The SonarQube Ecosystem is made up of the SonarQube Platform and a suite of Plugins hosted on public infrastructure:

Source code is hosted on two Github organisations: SonarSource and SonarQube Community
Continuous integration is performed on
Travis CI.
Issues are tracked on JIRA.


How to contribute

Can’t get enough of SonarQube? So gung-ho that just using it isn’t enough anymore? There are plenty of ways to contribute. First, you may want to build SonarQube. Then you’ll be ready to jump in and get your hands dirty:

Give feedback on documentation

You have struggled getting started? Something is missing or not up to date? Feel free to give your feedback on the developer documentation. To do so, just post a new thread on the “SonarQube” Google group.

Contribute to existing plugins

Browse the list of existing plugins and pick up one you’d like to contribute to. Browse its source code and its open work tickets. Discuss your plan on the “SonarQube” Google group, browse the developer guideline, code and have fun.

Share or develop a new plugin

Already developed a plugin and want to share it? You’d like to develop a new one? Visit the Your Plugin in SonarQube Update Center and hop on the “SonarQube” Google group to discuss your goal, get feedback and find contributors to help you.

Discuss the API

You have encountered some issues while developing your plugin. Feel free to comment on the API so that it can be improved. To do so, just post a new thread on the “SonarQube” Google group.

Help fellow developers

Help fellow developers by answering their questions on the “SonarQube” Google group.

Join SonarSource

You love SonarQube and want to move from contributor to full time employee at SonarSource. Just check out our job offers.


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offers free license for JProfiler

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trademarks of SonarSource SA. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights are expressly reserved.