Hey folks! This is a very good time to launch a new KL Global Fan Club! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and may the Force be with you!

I wish everybody from our fans to be at our NY party last Friday. Because this was something completely different from any other party we ever had. We'll definitely think about it next year to have at least some of you on board.

Meanwhile, here is a quick report from the party. Right off the press!


F1 Championship for Fans in 2017 season!

For 3 years now we at KL FC RU are having our own F1 championship with some very special gifts from Ferrari and Kaspersky Lab.

As soon as we most likely will run it for our Global Fan Club next year we would like you to check it out, while it's still 100% russian - what do you think of design? What is great? What is awful?

We for sure will read all comments and will try to make final "product" even better.

Current link:


Leave your comments here.

Kaspersky Motorsport

How to dycript a files incrypted by Ransomeware virus "Zepto"

Ask Eugene Kaspersky


how to prevent this attacker?


Ask Eugene Kaspersky
Whizard: Please contact https://center.kasperksy.com for support with KL products. Thanks!
Would you like to get KPM Premium for free?  share with your friends and use yourself!

XSB75fSgFIP9aeuuLLSVBOPfFXObozU3.png?w=210th anniversary of kaspersky lab`s forumMy friends are my treasure! Kaspersky Lab has a lot of gifts for us! Choose your one and enjoy! #KasperskyFriends10years.kaspersky.com


Life of the Fan Club
user626: I got one! Thanks KL

We are three adults in this household (some  are long past 18!) and have Kaspersky installed on multiple devices. Works well I guess, because no infections for the moment... But one thing drives us all CRAZY
There is no way to turn of the nag screen that says "Recommendations: Parental control is disabled". Not that we are all looking at "soft porn" but we really do not need to have our browsing habits controlled by a "responsible adult..."

Surely there must be a way to turn this off? Or at least to say "Thanks but no thanks!" Anyone found an answer?

Product support
DonKid: Unfortunately there isn´t a way to disable this notification.
Photo form FC Event !!!! NEW!!!

Yohooooo!  photos from our 10th anyversary event!!!

for view:  https://yadi.sk/d/u83mxagVtTTsW

for print:  https://yadi.sk/d/1ipodTCZtTTw2

​if you have problems  - write me

Life of the Fan Club
Photo form FC Event !!!! NEW!!!

Yohooooo!  photos from our event

for view:  https://yadi.sk/d/u83mxagVtTTsW

for print:  https://yadi.sk/d/1ipodTCZtTTw2

​if you have problems  - write me!!!

10th B-party - photo

Hello,  I'm a 'newbie', having just bought the interenet support application, which so far I'm happy with. I ran my first scan yesterday and found several bugs weren't found in     CleanMy Mac.  This morning, I came in and as I got settled, a notice flashed up in the upper right hand corner of my screen, but I couldnt' read it fast enough, nor could I find anywhere that I could go back to read that notice. Can someone please tell me if there is somewhere I can go to reread those flash messages?  Thank you much. 

Product support
Whizard: Please contact support.kaspersky.com/b2c
Евгений , добрый день.
Подскажите пожалуйста установил пробную версию Каспера на ноутбуке (винда 7) , после установки и проверки системы всплыло окно об не безопасном подключении к сети вай фай и произошло отключение , теперь ноут не видит сеть ваф фай совсем .
Ask Eugene Kaspersky
pacman: 1 - Евгений Касперский не оказывает техническую поддержку. 2 - Данный сайт направлен на англоязычное сообщество. Вам сюда http://forum.kasperskycl...

Hi, guys!
I recently logged into my Kaspersky account and saw that my KTS which had been installed on my laptop since early 2015 was not listed in my account. So, I decided to add its activation key to the account. After I had done that, it took a while for the website to sort out the settings. But to my surprise, it is showing my mobile phone as the device using the KTS. How can I fix that? And should I be concerned?
P.S.: At the time I added the key, my phone was connected to my laptop via USB port. Can it be the reason?

Product support
persophile: Thank you very much for the follow-up, NeoUnicorn! It seems there's no way left but to do what you recommended. Hope it will be resolved soon. :)
Our Party.
Life of the Fan Club
Forsetti: Awesome!

