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  • Boone Gorges 3:32 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink |

    Taxonomy term metadata proposal 

    During a recent meeting focused on the taxonomy roadmap, a number of contributors discussed the possiblility of adding metadata for taxonomy terms to WordPress #10142. Assuming we decide to build termmeta, a major hurdle will be compatibility with the many plugins – both publicly available and privately developed – that already implement their own version of termmeta. We plan to do an in-depth scan of all public plugins that conflict with the core implementation (function names, database table schema, etc) and to mount an outreach and documentation project to help affected plugin developers move to the core system. Our goal is zero fatal errors or lost data on WP installations.

    But before moving forward with research of existing plugins, we need a fairly clear sense of what the core implementation would, in fact, look like. These details will serve as the basis for a set of heuristics developers can use to tell whether their plugins will conflict with what goes into core.

    Toward that end, below is the outline of a proposed implementation of termmeta.

    1. Database
      1. Term metadata will be stored in a new database table, called {$wpdb->prefix}termmeta (wp_termmeta, for convenience in this proposal).
      2. The termmeta table name will be stored at $wpdb->termmeta.
      3. The wp_termmeta schema will mirror the schema for postmeta and usermeta tables:
        CREATE TABLE $wpdb->termmeta (
            meta_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
            term_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
            meta_key varchar(255) default NULL,
            meta_value longtext,
            PRIMARY KEY (meta_id),
            KEY term_id (term_id),
            KEY meta_key (meta_key($max_index_length))
        ) $charset_collate;
    2. New API functions
      New API functions will closely mirror those for postmeta and usermeta. They will primarily be wrappers for the _metadata() family of functions. We may also build in some fault tolerance for when $term_id does not identify a unique term (ie, because shared terms have not yet been split by the 4.3 upgrade routine).

      1. add_term_meta( $term_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $unique = false )
      2. delete_term_meta( $term_id, $meta_key, $meta_value = '' )
      3. get_term_meta( $term_id, $meta_key, $single = false )
      4. update_term_meta( $term_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value = '' )
      5. update_termmeta_cache( $term_ids )
    3. Other API improvements
      1. Termmeta cache priming for term-fetching functions: get_term(), get_term_by(), get_terms(), wp_get_object_terms(). See _prime_post_caches() for how this works for postmeta.
      2. A 'update_term_meta_cache' argument for functions that fetch multiple terms (get_terms(), wp_get_object_terms()) that will allow developers to prevent cache priming described in 3.1 above. As in the case of posts, 'update_term_meta_cache' will default to false.
      3. A new 'meta_query' argument for get_terms() and wp_get_object_terms().

    Please note that this is a draft. Details are subject to revision based on feedback from contributors. If you see something missing or amiss in the above, please leave a note below. (Please also note that this doesn’t mean that termmeta is a done deal. Sketching the implementation is part of the evaluation process.) Thanks in advance for your feedback!

    • John James Jacoby 3:44 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I cannot +1 this enough without being blacklisted by Akismet.

    • Scott Kingsley Clark 3:46 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      If we can get traction for Fields API, would love to implement it for Term meta on the term pages!

    • majemedia 3:47 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I just built a plugin (not public) for a client that utilizes term meta. The guide I followed (mostly) was here: http://shibashake.com/wordpress-theme/add-term-or-taxonomy-meta-data

      This utilizes update_metadata but requires wpdb queries to get metadata information.

    • nathanrice 3:52 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      In anticipation of this eventually being a thing, we chose (in Genesis) to avoid the custom table bit. Instead we just used a single option table entry (serialized) with key=>value pairs for each term ID.

      It’s inefficient and doesn’t scale, so in general, we tell people not to use the term meta features (mostly SEO related) if they have a large site and lots of terms.

      But the positive is that the transition would be pretty easy to make for us. Just a simple conversion function that runs on update, and update our helper functions to use the new API in WP. We prefix all our functions, so function name conflicts aren’t an issue for us.

      • Boone Gorges 4:24 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        This is excellent. Plugins/themes will, of course, be responsible for migrating their data to the new system. As the time gets closer, we’ll produce some documentation that suggests best practices for doing migrations to the core tables. In the meantime, thanks for using prefixes :)

    • marsjaninzmarsa 4:31 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      My proposal for WordPress update runtime, intended, but not limited to termmeta arrival:
      As part of update process, just after turning on maintenance, we can force turn of all plugins not compatible with new version, and after upgrade we can try to turn on all of them, one by one, looking for errors and conflicts, just like we’re doing in time of activation of plugin via panel. That can cause break of features, but can prevent “white screen of death”.
      Also, before core update we can check for new versions of this plugins, and if new versions are compatible with new WordPress, we can suggest updating this plugins first.


