SQALE, the ultimate Quality Model to assess Technical Debt

Six months ago, we would never have believed that one day we would be happy and excited to write about the implementation of a Quality Model in Sonar. Indeed the Quality Models that we knew at the time (most of them are based on ISO 9126 standard) are complex, expensive to implement, can be understood only by an elite of quality experts and are not fun at all. Displaying a global rating on an application is easy but insuring that this rating can be understood in less than 5 minutes by every stakeholder is much more difficult. Implementing one of those Quality Models in Sonar was a kind of non-sense, even if this feature was highly requested by big companies. Indeed they were in contradiction with the vision behind Sonar :

Managing the source code quality should be simple, should be cheap, should be accessible by all stakeholders (developer, architect, project manager, top manager, …), should be valuable and should be fun (without pleasure, perfection cannot be reached) !

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