"Association of Universal Design development “Accessible urban Environment" is established by collective decree of companies that are engaged in accessible environmental issues.

Partnership gather many large and well known companies that produce goods, services in order to provide accessible environment for people with limited physical abilities. Our members are design and construction companies in Moscow and Russia, as well as foreign companies equipped by advanced technologies and high experience employees.

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"Accessible Environment" Program
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About the partnership

Ознакомьтесь с краткой историей создания Партнерства, а также узнайте о тех, кого мы хотим видеть в своих рядах.


Our goals

Узнайте о наших миссии и целях, а также о вкладе Партнерства в развитие городской инфраструктуры и общества в целом.


Areas of work

Ознакомьтесь с конкретными средствами и методами, применяемыми в процессе реализации нашей глобальной миссии.



Оцените уровень и масштабы реализуемых нами проектов, а также достигнутых результатов в работе.



Будьте в курсе всех последних новостей и событий, а так же узнайте о предстоящих мероприятиях, организуемых Партнерством.


Non commercial partnership "Association of Universal Design development" Accessible urban Environment" welcome entities that strive to reach business sustainability and persons who is not indifferent to Russia destiny.

We hope that our members provided by advanced technologies and qualified support of colleagues will obtain high level of universal design principles understanding. Involvement makes possible to have immediate information support from experts and specialists on accessible environment establishment.

Advantages For Members

Of On Commercial Partnership "Association Of Universal Design Development"

Improving the company image

Broadening and development of contacts

Increasing competitive ability

Marketing facilities and counseling

Participation in various government and non-government programs, aimed to improve and develop universal design principles

Enlarge company’s chances to innovations