Sonar at the Haus

We mentioned it already in a previous post : Codehaus aka the Haus is probably the best forge available for business friendly open source projects; they have a very pragmatic approach to software development which leads them to choose and provide the best collaborative tools available on the market.

Since a couple of weeks, to make the service even better, the Haus has decided to offer Sonar as a service. This was announced on the Haus blog (inaugurated at that occasion !). The principle is very simple : projects must simply use Bambo hosted at Codehaus and create a job that runs mvn sonar:sonar.

After Nemo, the public instance of Sonar that can be used as a SaaS by open source projects, this is an important step toward mass adoption of code quality management tools.

Nemo, public demo of Sonar

You’re interested in Sonar but you don’t want to loose your time with its installation (even if it’s really simple ;o) ? Just have a look at Nemo, our public instance of the last version of Sonar. This is a new experience for us, so let’s say it’s a BETA service. We will see if performance and stability are acceptable enough without increasing hardware resources.

For your information, measures are realized on some open-source projects we selected among those criteria : use of subversion/maven2 and successful compilation.

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