Election 2016: Who Has the Delegates?

ABC News' Jon Karl analyzes the remaining delegates needed to win the GOP and Democratic presidential nominations.
1:22 | 04/11/16

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Transcript for Election 2016: Who Has the Delegates?
New York matters. Thank you, Cecilia. Jon, you got this brand-new poll out this morning. This is from the associated press, George, on the question would you never vote for one of these candidates? 49% said they would never vote for Hillary Clinton in a general election. That sounds horrible until you look at the republican Numbers. Take a look at this, 63% say they would never vote for Donald Trump. 55% would never vote for Ted Cruz. As if people are saying they're simply aren't going to vote for everybody. I have to point out this one, which candidate would make America great again -- look at this, 33% said Clinton. Just 28% for trump. 30% said neither of them. Meantime, you reported on how Ted Cruz swept the delegates in Colorado over the weekend. He's predicted a win at the contested convention. Trump got his clock cleaned out in Colorado and several other states as they're beginning to select the actual delegates. As you look at this, trump would need to 62% of the remaining delg Gates to clinch the nomination before the convention. Kasich simply can't do that. We're headed toward a contested republican convention this summer. Donald Trump has good states coming up this week. Thank you, Jon Karl. New revelations about the

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{"id":38303232,"title":"Election 2016: Who Has the Delegates?","duration":"1:22","description":"ABC News' Jon Karl analyzes the remaining delegates needed to win the GOP and Democratic presidential nominations. ","url":"/GMA/video/election-2016-delegates-38303232","section":"GMA","mediaType":"default"}