
Plugin Directory

The plugins listed here are proposed for a future version of WordPress. They are under active development.
You can try them out, provide feedback, or join one of the development teams.

Access your site's data through an easy-to-use HTTP REST API. (Version 2)

By: Ryan McCue, Rachel Baker, Daniel Bachhuber, and Joe Hoyle.

Last Updated: 1 day ago
3,000+ active installs
Compatible up to: 4.4

A feature plugin for core to provide Two-Factor Authentication.

By: George Stephanis, Derek Herman, Steven Word, Daisuke Takahashi, and others.

Last Updated: 2 days ago
60+ active installs
Compatible up to: 4.4

Refresh parts of a Customizer preview instead of reloading the entire page when a setting changed without transport=postMessage.

By: XWP and Weston Ruter.

Last Updated: 3 months ago
20+ active installs
Compatible up to: 4.3.1

Edit your posts on the front-end of your site.

By: Ella Iseulde Van Dorpe and WordPress.org.

Last Updated: 9 months ago
2,000+ active installs
Compatible up to: 4.3-alpha