Benedict Eastaugh

I do research in logic and the philosophy of mathematics at the University of Aberdeen, where I work for the Set Theoretic Pluralism network. I recently finished my PhD at the University of Bristol, where I worked with Leon Horsten.

My research concerns philosophical questions surrounding reverse mathematics.

If you'd like to get in touch, please email me at [email protected] (here's my PGP public key).

In collaboration with Shawn A. Miller I have created a wiki of PhD programmes with strengths in the philosophy of mathematics; you can visit it at

Recent and upcoming talks

Workshop on ontological commitment in mathematics.
IHPST, Paris, December 2015.

Seventh French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop.
Paris VII, November 2015.

Logic Colloquium 2015.
University of Helsinki, August 2015.

CLMPS 2015.
University of Helsinki, August 2015.