Elementor Addon Elements


This plugin adds new elements/widgets to Elementor Page Builder.

For more details and demo check our official site http://www.elementoraddons.com/

Current Addon Elements:

  • Flip Box
  • Text Separator
  • Price Table
  • Post List
  • Shape Separator (Deprecated.. use shape separator available with Elementor)
  • Animated Text
  • Split Text
  • Google Map (with ability to add styles from Snazzy Maps)
  • Twitter (Show profile timeline, hashtag feed, tweet, follow and hashtag button)

Many more elements coming soon…

Also try our premium plugin “AnyWhere Elementor Pro” to create Global Post Layouts with Elementor

Note: This plugin is an addon of Elementor Page Builder (https://wordpress.org/plugins/elementor/) and will only work with Elementor Page Builder installed.


  • /assets/screenshot-1.png
  • /assets/screenshot-2.png
  • /assets/screenshot-3.png
  • /assets/screenshot-4.png


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
Where can i find the new element added

New elements are added at the end of default elementor elements.

How to set shape separator as full width.

Setting up separator can be little tricky for you initially.
Under section settings set
Stretch Section => yes
Content width => full width
Column gap => No gap


Adds great, subtle features to Elementor

Great plugin with tremendous support even for the free version. I don’t assume a developer can add a feature at 11:00PM Pacific time on a Friday night, within minutes of asking about it, but that’s what happened. I won’t count on that in the future, but pretty cool.

Highly Recommended Addon For Elementor – My rating 10 out of 5 Stars

I am really really satisfied with this plugin and its developers team. It is my favorite Elementor Addon. I use this in all my websites developed with Elementor 😀

My favorite elements are Text Separator and Split Text. They look tiny but they are really powerful.

Looking forward to new elements. Surprise me 😀

I can recommend this! Also.. a suggestion

Plugin works great, it’s a nice addition for both free and pro users of Elementor.

Suggestion: Please add social feeds like Instagram (especially that one! None of the plugins that come with a Widget play nicely with Elementor / GeneratePress.

excellent plugin

Well done guys – excellent plugin, but don`t show icons for elements in panel Elementor, i hope to fix it soon.

Read all 10 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Elementor Addon Elements” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • New Widget: Google Map (With support for Snazzy Maps)
  • New Widget: Twitter (Add timeline, tweet button, hashtag etc)
  • Enhancement: Added Fade effect in FlipBox widget.
  • Enhancement: Inline editing in Text Separator widget. Coming soon for other widgets.
  • Bug Fix: Typography issue in Animated Text widget.


  • Added new widget “Split Text”


  • Added gradient background option in Flipbox, Pricetable & Animated Text
  • Fix: css issue in Post List on mobile view.


  • New Element – Animated Text
  • Fixed issue: icons missing after elementor 1.0 release.
  • Fixed issue: now uses except in post list element if available.


  • Added more controls for price box section of Price Table
  • Fixed IE11 animation issue in flipbox.


  • Added responsive controls to Post List
  • Corrected typo in Post List controls


  • Fixed bug found in previous release. It broke text separator.


  • Fixed issue with icon css in various elements.
  • Fixed issue – text separator overlapping content below when aligned left or right.
  • Added new element Post List
  • Added new element Shape Separator


  • Fixed php notices issue while using with WP_DEBUG true.
  • Added width and align parameters to Text Separator. Now control the width and alignment of Text Separator.


  • Introducing new element – FLIP BOX
  • Fixed issue with price table border radius and background.


  • Initial Launch with Text Separator element and Price Table