List Last Changes


Shows a list of the last changes in the widget area, via shortcode or in the gutenberg block editor.
This can include changed pages and/or posts (configurable).

Additional features include:

  • Select the number of entries in the list
  • Define pages to be excluded
  • Show the author of the page/post

Exclude page or post

To exclude a page or post from being listed in the widget do the following steps:

  1. Open the page or post you want to exclude for editing.
  2. Open the «Screen Options» (on the top right of the page)
  3. Ensure that «Custom Fields» is checked (see Screenshot #3)
  4. In the «Custom Fields» further down the screen add the following custom field (see Screenshot #4):
    • name: list_last_changes_ignore
    • value: true

To include it again set the value to false or remove the custom field completely.

Block Editor (Gutenberg)

The block can be found in Widgets -> List Last Changes.
The block can be configured in the block settings (panel on the right side)

In difference to the widget, with the block no title is written. If a title is needed it has to be defined in an own block in front of the List Last Changes block.


To show the list of the last changes via shortcode use the following syntax:

[list_last_changes number='7' showpages='true' showposts='true' showauthor='false' template='{title} {change_date} {author}' /]

The attribute ‘number’ defines the number of entries shown.
With the attributes ‘showpages’ and ‘showposts’ changed pages and/or posts are included.
To show also the author set the attribute ‘showauthor’ to true (deprecated, use template mechanism instead).
The ‘template’ attribute defines the content of the entries. If the ‘template’ attribute is defined the attribute ‘showauthor’ is ignored.

In difference to the widget, with the shortcode no title is written. If a title is needed it has to be defined by hand in front of the shortcode.


In the template string the following fields can be used: {title}, {change_date} and {author}.
{title} : the title of the page or post with a link to it
{change_date} : the date the page or post was changed
{author} : the author of the page or post

Sample templates:
{title} {change_date} : the default template
{title} {change_date} {author} : behaves as in versions before 0.9 when show author was enabled
{change_date} : shows only the change_date, can be used with number = 1 as last modified date of a WordPress Site


  • Configuration of the widget
  • Output of the widget
  • Enable custom fields on the page
  • Add this custom field on a page to exclude it from being listed in the widget.


Este plugin proporciona 1 bloque.

  • List Last Changes


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8 de noviembre de 2023 1 respuesta
I love the plugin but the version 1.0.2 broke the website.
6 de septiembre de 2022
Really simple to set up and makes a great feature for highlighting updated site content.
8 de octubre de 2020
I wanted something that would display recent changes for a page-based (as opposed to post-based) WordPress site. This plugin fit the bill, and it has worked great as a widget. It's been on the default page type, including the home page, for over a year, through various upgrades and changes of WP and plugins, and there have been no issues or conflicts whatsoever. It does its job and does it well. When a page is changed, it gets added to the list of 5 most recent changes. You can easily configure the the number of changed pages shown, and it shows both the page name and the date, and the page name is a link to that page, so viewers can easily jump to those modified pages. Thanks for this plugin!
27 de agosto de 2018
This seems like a handy feature to show visitors to your site where your latest updates are. On my site it avoided a timeout message I was getting with an RSS feed list in the widget area. A problem has cropped up. I have been adding page categories to most of my pages over the past few days so the Page Updated date does not currently reflect significant changes to content. Hopefully this will improve as the weeks go by. I have been modifying the Date Created fields to reflect significant changes for RSS feed.
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Registro de cambios


Release date: November 12, 2023

  • Bugfix for limit the ignored pages or posts to the number of posts per page (regression of 1.0.2).


Release date: November 11, 2023

  • Bugfix for block editor support: adapted to changes in the block editor handling


Release date: November 08, 2023

  • Bugfix for 1.0.2: removed refactorings (type information) that occured errors with some older php versions


Release date: November 07, 2023

  • Bugfix for interference with other plugins. Uses now the method WP_Query to get the posts and pages to ignore


Release date: September 05, 2022

  • Bugfix for exclude only up to five posts

Older releases

see additional changelog.txt file