Texas teacher arrested after video surfaces of assault on student she called an 'idiot'

Monday, April 11, 2016, 4:34 AM
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A Texas teacher got a taste of her own medicine.

After an Ozen High School math teacher repeatedly slapped a student at her Beaumont school, Jefferson County deputies slapped her with an assault charge.

Mary Hastings, a teacher at Ozen High School, was arrested after a video showed her slapping a student. Jefferson County Sheriff's Offic

Mary Hastings, a teacher at Ozen High School, was arrested after a video showed her slapping a student.


A video of the assault “substantiated” a student’s claim, Beaumont Independent School District officials said, sparking Mary Hastings’ arrest shortly after the Friday morning incident.

“You’re stopping them from graduating," Hastings barked at the male student. "You idiot a--.”

The clip shows Hastings striking the teenager five times before he fired back asking “Why’d you hit me?”

The footage does not explain what happened leading up to the classroom assault though a witness said the boy asked about his grade, KBMT-TV reported.

Mary Hastings was arrested for slapping a student at Beaumont school, Jefferson County. khay2you via Twitter

Mary Hastings was arrested for slapping a student at Beaumont school, Jefferson County.

Mary Hastings was arrested for slapping a student at Beaumont school, Jefferson County. khay2you via Twitter

Mary Hastings was arrested for slapping a student at Beaumont school, Jefferson County.


Math teacher Mary Hastings was arrested after the school watched a video of her slapping a student five times.

After she lost her temper, the packed classroom erupted into howls as Hastings contorted her face and mocked the student, who in his own change of demeanor smiled and giggled at her reaction.

The witness defended Hastings as a normally “cool teacher,” but the ordeal she saw unfold was out of character.

“She picked up papers and threw it at him,” Atrya Deroune told KBMT-TV.

In a statement, Beaumont school officials said Hastings “was immediately removed from the classroom and placed on administrative leave pending action on her contract.”

She was shown wearing the same blue shirt shown in the video when authorities booked her into the Jefferson County jail on the misdemeanor charge.

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teachers busted ,
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