    • Dan Cameron 6:13 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      This is awesomesauce! I’m excited and will try my best to help the progress within the trac ticket.

    • leemon 6:32 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I really hope this goes forward in one way or another. Yesterday I was reading some people arguing against this in a trac ticket and the fact this could be wontfixed or pluginterritoried scared the shit out of me.

    • Tanner Moushey 9:33 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Awesome!!! Super excited for this!

  • Boone Gorges 2:51 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink |
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    Taxonomy meeting summary – 2015/09/03 

    Present: @boonebgorges, @swissspidy, @masonjames, @drewapicture, @georgestephanis, @khromov, @srwells, @michaeltieso, @dpegasusm, @kraft, @mrahmadawais, @samuelsidler, @leatherface_416, @jblz, @tyxla, @jeroenvanwissen, @lindsaymac, @eric, @jbrinley, @brashrebel, @pdufour, @joehoyle, @timothybjacobs, @ryanduff, @krogsgard, @aaroncampbell, @rahe

    Logs: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/core/p1441310435002734

    • Had a general discussion about term meta: who’s used plugins for it, who’s used workarounds, various use cases. We talked a bit about some arguments against term meta: that it will not perform well at scale, that it encourages poor data modeling – but decided that they could be set aside for the most part.
    • Outlined the interpretation, including database table name and schema, function names, and other API additions to support term meta. @boonebgorges will work up a RFC for make/core for feedback.
    • Talked about various ways in which existing term meta libraries might conflict with the core implementation: duplicated function names, duplicate table names, incompatible table schemas, etc. @boonebgorges is assembling a list of plugins in the repo that may conflict with the core implementation. Once the outline of the core implementation is pretty much settled, @aaroncampbell, @krogsgard, @masonjames, and @boonebgorges (and anyone else who is interested) are going to collaborate on reviewing these plugins to see which ones will conflict in serious ways (via a Google Doc, which @boone will share once we’re ready to go). This will help us gauge the extent of potential problems, and get a sense of what outreach will look like.
    • We talked a little about combining the wp_terms and wp_term_taxonomy database tables #30262. We outlined some backward compatibility concerns, and strategies for minimizing conflicts. Put out a general call for thoughts and initial patches on the ticket, though we probably won’t move forward with schema changes for at least one more release cycle.
    • Had a very brief discussion about WP_Term #14162. Initial implementation – probably doable for 4.4 – will be simple, and will focus on strict typing for term data as well as cache invalidation. Future releases may see more functionality moved to the class.
  • Robert Chapin 4:18 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink |
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    Shortcode Roadmap Extended Discussion 

    We saw a great amount of feedback on the first draft of the Shortcode API Roadmap.  The resounding concensus was that the shortcode syntax we already know and love should not be replaced.

    Now we need to bring that enthusiasm and more feedback to the first official meeting to help create a second draft of the roadmap.

    On Wednesday at 17Z, which is 9 Sep 2015 17:00.

    It is scheduled in the #feature-shortcode channel.

    In case you can’t make it to the meeting, here are some of the items up for discussion.

    Parser Problems

    The biggest issue with keeping the BBCode style syntax is that we don’t have a scalable way to make these shortcodes work in PCRE.  The current pattern searches for all registered shortcodes by name, because searching for matching pairs of braces leads to backtrack limitations and segfaults.  If someone has an idea or knows a good library, now is the time to tell us!  With that said, we are also bringing some new proposals of our own.  One theoretical solution should make it possible to preview the first word of each shortcode tag so that the full search pattern then only includes the names of shortcodes already found in the input, rather than the names of all registered shortcodes.  This is the best idea so far and could be easy to implement.

    HTML vs. Shortcode Syntax

    We still want to expand the shortcode syntax to allow multiple enclosures.  So which new tags would work best internally and still look nice for users?  We are now thinking something more like this:

    [shortcode] HTML [=part2=] HTML [/shortcode]

    Let’s also have a brief discussion about preparing for the eventual removal of HTML-in-shortcodes and shortcodes-in-HTML combinations. As we saw in 4.2.3, it is better to plan for this rather than allowing it to become an urgent surprise update.

