Convenient, Affordable Online Law Enforcement Training

Over 1,000 HD training videos. 175 courses. Certified or accepted for training credit in 35 states.
All in a convenient, cost-effective online training package.
See what you’ve been missing with PoliceOne Academy.
PoliceOne Academy welcomes Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department


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More great features from PoliceOne Academy:

  • Reduce risk by providing training on over 40 topics
  • Assign credit to discussion participants with roll call tracking
  • Assignment Wizard lets you assign Policies and Courses
  • Upload and store Policies in PDF, Word or plain text format
  • Notifications let you know if an officer hasn’t completed training
  • Create reports quickly and easily with our Reporting Tool
  • Step-by-step tutorials help your officers self-manage
  • Upload and store Policies in PDF, Word or plain text format
  • Assign credit to discussion participants with roll call tracking
  • Assignment Wizard lets you easily assign Policies and Courses
  • Create reports quickly and easily with our Reporting Tool
  • Help desk with step-by-step tutorials
  • Excellent experience on smartphones and tablets
  • Excellent experience on smartphones and tablets
  • Fast load times
  • Quickly sort, filter and search
  • Easily find and review Policies
  • High definition video player with over 1,000 HD videos


America’s largest training library & easiest to use learning management system
for law enforcement.


Train anytime, anywhere

Online learning allows you and your department to train when it’s convenient. Complete courses on your phone, tablet or computer 24×7 365 days a year.


Manage and assign training easily

Assign courses, videos and policies to officers or groups in one easy step, or present during roll call. Automated email and site notifications keep departments like yours on track.

Straightforward, affordable pricing

Pay once to set up your account plus a low annual fee per user that’s the best value in Law Enforcement. Built-in discounts for larger departments.

Auburn PD Badge

“With the rising price of training and related expenses, our department needed training opportunities for our officers. We found PoliceOne Academy and spent a month looking at the curriculum to see how the classes matched our training policies, trends, and relevance to modern day policing. We were pleasantly surprised the classes were current and the instructors taught information that could be used right now. It was refresher information for our experienced officers and brand new information for our younger officers. This allowed us to share information with the entire agency (108 officers) in a timely manner and allow for discussion in roll call. We also use P1A for our annual Taser Recertification and for our Bloodborne Pathogen Training. Overall, we are very pleased with the product and the training it offers to our staff at a very reasonable price.”

Sgt Brian Williams
Traffic Division, Auburn Police Department


Welcome Aboard Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department

One of the nation’s largest police departments entrusts its training with PoliceOne Academy


“We are extremely pleased with PoliceOne Academy which has allowed us to carry out a variety of training and policy distribution in a very simple and effective way,” said Major James Cleek. “In just a few clicks we are able to assign training to over 1,700 officers and we are amazed how quickly they are completing it. Our trainers are creating new material as well as using some of the PoliceOne Academy courses and we are consistently receiving feedback regarding how this system was truly built for the officer. [The PoliceOne Academy] system is allowing us to go to another level and communicate to a large amount of officers very quickly.”


FBI National Academy Associates, Inc.

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial

Int’l Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association

National Tactical Officers Association