Questions about Vinyl Floor Repair

by Marcus Pickett

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You may have many questions about your vinyl floor repair. There are many things that can happen to vinyl flooring. Some of them can result from a lack of proper care and maintenance on the part of the homeowner. Others can result from improper installation, and still others can be the result of an inferior product from the manufacturer. Too many homeowners choose their vinyl flooring from the manufacturer, getting sucked in by misleading advertisements. You should first talk to a vinyl flooring contractor who's dealt with several different manufacturers and their products. They'll be able to relate their experience with each product and make expert recommendations for your vinyl flooring.

Common Vinyl Floor Repairs
Of course, if you've already installed your vinyl flooring, what you need is to figure out the best way to repair it. There's a good chance if you're having a problem with your vinyl flooring, it's one of these problems:

Scratches and Dents
The key here is, naturally, if these scratches or dents were there at the time of installation. Unless you noticed it immediately, chances are this damage was caused by the homeowners. Sometimes even these scratches and dents are covered under product warranty. If not, don't worry, it's not the end of the world. Ideally, you should keep spare vinyl flooring boards for just such a repair. Patching or replacing a small section of your vinyl flooring isn't necessarily easy, but a vinyl flooring contractor can often replace these sections without causing any further harm to your floor.

Repairing Loose Seams
It's not uncommon to have loose seams occur in your vinyl flooring. A knowledgeable licensed installer should be contacted to determine why the seams are coming apart. Depending on the vinyl and condition of the underlayment or concrete, more adhesive may be applied and the seam re-sealed from the top, so as to prevent moisture or dirt from getting in.

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Cracks in the Subfloor
If your vinyl flooring has gotten bad enough, you may notice that cracks have formed in the concrete subfloor. For relatively new vinyl flooring, this can be a sign that the cracks existed at the time of installation and were inadequately patched. For older flooring, this problem may have occurred after the installation. In either case, there's a good chance the floor will need to be replaced. Vinyl flooring is a low maintenance flooring option, but you still need to be careful that excessive water doesn't infiltrate the seams, causing the situation prematurely.

Having Answers to Get Answers
You may need to talk to and hire a contractor for your vinyl flooring repair. In fact, you may still have unanswered questions, like exactly how much a repair will cost. The best idea is to talk to a contractor about your specific situation, but have as much information as possible for the contractor to save his or her time. Before you call, know the manufacturer of your vinyl flooring, how old the flooring is, and who originally installed it. This will help the contractor give you a fairly accurate picture of what you're dealing with and how much the repair may cost.

Marcus Pickett is a professional freelance writer for the home remodeling industry. He has published more than 600 articles on both regional and national topics within the home improvement industry.