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Formica Counters: Better than the Real Thing

Formica isn't a particular material so much as the industry term for a particular type of structure. In fact, it's a copyrighted brand name, but it is often used to refer to any...Read more about Formica Counters



Budget-Friendly Granite Counters

If you've been following any of the latest trends in home design you know that natural stone countertops are the most talked about product on the market...Read more about Granite Counters



Kansas City Granite Counters

Are you tired looking at that old laminate counter stained with BBQ sauce? Would you like to be able to use your counter as a cutting board? Or what about being able to put...Read more about Kansas City Granite Counter

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Discount Countertops for Your Kitchen or Bath

For many homeowners the high price of granite and other stone countertops make these highly prized and beautiful countertops out of reach. Fortunately, there are more cost effective...Read on about Discount Countertops


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