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Basement Remodeling Contractors in Nassau, NY

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Local Basement Renovation Contractors

Prescreened Basement Finishing Companies in Nassau, NY

Dream Builders of Lebanon Valley, LLC
8 Verified Ratings
See All Reviews
(866) 350-6236
PO Box 658
New Lebanon, NY 12125

Serving Nassau, NY
Capital Region & New England Home Repair
8 Verified Ratings
See All Reviews
(866) 695-4793
1017 Route 43
Stephentown, NY 12168

Serving Nassau, NY
JTG Home Improvement/Maintenance, LLC
6 Verified Ratings
See All Reviews
(516) 214-9272
1 Hickory Street
Troy, NY 12180

Serving Nassau, NY
Dreamscape Construction
1 Verified Ratings
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(866) 351-7069
1024 Garefiald Road
East Nasa, NY 12062

Serving Nassau, NY
Webber Brothers Construction, Inc.
6 Verified Ratings
See All Reviews
(518) 527-5490
6385 Zorn Road
Albany, NY 12203

Serving Nassau, NY

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Unscreened Addition & Remodeling Contractors in Nassau, New York


Things to Consider Before You Start Your Basement Makeover:

  • What features do you want in your basement?

    Exercise Area
    Separate Apartment
    Game Room
    Home Theater
  • What type of design preparation has been done?
  • My basement is currently:
  • What is the square footage of your basement?

Ideas & Inspiration from Nassau Addition & Remodeling Contractors