Police Games

Need a break from training lectures? Brush up on your police skills and test your knowledge with our exclusive P1 trivia games. Focus on a specific topic or try your luck across all categories. Submit your score, share with a friend, and compete to see who really knows their stuff. Who says learning needs to be boring?

DVF Defender Shooting Game
DVF Defender Shooting Game
Use your DVF (Digital Video Flashlight) to illuminate the scene and locate armed assailants. Just be careful, shooting non-attackers will lose you points!
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Less Lethal & Defensive Tactics Challenge
Less Lethal & Defensive Tactics Challenge
Think you're a less lethal weapons expert? Think you know defensive tactics training? Prove it with the Less Lethal & Defensive Tactics challenge.
Take the Challenge!
Firearms Crossword Puzzle
Firearms Crossword Puzzle
In conjunction with our presence at SHOT Show, PoliceOne is pleased to present a new interactive crossword puzzle built around the theme of police firearms and firearms training.
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Law Enforcement Crossword Puzzle
Law Enforcement Crossword Puzzle
Try your hand at an interactive crossword puzzle that incorporates police news, officer safety, and hot topics in law enforcement.
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P1 Holiday Trivia Quiz
P1 Holiday Trivia Quiz
Test your law enforcement knowledge and help Santa nab bad guys around the globe. Topics include body language indicators, court cases, and general mayhem.
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