
Archive for October, 2004

Usually when I'm discussing computers with my parents, it's always me telling them about one thing or another. But since I don't use Macs that often, my mother showed ME something I didn't know about Mac IE (I was pleading with her to use another browser). The one feature she was reluctant to give up […]

29 Oct, 2004

Notify users of comment moderation

Posted by: Jennifer In: WordPress Hacks

Feedback to users about what is happening on the site is always a good thing. Especially if it's to tell them why a comment they just submitted is not appearing on the site. WordPress Hack: Notify Users of Moderation Mark has a hack that will pop up a javascript alert to let users know when […]

29 Oct, 2004

Comment Link Plugin

Posted by: Jennifer In: WordPress Bookmarks to Plugins

Ever want to have the comment link text be customized per post. For example, one post has "Leave a comment". The next post has "What do you think?". etc. Here's the plugin that will let you do it. Weblog Tools Collection – Comment Link Plugin

29 Oct, 2004

Foxy Licious

Posted by: Jennifer In: FireFox Extension Bookmarks

Just spotted this on the news blog: Foxylicious Import your bookmarks into firefox. Need I say it? Ok.. so freakin' cool.

26 Oct, 2004

Quick Reference guides for CSS, mySQL (plus others)

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

This is another one I've found and linked to on Quick Reference Guides There's one for CSS and mySQL among a few others. A two sided cheat-sheat. VERY cool.

25 Oct, 2004

Continue vs. Break (in while loops)

Posted by: Jennifer In: Lessons learned

(note to self type post) Using "continue" in the middle of a while loop will skip the current iteration and go back to the beginning of the loop (checking the while value again). Using "break" in the middle of a while loop will break the loop entirely. (no more looping) So this code <?php $i […]

25 Oct, 2004

Button Element

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks|Lessons learned

Hello, I'd like to take HTML 101. So I was working on a form. Used this method to create the form. Minimal HTML. Simple CSS. Started playing around with the :focus pseudo-class… and that's when I noticed my submit button started looking crummy. (From a usability perspective, I think there are some things that SHOULDN'T […]

Another one I'm linking to on my page, but too cool I had to blog too: ColorZilla Extension for Firefox and Mozilla Gives you a little color picker in firefox so if you hit a page and you just have to know what that color is on the site, you can use the picker […]

23 Oct, 2004

Pocket PC Browser (other than Pocket IE!)

Posted by: Jennifer In: product review

Since buying my pocket pc phone, I have struggled with the version of IE that's on it. It's AWFUL. COMPLETELY awful! This morning I started searching for an alternative and found Access Net Front (v 3.1). Downloaded the trial. OMG. This thing ROCKS! Tabbed browsing. Better support for pages that used to force IE to […]

Mark has come up with an innovative way to handle those nasty spam comments that sometimes make it past the spam words list: Snowball Effect Plugin As described on Mark's blog: The plugin works by checking to see if there are any comments in moderation or that have been posted in the last 24 hours […]

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  • Scott: Just moved changed the site URL as WP's installed in a subfolder. Cookie clearance worked for me. Thanks!
  • Stephen Lareau: Hi great blog thanks. Just thought I would add that it helps to put target = like this:1-800-555-1212 and
  • Cord Blomquist: Jennifer, you may want to check out, a new service my company just launched that converts TypePad and Movable Type export files into WordPre

