Show Me Your WP REST API v2 Apps

WordPress 4.4 development hit the ground running last week, only a few hours after the launch of 4.3. We’re already close to 100 commits, and digging through the 385 responses on my “what’s on your wishlist” post. One feature that many of you want is the WP REST API (heard of it?). Lots of work has gone into it, and some people are already using a flavor of it in production – two that I know of:

Both use version 1.*. I am working on an upgrade path for the NYT to version 2.

The point of this post is to solicit feedback from the general community:

  • What have you built using v2 of the REST API?
  • Are you running the project in production? If so, please post a link 🙂
  • Have you upgraded from v1 to v2? If so, how was it?
  • If you believe in the project, would like to see it in core, and haven’t built anything with it: what’s stopping you?

Let’s take the excitement everyone has for the feature and start stress-testing it. Build something. Anything! And then report your findings back here.