
आपण @rdevro यांना अवरोधित केले आहे

आपणास निश्चितपणे ही ट्विट्स पहायची आहेत? तसे केल्याने @rdevro यांना अनब्लॉक केले जाणार नाही.

  1. पिन केलेल्या ट्विट्स
    ४ मे

    Thousands of migrants have died in Arizona's desert. I spent a year reporting on aid volunteers whose efforts to save lives put them in the government’s crosshairs. One, Scott Warren, faces 20 years in prison — he’s telling his story for the first time.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  2. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    २६ जुलै

    wait since we’re on the subject, remember the time my journalism school wanted to kick me out of their DC program for tweeting that my parents are immigrants while I was an immigration reporter

    पूर्ववत् करा
  3. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    २६ जुलै

    Bronx prosecutors threw the book at a 24-yo father of one this morning, who had turned himself in for throwing water at cops. He was held on $3,500 bail and faces felony charges.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  4. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    २५ जुलै

    Border Patrol chief Carla Provost acknowledged her membership in a secret Facebook group during a congressional hearing on Wednesday, and faced questions over the existence of a "pervasive sub-culture" among agents posting racist, sexist and violent posts.

    पूर्ववत् करा
  5. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    २५ जुलै

    I'm trying to think of an explanation for this that isn't really, really bad. Like chilling to the bone bad. I'm not coming up with one.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  6. २४ जुलै
    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  7. २४ जुलै

    New info on the secret Border Patrol Facebook group: BP chief Carla Provost is testifying before a House Appropriations subcommittee — she confirms our reporting that she was a group member and says she self-reported her membership to the Office of Professional Responsibility

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  8. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    २२ जुलै

    How a seemingly innocuous, random tip — that even singled out a target for explicitly humanitarian work — led to Border Patrol's massive, 2-plus-year-long effort to put Scott Warren and others behind bars. reports:

    पूर्ववत् करा
  9. २२ जुलै

    This is a big deal. In 2017, shortly after Trump's EO's went into effect, I wrote about what maximum enforcement of expedited removal could look like — here: It didn't come to fruition immediately but it now appears it might

    पूर्ववत् करा
  10. २१ जुलै

    NEW: How the Border Patrol began its investigation into No More Deaths volunteer Scott Warren

    पूर्ववत् करा
  11. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    १९ जुलै

    “There is a corporate media system — Twitter, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal — that wants Andy Ngo, that needs Andy Ngo, and it prefers him with a black eye because it’s better content.” Brilliant piece by — who was there in Portland:

    पूर्ववत् करा
  12. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    १८ जुलै

    “How did 10,000 members join this group ... including the CBP chief — how were they in this Facebook group without anybody knowing?” asked Rep. , citing an Intercept report.

    पूर्ववत् करा
  13. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    १६ जुलै

    SCOOP: has tried to distinguish its work with ICE from deportations. But internal emails prove ICE agents are **actively** deploying Palantir tech during workplace raids:

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  14. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    १६ जुलै

    It’s rare to hear border patrol officers reflect off-script about their work and why they do it, especially now, when what they do has become so disturbing. One agent agreed to speak. My latest:

    पूर्ववत् करा
  15. १५ जुलै

    In 2014, published a damning, must-read feature on the culture of corruption in CBP. This piece is essentially the sequel to that piece and it’s worth your time

    पूर्ववत् करा
  16. १५ जुलै

    "U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials said Monday that 62 current and eight former Border Patrol employees are under internal investigation following revelations of a secret Facebook group that mocked lawmakers and migrants."

    पूर्ववत् करा
  17. १५ जुलै

    What the administration's policy of forcing asylum seekers to remain in Mexico looks like on the ground in Ciudad Juárez, courtesy of — this is beyond grim

    पूर्ववत् करा
  18. १३ जुलै

    That a senior CBP/BP intel official would deem it wise and useful to circulate content like this (using his work address) does not reflect well on CBP/BP intel decisions

    पूर्ववत् करा
  19. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    १३ जुलै

    One more reason I'm lucky to get to do this job: While I'm drawing my dog with a crayon and adorable kiddos draw houses and trees, a grandma who appeared overcome with emotion came in and gave everyone a hug. She didn't say anything, she just wanted to give everyone a hug.

    पूर्ववत् करा
  20. १२ जुलै

    Bit more fallout from the BP FB group: at the end of today's oversight hearing, Jennifer Costello, acting DHS IG, confirmed that due to the reports that leadership knew about the group and did nothing, her office will be reviewing the matter in addition to CBP's investigation.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  21. १२ जुलै

    News of the chief's participation in the Facebook group comes as , , and are right now testifying before and the House Oversight and Reform Committee about their recent border visit. Watch here:

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा

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