
Plugin Directory

Manage Notification E-mails

Disable or enable the WordPress notification e-mails (new user, changed password, etc.). Works perfectly in combination with a lot of other plugins!

With this plugin you can switch the different WordPress notification e-mails on and off, like options as the new user and password change notifications send by WordPress to the administrator and user. Works perfectly in combination with a lot of other plugins!

The options you can manage are:

  1. New user notification to admin
  2. New user notification to user
  3. Notify postauthor
  4. Notify moderator
  5. Password change notification to admin
  6. Password change notification to user
  7. E-mail address change notification to user
  8. Forgotten password e-mail to user
  9. Forgotten password e-mail to administrator

Coming soon:

  1. E-mail logging
  2. html styling option for notification e-mails send to users

Want regular updates? Feel free to support me with a small donation :-)

Requires: 4.0.0 or higher
Compatible up to: 4.4
Last Updated: 23 hours ago
Active Installs: 900+


5 out of 5 stars


0 of 3 support threads in the last two months have been resolved.

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1 person says it works.
0 people say it's broken.
