Billetsalg 2013 / Admissions 2013

Billetsalg for danske film i 2013.

Billetsalg for danske film tidligere år / Admissions for Danish films previous years.

Aktuelt billetsalg til danske film

Tabel A, B og C nedenfor viser billetsalget til danske film i biograferne. Listen omfatter film, der solgte billetter 2013. Billettallene bygger på indberetninger fra udlejerne og på opgørelser fra Danmarks Statistik. Listen opdateres løbende.

Sidst opdateret: 06.01.2014
Kommentarer eller spørgsmål:

Current admission figures for Danish films

Tables A, B and C below show admission figures for national films screened in Danish cinemas. The films have been in cinemas in 2013. The figures are provided by distributors and Statistics Denmark. This overview is updated regularly.

Latest update: 06.01.2014
Comments or queries:

A) Spillefilm med produktionsstøtte fra DFI [1] / Feature films subsidized by DFI [1]
Premiere/ Release Titel/ English title
Linker til Filmdatabasen/ Links to Factsheet
Instruktør/ Director Producent/ Production Sale ved premiere/
Screens at release
Billetter 2013 (b)/ Admissions 2013 (b) Billetter i alt siden premiere (c)/Admissions accumulated (c)
25.12.13 Nymphomaniac / Nymphomaniac Lars von Trier Zentropa 27 13.437 50.046
14.11.13 Sorg og glæde / Sorrow and Joy Nils Malmros Nordisk Film   249.501 272.181
31.10.13 Tarok / Catch the Dream Anne-Grethe Bjarup Riis Regner Grasten Film 112   104.893 104.893
10.10.13 Olsen Banden på dybt vand / The Olsen Gang in Deep Trouble Jørgen Lerdam Nordisk Film 115 202.572 202.741
03.10.13 Kvinden i buret / The Keeper of Lost Causes
Mikkel Nørgaard Zentropa 126 721.256 724.509
03.10.13 Antboy / Antboy Ask Hasselbalch Nimbus Film 77 175.077 175.317
29.08.13 Spies & Glistrup / Sex, Drugs & Taxation Christoffer Boe Alphaville Pictures Copenhagen 123 330.107 330.107
20.06.13 Player / Player Tomas Villum Jensen Blenkov & Schønnemann Pictures 94 100.966 100.966
06.05.13 The Weight of Elephants / The Weight of Elephants Daniel Joseph Borgman Zentropa 9 1.542 1.542
30.05.13 Only God Forgives / Only God Forgives Nicolas Winding Refn Space Rocket Nation 59 26.424
23.05.13 I lossens time / The Hour of the Lynx Søren Kragh-Jacobsen Nimbus Film 97 91.474
18.04.13 Nordvest / Northwest Micheal Noer Nordisk Film 66 104.196 104.196
28.02.13 Skytten / The Shooter Annette K. Olesen Nordisk Film 89 45.675
07.02.13 Otto er et næsehorn / Otto is a Rhino Kenneth Kainz Crone Film 149 190.226 190.226
31.01.13 Alle for to / All for Two Rasmus Heide Fridthjof Film 101 392.118 392.118
31.01.13 Min søsters børn i Afrika / My African Adventure Martin Miehe-Renard Obel Film 77 414.662 414.662
10.01.13 Jagten / The Hunt Thomas Vinterberg Zentropa 118 672.512 672.512
25.12.12 Max Pinlig på Roskilde - nu med mor / English Title To Be Announced Lotte Svendsen Radiator Film 88 61.200 147.906
11.10.12 Marco Macaco / Marco Macaco Jan Rahbek Nice Ninja 80 1.415 58.021
04.10.12 Sover Dolly på ryggen / Almost Perfect Hella Joof Blenkov & Schønnemann Pictures 94 469 200.703
04.10.12 Far til Fire - Til Søs / Father of four - at sea Claus Bjerre ASA Film Production 99 5.155 418.231
A) Spillefilm med produktionsstøtte fra DFI, billetter 2013: 3.904.877
B) Dokumentarfilm og lign. med produktionsstøtte fra DFI/ Documentary films subsidized by DFI
Premiere/ Release
Titel/ English title Instruktør/ Director Producent / Production

