
Plugin Directory

LH Login Page

Easily place a HTML5 login form on the front end of your website

This plugin provides a shortcode to include a HTML5 login form on a page on your website and will natively link to this form throughout your site. You can configure the plugin to select whether you prefer to use email addresses or user names for your users to login.

On activation a page with the shortcode [lh_login_page_form] will be created o0n your site, and it will become your front end login page.

To change the login url to a page where you have the front end form navigate to Wp Admin->Settings->LH Login Page and paste the page id into the field.

Check out our documentation for more information.

All tickets for the project are being tracked on GitHub.


  • Front end login form inserted via shortcode
  • Option to login using an email address rather than username
  • Multiple instances possible: Place login form shortcode multiple pages or in sidebars and widgets
  • If configured will override the WordPress login url so that login links point to to your front end login page (extra security)

Requires: 3.0. or higher
Compatible up to: 4.3.1
Last Updated: 19 hours ago
Active Installs: 10+


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