Virus Scanner Pro for Mac | Mac Virus Scan | Kaspersky Lab

Kaspersky Virus Scanner Pro for Mac

Get the solution that finds and removes a range of the latest threats from your Mac

How safe is your digital life?

As more and more malware targets you and your Mac – including dangerous software disguised as safe apps – you need a Mac solution that gets results.

How it works

  • Safe Downloads

    Automatically checks all the files that get into your Downloads folder. And if a problem is found, it offers an easy solution.

  • Finding and Removing various viruses

    Helps find and remove a range of viruses, Trojans and more by offering easy-to-follow instructions on how to fix the problem.

  • Removing various Mac, Windows® & Android™ viruses

    Avoids the embarrassment of sending a virus to your friends or colleagues by helping find and remove a range of malware, not only for Mac, but also for Windows and Android.

  • Total compatibility

    Can work alongside any antivirus software you might already be running – so you can double-check the security of your Mac.

  • Free daily auto-updates*

    FREE daily malware database auto-updates – to scan your Mac for the latest known threats.

    *Free malware database updates will be available while Kaspersky Virus Scanner Pro for Mac is supported by Kaspersky Lab. Kaspersky Lab reserves the right to discontinue updates when the product is superseded or discontinued.

  • Latest Mac support

    Compatible with the latest operating systems and supports Retina display… so your Mac virus remover interface is as sharp as other apps.

Choose your level of protection

    • Checks your Mac for viruses – on demand
    • Automatically delivers daily product updates
    • Automatically scans all files that get in the Downloads folder
    • Gives step-by-step guidance on removing various viruses
    • Automatically delivers proactive protection
    • Defends your privacy – from webcam spies & web behavior tracking
    • Protects your money during online banking & shopping
    • Safeguards your children from online dangers
    • Blocks malicious network attacks
    • Warns about unsafe websites – before you visit them
    • Automatically scans email & attachments
  • Kaspersky
    Virus Scanner Pro
    for Mac


    • BUY NOW

System Requirements

Hardware requirements:
  • Mac-based computer with Intel® processor
  • 500 MB of free space on the hard drive
  • 1 GB memory (RAM)
General requirements:
  • An Internet connection – for product installation, activation and updates
  • Apple ID to install the product and receive product updates via App Store
Operating system compatibility:
  • OS X 10.11
  • OS X 10.10
  • OS X 10.9

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