    Version Issues and Breaking Things

    We still need to plan out a change of filter priorities so that shortcodes will be processed first, before paragraphs and curly quotes. How much impact will this have on plugins now that we will be changing the way existing shortcodes work instead of adding a whole new system? Is it adequate to offer paragraphs and curly quotes as an opt-in only feature?

    Will we need weekly meetings after this first one?

    Are there other tickets or features, such as nested shortcodes, that need to be roadmapped?

    • leehodson 5:33 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Two ideas:

      Backwards Compatibility

      a) WordPress records page creation dates and page update times. Leave the existing parser, though deprecated, to parse shortcodes in any content that was last updated before the new parser’s release.

      b) Deter use of the old style shortcode syntax by displaying a popup warning (or by highlighting text) in the content editor when old style tags are suspected of being added to new content or when old content is updated. This would double as a public information notice to alert editors to the new shortcode syntax.

      c) Provide a plugin to detect known old shortcodes and suspected unknown shortcodes. Editors and admins can then manually update them to the new syntax or risk automatic update. I guess a ‘shortcode updated’ flag could be added to page metadata to determine use of the new shortcode parser.

      New Syntax

      Yesterday I suggested back-to-back square brackets e.g [ and this ] used together like this [] be used as the new shortcode delimiter. This is easy to remember, easy to look at and shouldn’t cause too much damage to content readability wherever single brackets that are used to encase regular text are automatically converted erroneously into the new shortcode delimiter syntax.

      Self closing (two forward slashes at the end)


      Encasing (single forward slash)

      []tag[/] content [/]tag[]


      []tag[/] content [] nested self closing [//] more content [/]tag[]

      []tag[/] [] nested self closing [//] [/]tag[]


      What if a maximum tag name length were introduced? That should help reduce work performed by the new parser.

      • chriscct7 6:34 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Under the back the drawing board discussions, a new syntax isn’t needed, except where HTML is in shortcode attributes which will use the multiple enclosers to continue being able to take in HTML via shortcodes as shown above. The consensus of Draft 1 was if at all possible not to replace the new syntax

      • kjbenk 4:43 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        I love the idea of creating a new plugin that will notify site owners that there post contains deprecated shortcode tags and what also what posts they are. Would you consider developing this / would you want some help?

    • Weston Ruter 6:02 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      The biggest issue with keeping the BBCode style syntax is that we don’t have a scalable way to make these shortcodes work in PCRE.

      Maybe we’re doing it wrong by using regular expressions in the first place. If regular expressions shouldn’t be used to parse [X]HTML, per the famous stackoverflow answer, should they be used to parse shortcodes either? HTML with shortcodes is not a regular language but a context-free one (ish).

      What if instead of using regular expressions we used PHP’s own HTML parser in DOMDocument This would, nevertheless, require an initial regular expression replacement to convert shortcodes into HTML tag syntax. The add_shortcode() function would also need to allow shortcodes to be registered indicating whether they are empty or not.

      So then take a look at this gist which has a proof of concept for the initial parse of the post_content containing raw shortcodes: https://gist.github.com/westonruter/27307ea745701b6abf88

      So then you’d have a DOMDocument with span[data-shortcode] elements which could then be traversed over the DOM tree and for each element, starting with the inner-most nested (depth-first), it could send the content off to the shortcode handler and then the response could then replace that DOMElement. The tree walker would then step up the tree and handle any shortcode that wrapped that shortcode, also replacing that placeholder span element with the output from the shortcode handler.

      I note some dovetailing here between shortcodes and Web Components.

      • Nick Haskins 11:49 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        This was my initial thought as well after reading todays post. It seems to me that finding a better way to parse would be far more easier, and a lot less time consuming vs introducing new syntax, educating, rewriting docs, and dealing with the fallout from such a large change.

      • Robert Chapin 12:29 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        If we have reasonable benchmarks and some way to roadmap this after disallowing the HTML/shortcode combinations, then yes. So, my main concerns are whether it runs as fast as PCRE, and that we can’t convert shortcodes to HTML placeholders in the current system. Also, the “initial regular expression replacement to convert shortcodes into HTML” implies a strange level of redundancy. If we are parsing by PCRE then what’s the point of the conversion?

