What we watch on the regular. Suggestions?
- Applied Science Science and technology, applied. How an electron microscope was built in a home shop, how an X-ray backscatter system works, how to make aerogel, electromechanical systems, chemistry, and electronics. Support
- Aquarium Co-op Building and running a fish room, fish room tours.
- AvE Arduino vs. Evil. Err and err and err again but less and less and less. Machine shop geekery, tear downs. Support
- AWE Me Blacksmithing and prop making. Forging fantasy weapons, fan builds.
- The Ben Heck Show Electronics projects, 3D printing, microcontrollers, circuitry, modeling, design.
- Big Think Muse on big ideas with experts, thought leaders. Bill Nye. #tuesdayswithbill
- The Brain Scoop Behind the scenes of the Field Museum in Chicago. Dissection, taxidermy, clearing and staining, natural history. Science in the field and in the museum. “There’s still brains on it.”
- Bulk Reef Supply A retailer that gets it. Reef geekery, instructional and educational videos, data informed product comparisons.
- Clickspring Home machine shop project videos with a focus on clock making. Support
- CrashCourse 10 – 15 minute crash courses on World History, Biology, Literature, Ecology, Chemistry, Psychology, US History, Physiology, Anatomy, Economics,… lots. Support
- CrashCourse Kids Grade school science. Earth Science, Physical Science, Biology, Geography, Engineering, and Astronomy. Support
- Crazy Russian Hacker Cool science experiments.
- Dustin’s Fish Tanks Fishkeeping, aquascaping, and planted tanks. Support
- Flitetest Build and fly RC planes and helicopters.
- Geek & Sundry Indie geek culture. Retro-gaming, Space Janitors, table top gaming, live action role play, Felicia Day, Wil Wheaton.
- iFixit Teardowns and repairs.
- It’s Okay to be Smart “We live in the future, and everyone should know that it’s okay to be smart!”
- jimmydiresta Hypnotic time lapse making.
- King of DIY Making aquariums and aquarium equipment.
- King of Random Experiments, life-hacks, random weekend projects.
- Make: Celebrating your right to tweak, hack, and bend any technology to your own will.
- Minute Physics Physics in a couple minutes presented in whiteboard animation. Support
- Mr. Saltwater Tank Setting up and owning a saltwater tank.
- Nerdist Nerd culture.
- NurdRage Science experiments for all levels, from kitchen chemistry to advanced synthesis.
- The Post Apocalyptic Inventor Projects, repairs, electrical and mechanical engineering. Support
- Scishow Stoking curiosity with expectation defying scientific subjects. Science news, talk shows, quiz shows. Support
- Scishow Kids Asking how and why and running with it. Support
- Scishow Space Exploring the universe a few minutes at a time. Support
- The Slo Mo Guys Slowing time with high-speed cinema cameras.
- Smithsonian Channel History of our planet, life and culture.
- Smarter Every Day Exploring the world using science.
- TED-Ed Educators and animators create lessons.
- Tested Test, make. Prop making, one day builds, deep product reviews, geek culture. Adam Savage’s cave.
- Vihart Beautiful, wonderful math.
- What’s Inside? Random things laid open.
- Wired Science, making, gaming, geek culture.
- Woodworking for Mere Mortals Accessible woodworking.