Hi Eugene,
I purchased total security,but am not able to install passowrd manager for my iphone

it is prompting as this product is no available in india

Ask Eugene Kaspersky
Whizard: Please contact KL Support in your region: http://support.kaspersky.com/b2c

I am on win 10 using kaspersky
total security ver 2016 and I
cannot see my NAS drive unless I pause kaspersky then all works fine

Product support
DonKid: What version of Windows 10 do you have ?

Dear all, HELPPPPP.
My Kasperky application won't load. It started running and it keeps running ever since. I have on my screen that annoying message with Kaspersky Internet Security loading application. And it just keeps loading and loading...
What can I do???
Thanks a lot to you Kasperkians :)

Product support
anamar: Dear Marius ans Richbuff, After two days of loading and loading... and after I decided to put your suggestion into action I switch on my Dell and sup...
#ITYogaChallenge started! Take part and win the prize!
May be you know, that today this World is celebrating The International Yoga day! This year Kaspersky Lab decided to do it more.... IT - style!
Repeate our asanas and publish your photo here with the hashtag #ITYogaChallenge until 26 June and get 500 Points for partisipation and unique KL branded Bags as a winner! We will announce 3 winners!

so.... ready? just try! :))) enjoy our IT Yoga!

Asana "Twisted pair"



About Kaspersky Lab
KSeC beta testing 2.0!!!

Hello, fans!
Recently we conducted beta-testing of our new Kaspersky Secure Connection functionality. We`ve fixed lots of issues based on your feedback and made some modifications and would like to ask you to test our new build.
Here is what was changed:

       Modified logic when we enable VPN connection:          by default it won’t get auto-enabled          instead we would show a notification with a button to enable VPN        Fixed issues when VPN cannot be enabled because of technical constraints of current internet connection        Fixed issues with 3rd party apps’ internet access when VPN is enabled (games, email clients, etc)        User interface...
About Kaspersky Lab
Whizard: Thats true, the current round of testing is over.
Happy 10th anniversary!

Happy 10th anniversary!

Have a great celebration and a good time.
I would be glad if you share some pictures with us.

Life of the Fan Club
ABUSAIF: Congratulations to all the participants of the event

dear Mr.
how to decrypte LOCKY File?

Product support
DonKid: Do you have Kaspersky installed ? Kaspersky can detect it. See this link https://blog.kaspersky.com/locky-ransomware/11667/ If you don´t have Kaspers...

installed beta of Total Security on my Surface Pro 2 Tablet running Windows 10 and Total Security spams my Action Center every minutes "Error connecting to My Kaspersky" if i click that action it points me to

Cannot connect to My Kaspersky portal when installing a Kaspersky Lab productTo connect to the registration server, add an allowing rule for port 443 in the Windows Firewall settings.support.kaspersky.com


which is 2 times...

Product support
kmscom: Establish version Total Security. Use version 10585 OS Windows 10. Technical support is given during the work on release the version of O...

New Quiz is available!!!! Check your knowledge about Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 and get 2000 bonuses for 0 mistakes and 1000 bonuses for 1-3 mistakes!



Life of the Fan Club
Kaspersky Secure Connection beta-testing!!!

Hello, fans!!!

Kaspersky Lab is getting ready to launching new 2017 products (KAV\KIS\KTS), which include new Kaspersky Secure Connection (KSeC) functionality. KSeC delivers additional protection layer blocking interception of your data while you’re online. This is achieved by establishing a secure encrypted VPN tunnel and is especially important when using unsafe Wi-Fi networks.
Same as any new technology does, KSeC requires large-scale testing. And we invite KL FanClub members to participate in our limited beta-testing.
As usual we would reward active participants with great gifts, and those most active – even with greater gifts such as 1000 points.
Please send your feedback...

About Kaspersky Lab
user626: Works fine. But once I run the KSeC and initiate VPN connection the system just fall down into BSOD (klflt.sys) and restart. It happed only once (!) a...
Invisible skimmers at the ATMs

Be aware of skimmers at the ATMs.


Kaspersky Projects