Law Enforcement Topics

The PoliceOne Law Enforcement Topics section provides current news, resources and information on topics that are critical to law enforcement officers.

Each topic features:

  • Up-to-the-minute law enforcement news from across North America and worldwide.
  • Exclusive articles and reports from PoliceOne columnists
  • Resources and links to related Web sites, associations, products, and more
  • Topic-related forums and discussions

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Rural Law Enforcement

Rural Law Enforcement

In Rural Law Enforcement section you'll find news reports and expert articles about what it means to be a police officer in rural America. Early in America’s history, officers rode on horseback from town to town, either alone or with a small posse. Police work has changed drastically since then, but if you patrol in a rural area, you probably have some idea how those cops felt.

Drug Interdiction / Narcotics
Off Duty
Patrol Issues

Social Media for Cops

Social Media for Cops

In the Social Media for Cops section you’ll find news reports and expert articles dealing with all things social media. Facebook and Twitter are being used by officers to connect with each other, with the public, and with departments around the world, sometimes for fun and other times to help solve crimes.

Officer Misconduct / Internal Affairs
Patrol Issues
Police Jobs and Careers

Gun Legislation & Law Enforcement

Gun Legislation & Law Enforcement

In the Gun Legislation & Law Enforcement section you’ll find news reports and expert articles about the bills proposed regarding gun laws and the most up-to date news on the legislation affecting gun owners and law enforcement.

Active Shooter
Command Staff - Chiefs / Sheriffs
Media Relations
Police Community
Terrorism Prevention and Response

Lifestyle & Retirement

In the Lifestyle & Retirement section you’ll find expert columns and articles on topics ranging from retirement and finance to off-duty hobbies, marriage advice, second jobs, and more, to prepare you for your career and life after you've pulled the pin!

Patrol Issues

Patrol Issues

The Patrol Issues topic page offers news, commentary, analysis, and tactical tips that will help prepare police officers for life on the thin blue line. Suspect contacts, witness interviews, foot pursuits, citizen complaints, angry sergeants, and endless report writing are day-to-day activities for a patrol officer who knows that the “routine” is anything but routine.

Bizarre Beat
Community Policing
Emotionally Disturbed Persons (EDP)
Evidence Collection
Juvenile Crime
Media Relations
Officer Misconduct / Internal Affairs
Officer Safety
Police Training

Patrol Video

Patrol Video

The Patrol Video topic page is the go-to destination for police officers looking for the latest law enforcement videos, from police dashcam footage or viral police videos that have been shared among cops online.

Police Humor

Police Humor

There is nothing quite like a cop's sense of humor. The Police Humor topic page offers all manner of cop humor — from funny police videos to weird police news and even police jokes — that we hope will bring a smile to your face and a chuckle to your voice. We’re proving that the phrase "You can't make this stuff up" is actually untrue. We can make this stuff up, and we hope you get a good laugh from the effort.

The TacticaList

The TacticaList

The TacticaList is the online resource for all of your tactical lifestyle needs. Whether your interests include hunting, fishing, camping, wildlife, archery, shooting, or keeping up on the latest tactical gadgets, gear, and DIY projects, you'll find it all right here.

Off Duty



The Administration topic on PoliceOne covers everything from clerical behind-the-scenes tasks to departmental changes in policy. We offer strategies and tactics that have helped Chiefs and Sheriffs in agencies of any size to secure grants, assure that their trainers are top-notch, and recruit the best young officers to join their ranks.

Command Staff - Chiefs / Sheriffs
Police Grants
Police Trainers

Vehicle Incidents and Issues

Vehicle Incidents and Issues

The Vehicle Incidents and Issues topic deals with issues related to specialized patrols like motorcycle units as well as vehicular risks and challenges to law enforcement, including vehicle crashes involving police and vehicular assaults against officers. From single-car traffic accidents to high-speed pursuits, most law enforcement injuries and fatalities occur in, or immediately outside of, a police officer’s vehicle.

Motorcycle Patrol
Suspect Pursuit
Suspect Transport
Traffic Enforcement, Highway Patrol

Special Operations

Special Operations

The Special Operations topic explores issues related to K-9 officers, SWAT operators, homicide investigators, drug interdiction officers and other specialized police personnel. These law enforcement positions involve unique training, a specialized skill set, and a collection of challenges unique to that job.

Airborne / Maritime
Airway and Transit Policing
Border Patrol
Courthouse Security
CSI / Forensics
Drug Interdiction / Narcotics
Explosives - EOD
Homeland Security

Mass Emergency Response

Mass Emergency Response

The Mass Emergency Response topic contains stories about large-scale attacks or threats, often involving terrorism, active-shooter situations, or bombings. Such events require several departments and agencies to respond to the same incident, making clear communication a priority.

Active Shooter
Crowd Control
Mass Casualty Incidents
School Violence
Standoff Situations
Tactical EMS / TEMS
Terrorism Prevention and Response

Use of Force

Use of Force

The Use of Force topic provides news, information and training on one the most commonly discussed areas in law enforcement training programs. Shooting skills and defensive tactics are critical to keeping officers alive out of harm's way. We cover all subjects—nothing is taboo in this discussion.

Close-Quarters Combat
Edged Weapons
Less Lethal
Officer-Involved Shootings
Suicide by Cop

Police Jobs and Careers

Police Jobs and Careers

The Police Careers and Advancement topic page offers expert advice for officers to follow that can enable a steady rise through the ranks. From the day they enter the academy to the day they “pull the pin” the path is strewn with career-killing pitfalls, so visit this page often for a freshly updated roadmap to success.

Job Listings
Women Officers

Off Duty

Off Duty

The Off-Duty topic provides news, expert columns and other information about police off-duty life, from personal and family protection to mental, physical, and emotional health as well as financial security.

Family & Home
Financial Planning
Health - Physical and Mental Fitness
Police Community
Sports & Fitness
Veterans Resources

Misc. Law Enforcement Topics

Misc. Law Enforcement Topics

This collection of Miscellaneous police stories features content that is not so easily categorized. The pieces featured here touch on elements of law enforcement and some not-so-common issues that concern cops.

Federal Law Enforcement
International Law Enforcement
Police Heroes

Pulse of Policing

Pulse of Policing

Pulse of Policing is an extensive editorial research endeavor aimed at examining the problem areas within law enforcement in 2015 — from physical and mental health of individual officers to the afflictions facing agencies and the industries that support them. Our aim is to identify problem areas in all aspects of law enforcement, and uncover suggestions for remediation.

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