7 Must-Have Humor-Improvement Projects (Just in Time For April Fool’s Day)

Do you have an “I-swear-I-didn’t-eat-that” roommate? Is your tough-guy husband secretly terrified of bugs? If so, April Fool’s Day is the perfect time to add a little springtime humor to your household with these seven pranks.

Keep an Eye — or Eyes — on Your Diet

Image via Oh Happy Day
Image via Oh Happy Day

Get it? Eyes on your diet? OK, bad jokes aside, adding googly eyes to the food in your fridge is a funny (albeit weird) way to get a giggle out of your spouse, roommates or kids — just make sure to remove them before taking a bite.

Do You Hear a Buzzing Sound?

Image via SayYes
Image via SayYes

Step 1: Find a friend or loved one who is petrified of insects.

Step 2: Cut the shape of a large bug from a piece of paper and tape it to the inside of your lampshade. Pro tip: Make sure to bend your bug’s legs to give it a realistic look.

Step 3: Turn off the lamp.

Step 4: Wait for your friend or loved one to turn on the lamp (and run screaming out of the house).

Step 5: Clean up the broken lamp.

April Showers Bring…Great Pranking Opportunities. Literally.

Image via Emlii
Image via Emlii

What makes a semi-conscious morning shower better? Non-sudding soap of course! Coat a loved one’s favorite bar of soap in clear nail polish for a confusing and hilarious — for you anyway — start to the day.

Staples, Pens, Post-its, KILLER CLOWNS??

Image via MarleyRansom Instagram
Image via MarleyRansom Instagram

Few pranks top a good jump scare. Start by printing out a scary image — zombies, ghosts, clowns and IRS audit notices work best. Stash the hair-raising picture in an office or kitchen drawer and wait for an unsuspecting victim. (Pro tip: tape down the corners of the image so it doesn’t flap or fold when the drawer is opened.) (Really pro tip: Avoid the “prankee” for at least an hour after the scare.)

“Honey, I think we have a leek in our soup…I mean sink.”

Image via ajz0626.tumblr.com
Image via ajz0626.tumblr.com

For this April Fool’s delight, grab a few leeks (the vegetable) and place them in your sink. Alert your roommate or spouse of your “leeky” faucet and watch in silent laughter as your Mr. (or Mrs.) Fix-it discovers the actual source of your “leek.”

Honey I Shrunk the Toiletries

Image via BuzzFeed
Image via BuzzFeed


Nothing says “good morning” like miniaturized toiletries. Swap out your significant other’s bathroom items for doll-house-sized replacements and watch the hilarity ensue — just make sure you can switch them back quickly (especially the towels).

2 Percent, Whole, Skim…Solid?

Image via Martha Stewart
Image via Martha Stewart

Certain things should never stick to the bottom of the glass — especially milk. To raise some serious eyebrows (and have a few laughs) whip up a batch of solid milk. Here’s a quick how-to:

Step 1: Stir one packet of powdered gelatin into two tablespoons of water and let your mixture stand for five minutes.

Step 2: Warm two cups of milk and add your gelatin mixture.

Step 3: Pour your milk back into a container and refrigerate.

(Pro tip: bake some fresh cookies to get things started).