Integration for Luminate and Gravity Forms


If you’re using the Gravity Forms plugin, you can now integrate it with the Blackbaud Luminate CRM. This Add-On supports creating or updating Constituent records as well as Surveys.

To use this Add-On, you’ll need to:

  1. Have an licensed, active version of Gravity Forms >= 1.9.3
  2. Have a working Luminate instance, as well as Luminate API credentials (key, username, and password)
  3. Make sure the IP address of the server(s) you’re running this Add-On on is whitelisted with Luminate

If you meet those requirements, this plugin is for you, and should make building new forms and passing constituent data and/or survey responses into Luminate much easier than manually mucking with HTML forms provided by the platform.

Initial development of this plugin was funded in part by the Center for Victims of Torture.


  1. Upload the gravityforms-luminate directory to your plugins directory (typically /wp-content/plugins/)
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Navigate to Forms > Settings in the WordPress admin
  4. Click on “Luminate Constituents API” in the lefthand column of that page
  5. Enter your organization’s servlet (domain), organization short name, API key, API username, and API password
  6. Edit the “Settings” of individual forms to configure how data is fed into Luminate


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the gravityforms-luminate directory to your plugins directory (typically /wp-content/plugins/)
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Navigate to Forms > Settings in the WordPress admin
  4. Click on “Luminate Constituents API” in the lefthand column of that page
  5. Enter your organization’s servlet (domain), organization short name, API key, API username, and API password
  6. Edit the “Settings” of individual forms to configure how data is fed into Luminate
Does this work with Ninja Forms, Contact Form 7, Jetpack, etc?

Nope. This is specifically an Add-On for Gravity Forms and will not have any effect if installed an activated without it.

What version of Gravity Forms do I need?

You must be running at least Gravity Forms 1.9.3.

What kinds of data can this pass to Luminate?

Right now, this Add-On supports pushing Gravity Forms responses into Constituent records, and/or into Survey responses. It does not support advocacy forms or donation forms. It can pass data into any built-in Constituent field in Luminate, as well as into fields of any published Surveys.

My survey data isn’t making it into Luminate how I expected. Is this plugin broken?

Due to the flexibility of Luminate’s survey tool, it’s not possible at this time for this plugin to perform any validation on the field values being fed from the user into Luminate. The survey tool can be very particular about what it accepts: a minor mismatch in a field’s value (such as a misspelling) can cause Luminate to ignore/reject a provided value. If you’re having problems, your best bet is to triple-check that the Gravity Forms-generated field values exactly match the valid, acceptable field values defined in your survey.


Awesome plugin!

I have used this plugin with several of my clients. It’s easy to setup and easy to use. Anyone who has a WordPress site and Luminate Online should be using this plugin.

Read all 1 review

Contributors & Developers

“Integration for Luminate and Gravity Forms” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Implemented feature to support pushing data into Luminate Surveys (in addition to or instead of pushing to Constituents)
  • Minor UI adjustments to account for new features


  • Removing the groups feature, as there’s currently no reasonable way of getting just user-supplied groups via Luminate API.


  • Initial release.