Differentials: but wait, there’s more!

In my last two posts I talked about differentials. First, it was the four ways they show you what’s changed in your code from “then” to now, and then why the ability to see those changes is important.

You’d think I’d be done. There’s no more left to say about differentials, right? Wrong. If this were an infomercial, it would be now that I’d say “but wait, there’s more!” This time I’ll talk about the last few pieces of the differentials story I haven’t told you yet: alerts; filter values; extra differential periods; and version differentials, and about how to use them effectively.

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Using differentials to move the team in the right direction

In my last post I talked about differentials, which are my favorite feature in SonarQube. I could have – perhaps should have – talked about the philosophy behind them, but I didn’t want to muddy the waters. So this time it’s about philosophy.

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