
Make WordPress Core

Custom Query


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Results (1 - 100 of 261)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#5034 Impossible to have duplicate category slugs with different parents assigned high Future Release Taxonomy
#5942 Add Owner role reopened normal Awaiting Review Role/Capability
#7740 Merge Tags new normal Future Release Taxonomy
#8994 Incorporate MediaRSS Plugin into core new technosailor normal Future Release Feeds
#10660 Time zone suggester based on nascent WordPress.org API call assigned rmccue normal Future Release Date/Time
#11725 Add start and count attributes to gallery shortcode new normal Future Release Gallery
#11895 Allow more specific image size editing new normal Future Release Media
#12208 Add Quick Edit To Media Library new normal Future Release Quick/Bulk Edit
#12423 Include default code editor assigned georgestephanis normal 4.9 Editor
#12477 Search with special characters and similar terms new nbachiyski normal Future Release I18N
#12684 Add Edit to Bulk Actions menu on Categories screen assigned dipalidhole27gmailcom normal Future Release Quick/Bulk Edit
#12702 Enable sticky post checkbox for custom post type Publish metabox reopened normal Awaiting Review Posts, Post Types
#12717 Ability to create new theme files. reviewing nacin normal Future Release Themes
#12801 Add Info link to plugins management screen reviewing chriscct7 normal Future Release Plugins
#12877 Modular themes: Apply template hierarchy to folders within a theme new normal Future Release Themes
#12955 Add get_post filter new normal Future Release Posts, Post Types
#13269 Ability to list by user role in wp_dropdown_users new normal Future Release Role/Capability
#13816 There should be built-in index pages for taxonomies new normal Future Release Taxonomy
#13910 Get Menu name with wp_nav_menu() reviewing chriscct7 normal 4.9 Menus
#14215 MultiSite: Add new > different username from blog title new normal Future Release Networks and Sites
#14364 "Now" button for current date in update post published date and time reviewing chriscct7 normal Future Release Editor
#14375 Post pagination should have a show all option reopened normal Future Release Posts, Post Types
#14460 New Permission for no_user_edit so users with edit_users can't edit it new normal Future Release Users
#14569 Assign plugins on a per-site-basis new normal Future Release Plugins
#14781 Allow upload of PHP files as plugin new normal Future Release Upgrade/Install
#14877 Ability to create exclusive custom taxonomies accepted helen normal Future Release Taxonomy
#14969 menu element "all (direct) child pages" new normal Future Release Menus
#15332 dbDelta($query) - do not create view reopened normal Future Release Database
#15691 Network admin should have its own settings API new normal Future Release Plugins
#15953 when category slug is changed, old uri also should redirect to new, as post uris do new normal Future Release Permalinks
#15971 Add ability to rate and report compatibility of plugins from wp-admin new normal Future Release Plugins
#16020 Upload custom avatar for user in Dashboard reviewing nacin normal Future Release Users
#16252 Allow comment reparenting to fix poor threading new normal Future Release Comments
#16443 We need a way to programmatically tell if we are in a sidebar new normal Future Release Widgets
#16460 Category/tag converter should support all public taxonomies new normal WordPress.org Import
#16910 Lazy evaluation for WP_Query new normal Future Release Query
#17142 Prettier gallery display and navigation through core reopened normal Awaiting Review Gallery
#18146 Add user-level timezone setting assigned swissspidy normal Future Release Users
#18161 Bulk action: Add user to multiple sites reopened normal Future Release Users
#18162 Bulk action: Add multiple users to a site new normal Future Release Users
#18163 Include more usermeta fields in the Network Admin's "Add User" view new normal Future Release Users
#18630 Custom Comment Validation Error new normal Awaiting Review Comments
#18848 Filter post listing screen by post parent assigned johnbillion normal Awaiting Review Posts, Post Types
#19627 Themes should be able to opt-in to a static front page assigned normal Future Release Themes
#19770 Implement browser-side resizing with Plupload new normal Awaiting Review Upload
#19834 More Robust Capabilities for Attachments new normal Awaiting Review Media
#19912 Add Widget Groups and Locations new normal Future Release Widgets
#20140 Ask old password to change user password assigned normal Future Release Security
#20194 Add Description meta to General Settings new normal Awaiting Review General
#20947 feature request: one-click update for core, themes and plugins (all in one) new normal Awaiting Review Upgrade/Install
