Sonar ecosystem upgrades to Java 8

With the release of SonarQube version 5.6, the entire Sonar ecosystem will drop support for Java 7. This means you won’t be able to run new versions of the SonarQube server, execute an analysis, or use SonarLint with a JVM < 8.

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SonarAnalyzer for Java: Tricky Bugs are Running Scared

For the past year, the SonarSource team behind the SonarAnalyzer for Java has invested most of its time in developing a Symbolic Execution engine in order to find the kind of tricky bugs that are almost uncatchable by developers unaided.

The SonarAnalyzer for Java’s new symbolic execution engine allows it to statically trace all the execution paths in a piece of code. We’ll probably do a blog post in the near future to explain all the related concepts: Program Point, Program State, Symbolic Value, Control Flow Graph, Stack of Symbolic Values, Constraints on Symbolic Values, … but for the time being let’s just see the engine in action.

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SonarQube Java Analyzer : The Only Rule Engine You Need

If you have been following the releases of the Java plugin, you might have noticed that we work on two major areas for each release: we improve our semantic analysis of Java, and we provide a lot of new rules.

Another thing you might have noticed, thanks to the tag system introduced by the platform last year, is that we are delivering more and more rules tagged with “bug” and “security”. This is a trend we’ll try to strengthen on the Java plugin to provide users valuable rules that detect real problems in their code, and not just formatting or code convention issues.

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