DDoS concerns everyone
How Qrator mitigates DDoS
Why Qrator suits your needs
Botnet Map
Our estimates show that the number of DDoS attacks increases by 18-20% in the world and by 25% in Russia alone. This tendency has been around for the last two years and we predict that it will be present until 2017-2018. The map below demostrates the density of distribution of the bots monitored by Qrator Labs. The question of who will be the next victim becomes more and more important each day.
Qrator is transparent for legitimate users
We don't use captcha and any other checks that annoy your website's visitors.
Smart HTTPS traffic filtering without decryption
Only Qrator is able to filter encrypted HTTPS traffic automatically, both with and without the encryption keys provided, with minimal efforts from your side!
Full-auto protection mode (up to L7 OSI)
Various filtering devices require constant professional attention and manual configuration in order to mitigate sophisticated attacks (especially application level attacks - L7). Qrator doesn't take your time and attention to keep your resources protected.
Easy to connect - change the A record and you're protected!
We assign an IP address in the Qrator network to your domain. You just need to alter the DNS A record of your website and then all your traffic will pass through our network and be filtered before it reaches your resources. You don't need to change your hosting.
Free 7-day trial period
You get a 7-day trial period in case your website is not under a DDoS attack, or a 1-day trial period if you come being attacked. During this period you can appreciate the ease of connecting to Qrator and acquire detailed statistics on your website's traffic, and in case of an attack you let Qrator do its job and demostrate the effectiveness of its operation.
Mean availability of Qrator customers' websites in 2014 - 99.87%
More and more network resource owners who regularly experience intensive DDoS attacks choose to become our customers. With this in mind, we increase the level of mean availability of our customers' resources each year.
Solutions for segments
HTTPS filtering with decryption
Project availability monitoring
Persistent Connections

Also for this segment:

Unspecified number of domains on a single IP address. Your server hosts several promo sites and you don't want to pay for separate protection of each website? We have a solution that'll suit you best. If customer's websites are similar to each other and can be managed by a single set of rules for traffic filtering and analysis, a single Qrator IP address can be assigned to all of them.

Billing plan:

Start 2Mb/s (Not for Business)

HTTPS filtering with decryption
Traffic balancing
DNS Protection
Project availability monitoring
Persistent Connections
Application Programming Interface (API)
Web Application Firewall

This category encompasses online stores, content aggregators and coupon services.

Billing plans:

SMB 1Gb/s, SMB 3Gb/s (Small/Medium Business)

HTTPS filtering without decryption
Dedicated channel
DNS Protection
BGP Traffic routing
Project availability monitoring
Application Programming Interface (API)
Web Application Firewall

Banks and billing systems are predominant in this segment.

Billing plans:

Corporate 10Gb/s, Corporate UNL (Large Business)

Dedicated channel
Traffic balancing
DNS Protection
Project availability monitoring
Persistent Connections
Web Application Firewall

Billing plans:

SMB 3Gb/s, Business 10Gb/s (Small/Medium Business, Large Business)

HTTPS filtering without decryption
Dedicated channel
Traffic balancing
DNS Protection
BGP Traffic routing
Project availability monitoring
Persistent Connections
Web Application Firewall

Network anomaly monitoring (Radar service).

Interdomain-level network anomalies may have significant effect on website availability. They can be caused by router configuration errors and issues that appear during BGP protocol convergence (routing cycles etc)

Infrastructure Audit and Load Testing.

Billing plans:

Corporate 10Gb/s, Corporate UNL (Large Business).

Billing plans
Not for Business Small / Medium Business Large Business

SLA 95%

starts at $150 per month

DDoS traffic is billed

SLA 97%

starts at $520 per month

SLA 99% +

starts at $1320 per month

For lightweight websites with small attendance up to 1-2.000 visitors a day. Promo sites, message boards and small online stores.

Protection from an unlimited number of attacks of any duration for a fixed price. Guaranteed filtering quality for common types of DDoS attacks.

Protection from an unlimited number of attacks of any duration for a fixed price. For  websites with highest requirements for constant and uninterrupted operation.