GitHub pull request analysis helps fix the leak

If you follow SonarSource, you are probably aware of a simple and yet powerful paradigm that we’re using internally: the water leak concept. That is how we’ve been working on a daily basis at SonarSource since a couple of years already, using various features of SonarQube like “New Issues” notifications“Since previous version” differential period, and quality gates. These features allows us to make sure that no technical debt is introduced on new code. More recently, we have developed a brand new plugin to go even further in this direction: the SonarQube GitHub Plugin.

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Eating the dog food

The SonarQube platform includes an increasing powerful lineup of tools to manage technical debt. So why don’t you ever see SonarSourcers using Nemo, the official public instance, to manage the debt in the SonarQube code? Because there’s another, bleeding-edge instance where we don’t just manage our own technical debt, we also test our code changes, as soon as possible after they’re made.

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