HomeAdvisor Careers

Many things make up a successful company. But the real key to success is finding the right employees. If you're creative and ambitious and searching for a career in the challenging, fast-paced online world, HomeAdvisor is the place for you.

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Job Title Category Location
Android Developer Software Developer / Engineer Golden, CO
Building Maintenance & Security Associate General Facilities Lenexa, KS
Business Customer Care Representative Customer Service Golden, CO
Content Marketing Specialist Media Evanston, IL
Corporate Recruiter HR Recruiter Golden, CO
CraftJack | .Net Web Developer Software Developer / Engineer Evanston, IL
Customer Care Representative (Inbound) Customer Service Golden, CO
Customer Care Representative (Outbound) Customer Service Golden, CO
DevOps Engineer Information Technology Golden, CO
Director/VP of Technology - CraftJack Management Evanston, IL
HomeAdvisor is always accepting employment inquiries from professionals interested in joining our teams. If you are interested in a career at HomeAdvisor, please use our online resume form to apply. HomeAdvisor is an Equal Opportunity Employer.