    • Pascal Birchler 8:37 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      As per this comment by nacin, I’d love to see this happening with the updated shortcode system:

      (Random thought, if anyone wants to have some fun, we should rewrite the API to use hooks under the hood, and ditch $shortcode_tags. And then break everyone reaching directly into $shortcode_tags.)

    • Greg Ross 1:28 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Parser Problems:

      I agree with @WestonRuter, PCRE is probably not be the solution to parsing shortcodes. However if there is still a desire to use them and a need to make them unique, perhaps something like:

      `[wp] html [/wp]` or `[sc] html [/sc]`

      makes more sense than some of the current complex proposals.

      Just to make it clear, I’m still all for keeping the current syntax.

      HTML vs. Shortcode Syntax

      Here’s a question, why do you want to expand the syntax to include multiple enclosures? What problem are you trying to solve?

      The most obvious one would be using that syntax as a type of if/else to conditionally display content. It would seem to make more sense to wrap the content in divs with classes and then conditionally set the class styles to display/hide them.

      Is there a better way than multiple enclosures to solve the problem?

      If that is still the way to go, perhaps a syntax like:

      `[shortcode] HTML [\part2] HTML [/shortcode]` or `[shortcode] HTML [part2 \] HTML [/shortcode]`

      (I like the flow of the first better but the second is more consistent)

      Version Issues and Breaking Things

      If it comes down to not being able to fix the real issues with shortcodes while maintaining the current syntax without breaking the old shortcodes, I would be in favour of using a new syntax rather than break the old shortcodes.

      Shortcodes are embedded in far too much content to break without giving users lots of time to address it.

      This would seem to be a great use of the feature plugin system to flesh out what a new shortcode system would look like and what impacts it would have on sites.

      Here’s what I’d suggest, WP 4.4 should include enough hooks in the shortcode parser to allow for a plugin to completely replace it (maybe it already does, haven’t dug that deep in to it).

      Then a new feature plugin is created to start working out the technical implementation of the new shortcode system. One of the core tenants of the plugin must be that it doesn’t break the old shortcodes. Either by using the same syntax and just extending it or by using a new syntax altogether.

      Once the plugin is mature, merge it in to core.

      If a new syntax for shortcodes is used, start alerting users as they edit content and use the old syntax of the new syntax.

      Then, at some point in the future, a discussion can be had about when or if the old syntax should be deprecated.

    • chatmandesign 2:57 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      If there’s value to distinguishing between self-closing shortcodes and shortcodes that contain other content, I think it would make sense to simply mimic XML syntax:


      This is a pretty small change that could be introduced as the strongly preferred syntax for self-closing tags, without necessarily eliminating support for the old style tags at all. Perhaps a very lightweight function could sweep through and handle all of these first, if that would cut back on the amount of work a beefier routine needs to perform. Just a thought, since the original proposal suggested it would be valuable to distinguish self-closing shortcodes.

      • Robert Chapin 7:57 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        This already exists actually. Nobody uses it. :) Kind of a moot point but I think this feature was not implemented correctly and now we are stuck with it.

    • Mark Root-Wiley 4:12 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      A lot of this parsing stuff is over my head, but two ideas that I’ll throw out (and which probably won’t work, but what the heck):

      • What about as a new syntax? stuff for the unclosing variety. It’s fairly unique, similar to the old, and even subtly discourages nesting within html. I even wonder if this would be easier to work with if you move toward a different parser that likes HTML. This would also presumably mean broken shortcodes don’t get displayed on the front end (although I suppose the editor would escape those angle brackets?). This probably doesn’t work…
      • Also wonder if it would be possible to add a prefix to all shortcode tags as part of a solution, so [my-shortcode] has to become [wp-my-shortcode] or [shortcode-my-shortcode] or [wpsc-my-shortcode]
  • Sergey Biryukov 11:23 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink |
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    Weekly Bug Scrubs for 4.4 

    There’s been a lot of activity on 4.4 already, let’s keep the momentum and start up weekly bug scrubs for the 4.4 cycle. Scrubs are a concentrated period of time for contributors to triage Trac tickets while other people are around at the same time.

    Where: The scrubs will be held in the #core channel on Slack.
    When: Each Friday, starting with Friday, September 4 2015 16:00 UTC.

    The goal is to work for about an hour to triage tickets on the 4.4 milestone and try to provide feedback and make progress on as many tickets as we can, to keep the milestone under control.

    See you there!

