How to Close a Tough Sale: Build Trust by Alleviating Customers’ Three Biggest Fears


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There’s nothing more important than trust when it comes to closing a sale. And to build trust with homeowners, you have to first address their three biggest fears:

  • They won’t get what they want
  • They won’t be charged a fair price
  • The job will take longer than promised or expected

Here are some tips to help you build the kind of trust that will close even the toughest sale:

Address Fear #1: I Won’t Get What I Want

It’s always possible that potential customers have had bad experiences with past contractors, or that they’ve heard stories from someone else who has. Perhaps a homeowner wanted a bathroom remodeled and the contractor tried to upsell an addition with two bathrooms, a kitchen and a laundry room. Or, in another scenario, perhaps a contractor dropped of the face of the earth mid-project. Whatever the case, that contractor wasn’t listening to and truly serving the customer.  You, on the other hand, will. So, the first question to ask when you arrive at a potential customer’s home is “What is it that you want to do?”

Actively listen to the homeowner’s response. Repeat what he or she has said to ensure that you’re on the same page. Then, collectively prioritize. Being attentive will build instant rapport, which will help you win the customer over — and win the job too.

Address Fear #2: I Won’t Get a Fair Price

The fear of an unfair price is easily understood, and it can be easily dissipated too, so long as you follow a few simple steps. Consider this: When you work with your customers to establish budgets based on the jobs they want done — and then provide quotes that fall well within those budgets — two good things will happen. First, you will have alleviated any potential concerns that your price is too high. And second, you will have erased “price” as a potential problem or point of contention between you and your prospective customers.

Help homeowners determine the maximum amount they are willing to spend on their projects. Then, take every step necessary to help them select the projects and materials that fall within the budgets they have set. When homeowners start making selections that will cost more than their budgets will allow, tell them. This will ensure that you maintain the trust of your customers throughout their projects, and it will increase the likelihood that they’ll hire you for future projects too.

Address Fear #3: The Job Won’t Be Completed On Time

When you discuss the timeline for a potential job, be sure to discuss how soon you can start, how long the job will take and how certain issues may affect or delay the project. Ask customers whether they have completion dates in mind. If their expectations are unrealistic, help them develop more sensible timelines. Asking good questions and sharing process details will alleviate homeowners’ concerns regarding your ability to adhere to a given time schedule.

To reinforce the fact that homeowners can count on you to complete their jobs on time and on budget, always deliver on your promises. Return every phone call the same day or by the next morning. And if you promise a quote by next Tuesday, be sure to follow up on or before that very day.

Inevitably, every home professional will come across a tough sale. Consider it a welcome challenge. So long as you truly address homeowners’ wants, and deliver on your promises on time and on budget, your prospects will soon be pursuing you!

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