Sonar TV : configuring coding rules

A new video has been added to Sonar TV. After “Install Sonar”, “Chasing duplications” and “TimeMachine”, Configuring coding rules is now part of the collection…

Sonar TV : A short video for every key feature

In the last couple of weeks, we’ve started making short videos on Sonar, each one showing a dedicated feature in 1 or 2 minutes. Those videos are a good starting point for people wanting to have a rapid but comprehensive view of the Sonar platform. Our animation studios are still pretty young but here are the first three films : chasing duplications, installing Sonar and TimeMachine. Your feedback to improve the next productions is highly welcome.
In order to make the videos, we tested several tools and decided to buy Screenflow. From all the ones we tested, Screenflow is really the best : easy to use, fast with just the effects we were looking for… and all that for $99. Its only weakness : it runs on Mac, but is it really a weakness ;-)

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