#21170 JavaScript actions and filters assigned adamsilverstein normal 4.9 General
#21256 New theme feature - add_theme_support( 'content-width', $defaults ) assigned chriscct7 normal Awaiting Review Themes
#21666 Customizer reset/undo/revert assigned melchoyce normal 4.9 Customize
#21834 Comment History new normal Awaiting Review Comments
#22114 Propagating password on change assigned chriscct7 normal Awaiting Review Users
#22937 Bulk Actions > Edit could allow batch-assignment of taxonomies to Media following the WP 3.5 media changes new normal Future Release Media
#23285 Implement an AMD JavaScript loader in WordPress new normal Future Release Script Loader
#23431 [embed] shortcode doesn't work with do_shortcode() new normal Future Release Embeds
#23616 General Handler for Whitelisted Options' Submissions new normal Future Release Options, Meta APIs
#23950 Company recognition new normal WordPress.org WordPress.org site
#24152 Use JSON as alternative to headers reopened normal Awaiting Review Themes
#24776 Need Filter Hooks on Creating Slug - Check Availability of Slug if That is Used for Post, Page, Taxonomy or any Plugin new normal Awaiting Review Permalinks
#25006 Display date pages from categories with permalinks new normal Awaiting Review Permalinks
#25117 The distribution build process should be fully available to anyone. reopened normal Future Release Build/Test Tools
#25137 Enable safe mode to run WordPress without loading plugins reopened normal Awaiting Review Bootstrap/Load
#25435 Introduce alternative to do_shortcode( '[shortcode]' ) assigned rmccue normal 4.9 Shortcodes
#25546 Improve Post Previews new normal Awaiting Review Editor
#25927 Remove the theme information from style.css and add a theme manifest file reopened normal Awaiting Review Themes
#27404 Widget Customizer: Allow adding inactive widgets to widget areas assigned melchoyce normal 4.9 Widgets
#27860 Media Upload: Incorrect renaming increment for retina files new normal Future Release Upload
#27888 Feature request: `get_current_admin_url()` and `get_current_admin_hook()` assigned lucatume normal Awaiting Review Administration
#28006 Add visual cues when viewing drafts on the frontend assigned normal Awaiting Review Posts, Post Types
#28324 Add primary and secondary color definitions to admin color schemes and add function to retrieve color scheme info new normal Awaiting Review Administration
#28463 Need core concept of the first publication of a post/comment. new normal Awaiting Review Posts, Post Types
#28635 Add status codes and hooks to wp-cron.php reviewing chriscct7 normal Awaiting Review Cron API
#29368 Pasted media do not appear in the library new normal Awaiting Review Media
#29728 Could be very useful 'wp_remove_nav_menu_item' new normal Awaiting Review Menus
#29798 unified theme and plugin uploader new normal Awaiting Review General
#29872 Permalink Structure Tags buttons assigned swissspidy normal 4.9 Permalinks
#30169 show available languages in theme details new normal Awaiting Review Themes
#30439 Twenty Fourteen: Social Menu assigned janhenckens normal Future Release Bundled Theme
#30610 Multisite Theme Usage Report new normal Awaiting Review Themes
#30628 Plupload improvements new normal Future Release Media
#30982 Meta query in pre_get_posts new normal Future Release Query
#31278 Suggestion For Menus new normal Awaiting Review Menus
#31284 List tables with fixed header on scroll new normal Future Release Administration
#31383 Add WP_Tax_Query support to WP_User_Query new normal Future Release Query
#31414 Paginating Themes, Plugins, and Media new normal Awaiting Review Networks and Sites
#31688 The Ability to Align oEmbedded Content new normal Awaiting Review Embeds
#31693 Feature Request - Child theme as standard feature new normal Awaiting Review Themes
#31974 Separation of Views and static data, such as mime-type arrays from logic code new normal Awaiting Review General
#32067 Remove inline javascript from WP-Core to allow CSP protection new normal Awaiting Review Security
#32528 Create a new search_form_content hook in get_search_form() new normal Awaiting Review General
#32607 Function for URL to registered scripts and styles new normal Awaiting Review Script Loader
#32639 A URL Agnostic Wordpress new normal Awaiting Review General
#32656 Add hooks to allow hijacking cron implementation assigned rmccue normal Awaiting Review Cron API
#32658 Post media attachments should show assigned media by default new normal Awaiting Review Media
#32824 Consistent search fields between posts and terms new normal Awaiting Review Posts, Post Types
#33252 Add a Faster SHORTINIT-like admin-ajax Alternative new normal Awaiting Review General
#33346 Convert the browser update check to an asynchronous request new normal Awaiting Review Administration
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.