The SonarQube platform offers numerous features to help you make your Continuous Inspection process a success. Here are the main ones:

At a Glance

Whether you want to manage code quality at the file, module, project or portfolio level, SonarQube’s numerous perspectives offer quick insight. Take a look at, our public instance of SonarQube to see what to expect.


For All Stakeholders

Developers can keep their new code clean with a focus on the Leak in the IDE, in pull requests, and in SonarQube itself. Meanwhile, Governance views let managers focus on the big picture.


Stop the Leak!

When dealing with broken plumbing, common sense says you should fix the leak before mopping the floor. That is why the platform provides the ability to track quality on new code: recently introduced issues, lack of test coverage on new code, etc. Once found, issues can easily be assigned for mop-up.


Languages Support

More than 20 different languages, including Java, C#, C/C++, Cobol, PL/SQL, ABAP, Javascript, PHP, Web, XML, etc. are supported. The platform also offers the ability to add your own rules on those languages.


Pre-Commit Check

Source code can be checked before pushing changes to the SCM directly in the IDE with SonarLint for Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and Visual Studio or on the command line with SonarLint for Command Line. SonarLint lets you make sure that you are not introducing new quality issues. Watch screencasts


Zoom to the Source

Whatever you are looking at, a project, group of projects, and so on, you can break down any metric in a few clicks, and drill down to the source of the information: the source code!



Quality analyses can be easily integrated into any continuous integration server to fully automate the process. This lets you easily put in place a process of Continuous Inspection.



Extensibility is part of the DNA of the platform, which can be extended with the 60+ plugins that are available through the SonarQube plugins library. You can also develop your own plugins.



Integration comes out of the box with standard ALM components such as Maven, Ant, SVN, Git, Mercurial, JIRA, Mantis, Google Analytics, Piwik, Fortify…

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