Police Less Lethal

 - The PoliceOne Police Less Lethal product category is a collection of information, product listings and resources for researching Less Lethal force options. It covers a variety of tools, from batons and projectiles to sprays and TASERs. Become a fan of PoliceOne Products on Facebook for less lethal updates:

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Demonstration of a green pocket smoke grenade manufactured by ALS Technologies, Inc., a Bull...

St. Paul's mayor has called for a review of the case, and an internal affairs investigation...

Police Less Lethal Purchasing Questions

  • Less lethal 12g rounds Secure - Law Enforcement Only

    I've been tasked with researching and presenting possible choices for less lethal shotgun rounds for my department. We are looking for beanbag/rubber bullet ...

  • ASP Baton Secure - Law Enforcement Only

    Where should the ASP Baton be in the use of force continuum? Is the mere striking with a baton considered "deadly force?"

  • Less-Lethal Impact Munition Comparison Secure - Law Enforcement Only

    Has there been any verified independent comparison testing of the various brands of less-lethal impact munitions on the market? I've taken over my agency's ...

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