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  • Sarah

    • Joined March 3, 2016
  • David

    • Joined March 2, 2016
  • Pauline M.

    • Joined March 2, 2016
  • Peter La F.

    • Joined January 14, 2015
  • Julia

    • Joined October 7, 2015
  • Liz P

    • Joined February 22, 2016
  • Ezekiel M.

    • Joined February 26, 2016
  • Marek H.

    • Joined February 23, 2016
  • Jeff J.

    • Joined August 20, 2014
    • "I am a high school librarian (media coordinator) and love working with WordPress just for fun." 

  • James B.

    • Joined March 27, 2015
    • "Our small business markets and sells Education, Workplace & Healthcare Furniture along with Technology Products through our WordPress website. Love to meet..." 

  • Zachary H.

    • Joined February 19, 2016
  • jeanne

    • Joined September 8, 2014
    • "I am Wordpress freelancer who works primarily with small businesses, individuals and non-profits. In addition to web design my background includes software design..." 

  • Derek S.

    • "My name is Derek and I am a small business owner and entrepreneur. I have a lovely wife and two beautiful children. My hobbies include design, programming, UI,..." 

  • Greg D.

    • Joined February 1, 2016
  • CT0721

    • Joined February 11, 2016
  • Lorraine Antonia Mereya C.

    • Joined February 13, 2016
  • Rebecca

    • Joined December 3, 2015
  • Donna Shrader E.

    • Joined February 9, 2016
  • Lynda S.

    • Joined February 5, 2016
  • J.D. S.

    • Joined January 19, 2015
    • "I'm a small business owner, new to Wilmington from Atlanta Georgia. I've been building websites in HTML and CSS for a while but would like to get started..." 

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