About WebAIM

About WebAIM

WebAIM (Web Accessibility In Mind) has provided comprehensive web accessibility solutions since 1999. These years of experience have made WebAIM one of the leading providers of web accessibility expertise internationally. WebAIM is a non-profit organization based at the Center for Persons with Disabilities at Utah State University.

View the WebAIM Staff page

Our Mission

WebAIM's mission is to expand the potential of the web for people with disabilities by providing the knowledge, technical skills, tools, organizational leadership strategies, and vision that empower organizations to make their own content accessible to people with disabilities.

Our Method

At WebAIM, we accomplish our mission by:

  • providing services directly to organizations
  • developing software tools
  • creating instructional media
  • fostering an active online community and exchange environment
  • engaging in research, and
  • participating in policy dialogues and processes.

WebAIM is committed to the development and proliferation of accessible web content and technologies worldwide. We value the principles of volunteerism and the importance of making contributions above our own funding streams. WebAIM donates 10% of staff time to initiatives within the accessibility community.

Our Clients

WebAIM has provided services and products hundreds of clients and partners including governmental agencies, businesses, education institutions, non-profit businesses, and Fortune 100 corporations. Our work includes web site evaluation, training, and web accessibility consulting.

A few of our clients include:

  • PayPal, Inc.
  • The State of Oklahoma
  • SAS
  • eBay
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • HealthWise
  • University of Phoenix
  • Bank of America
  • Baltimore City, Maryland
  • Over 100 colleges and universities, including the University of California system, Stanford University, the University of Iowa, the University of Oklahoma, Lehigh University, Berklee College of Music, etc.
  • Tourism Toronto
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Our Affiliate Organizations

Center for Persons with Disabilities Utah State University (USU) is a land-grant institution, based in Logan, Utah with nearly 22,000 students. Although Utah State started as an agricultural college when it was founded in 1888, the university today offers 230 degrees from 45 departments and 7 colleges. In addition to the classroom-based programs, USU offers classes and degree programs to students throughout the state and the nation through distance education classes and extension programs.

WebAIM is an organization within the Center for Persons with Disabilities (CPD) at Utah State University. The CPD is one of the 61 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Services located at major universities throughout the United States, its trusts and territories. The CPD supports people with developmental disabilities through interdisciplinary preservice preparation and continuing education, provision of community services, research, and dissemination.

NCDAE logo The National Center on Disability and Access to Education (NCDAE) improves educational services for all students through distance learning technologies. The Center's two Institutes monitor and promote distance education policies and practices that enhance the lives of people with disabilities and their families. Center activities include the identification of effective technology-enhanced personnel development practices, policy monitoring and development, information dissemination, and research on distance education and technology-based programs and policies.