows you to quickly copy it. It is mainly useful for when copying from comments on posts, where you want to quote the user, o…

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