Sale ved premiere/
Screens at release

Billetter 2013 (b)/ Admissions 2013 (b) Billetter i alt siden premiere (c)/Admissions accumulated (c)
05.12.2013 I kærlighedens navn / Just the Right Amount of Violence Jon Bang Carlsen C&C Productions   88 88
30.11.2013 Ai Weiwei The Fake Case / Ai Weiwei The Fake Case Andreas Johnsen Rosforth Films   1.735 1.735
02.10.13 Sepideh - Drømmen om stjernerne / Sepideh Berit Madsen Radiator Film 30 1.317 1.317
05.06.13 Blodets bånd / Blood Ties Pernille Bervald Jørgensen, Christian Sønderby Jepsen Made in Copenhagen ApS 38 8.306 8.306
08.05.13 Jeg taler til jer - John Kørners verden Jørgen Leth SF Film 7 1.498 1.498
21.02.13 Searching for Bill / Searching for Bill Jonas Poher Rasmussen Dharma Film 1 278 278
06.02.13 Ekspeditonen til verdens ende / The Expedition to the End of the World Daniel Dencik Haslund Film 9
6.857 6.857
25.12.12 Isblomstens hemmelighed / The Secret of the Ice Flower Jacob Ley Copenhagen Bombay 9 1.989 1.989
B) Dokumentarfilm og lign. med produktionsstøtte fra DFI, billetter 2013: 22.068

C) Andre film, uden produktionsstøtte fra DFI/ Other films without DFI subsidy
Premiere/ Release Titel/ English title Instruktør/ Director Producent/ Production Sale ved premiere/
Screens at release
Billetter 2013 (b)/ Admissions 2013 (b) Billetter i alt siden premiere (c)/Admissions accumulated (c)
21.11.13 Tal R - The Virgin Daniel Dencik Dencik Film   372 372
28.09.13 Det skinbarlige øje / Peter Klitgaard Wake Film, Opus Film   1.494 1.494
28.03.13 Det grå guld / Grey gold Shaky González Zeitgeist 47 27.212 27.212
21.03.13 MGP Missionen Martin Miehe-Renard ASA Film Production 77 101.843 101.843
21.02.13 Human Scale Andreas Dalsgaard Final Cut for Real   1.424 1.424
03.02.13 Tangentspilleren / The Keyboard Player Anne Moulvad Novamedia Film   8.393 8.393
C) Andre film, billetter 2013: 140.738
D) Danske film i alt (A+B+C), billetter 2013: 4.067.683

[1] Konsulentordning, Markedsordning and New Danish Screen/Talentudvikling. / Consultant scheme, Market scheme and New Danish Screen.

a) Kilde: FAFID/ Source: FAFID

b) Inkl. evt. forpremierer og særarrangementer inden premieren. For de nyeste film er tallet baseret på ugentlige indberetninger fra distributørerne. For de øvrige film er tallet baseret på opgørelser fra Danmarks Statistik. / Admission figures include preview and private screenings before release. With regard to recent films, admissions figures are based on weekly reports from distributors. For the remaining films, admission figures are based on reports from Statistics Denmark.

c) Foreløbig opgørelse. For film med premiere i 2012 inkluderer tallet både billetsalget i 2012 og 2013. / Provisional figures. For films released in 2012 the accumulated total includes figures for 2012 and 2013.

(Tal i parentes angiver billetsalg til forestillinger før premieren. / Numbers in parenthesis show admissions to pre-premiere screenings.)

*Repremiere/ Re-release.

Det Danske Filminstitut

Det Danske Filminstitut
/ Danish Film Institute

EAN-nr: 5798000794085
CVR-nr: 56858318

Gothersgade 55
1123 København K

Tlf. +45 3374 3400
Fax +45 3374 3401

Cinematekets billetsalg
TLF. +45 3374 3412