    • Pascal Birchler 6:29 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Dang, I won’t be able to make it. If anyone’s interested, I contributed some smaller patches lately that may be good candidates for commit: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/my-patches?USER=swissspidy

    • Paal Joachim Romdahl 6:42 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      An age old trac issue opened 9 years ago: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/2702
      In regards to: Easier way to change page order. Adjusting the order of the posts is difficult today as one has to go in and adjust the date of a post to move it up or down the post list. A very cumbersome method. Perhaps one could add the menu method to posts/pages/etc moving them up down and into a tree kind of way. It would be great to finally have proper ordering in WordPress core.

      • Pascal Birchler 8:39 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        I’d love to see this too, but maybe it makes more sense to create list tables in Backbone first where we could easily implement this.

        • Paal Joachim Romdahl 6:27 am on September 5, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          Hey Pascal. I hope to gain enough interest among developers to get the ball rolling so that this will be worked on so that we can finally experience a drag and drop ordering of post/pages/etc in core. I am a UX specialist so I do not have enough knowledge in regards to which code method would be best to take.

  • Robert Chapin 10:10 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink |
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    Shortcode Roadmap Draft One (Proposal – Request for Comments) 

    This is the first draft of the Shortcode API Roadmap. It describes in broad terms a new feature set and migration that might take place across versions 4.4 through 4.7. This roadmap gives notice to plugin developers that significant changes in plugin design may be needed for compatibility with future versions of the Shortcode API. This roadmap also identifies steps taken to minimize the impact on plugin developers to allow most plugins to continue working with only small changes.

    The decision to create this roadmap arose from specific needs that are not met by the old code. Our old [ and ] delimiters were easily confused with the way those characters are commonly used in English quotations and sometimes even in URLs. The proposal to use [{{ and }}] instead should allow a better balance between being able to type in the shortcodes and avoiding confusion with any other input. With these more unique delimeters, we will be able to process registered shortcodes more efficiently because we will not have to search for them by name. Unregistered shortcodes will have more consistency because we can find them more accurately.

    Old style delimeters also gave no strong indication whether or not a closing tag was required. The proposal to use }$] as the delimeter of a shortcode with a following closing tag increases the efficiency of regular expressions, because the search for a closing tag will only happen as needed.

    Adding the new style of shortcode syntax provides an opportunity to make significant API changes. One of those major changes is to ensure that shortcodes are processed before paragraphs and before curly quotes. This will lead to greatly simplified code in related functions that currently must find and avoid shortcodes every time they run. We also have an opporunity to re-think the way shortcodes are filtered, and to give plugin authors more control over those filters when registering their shortcodes.

    4.4 – Introduce New Syntax

    A new syntax and documentation of how it works will be created in the 4.4 development cycle. Support for the new syntax will be introduced, allowing plugins to register for extra features. Core shortcodes will use the new syntax in all new posts. The old syntax will not change. Old posts will not be affected. Initial work on the syntax concept follows.

    Proposed New Syntax

    Self-Closing:  [{{shortcode}}]
    Attributes:  [{{shortcode  attr1="value1"  attr2='value2'  "value3"  'value4'  value5}}]
    Enclosing:  [{{shortcode}$] HTML [${shortcode}}]
    Multiple Enclosures:  [{{shortcode}$] HTML [${encl2}$] HTML [${encl3}$] HTML [${shortcode}}]
    Escaped Code:  [!{{shortcode}}]
    Stripped Unregistered Code:  [{{randomthing}}]
    Stripped Unregistered Enclosure:  [{{randomthing}$]  Content also stripped.  [${randomthing}}]
    Stripped Empty Code:  [{{ }}]
    Ignored Orphan:  [{{shortcode}$]
    Ignored Orphan:  [${shortcode}}]
    Ignored Orphan:  [${encl2}$]
    Ignored Context:  [{{shortcode <br> }}]
    Ignored Context:  <a href="[{{shortcode}}]">

    4.5 – Deprecate Old Syntax

    Starting in 4.5, plugins that register shortcodes without declaring support for new features will raise debugging errors to alert developers that support for the old shortcode syntax is ending.

    Old posts will continue to work normally while the old syntax is deprecated.

    4.6 – Upgrade Old Posts

    Old posts will be automatically converted to the new shortcode syntax. The Shortcode API will continue to provide deprecated support for old syntax so that there is no disruption during the conversion process.

    The API should be adequately abstracted so that old plugins are not affected by this conversion. However, as the new syntax will not support HTML inside of shortcode attributes, there is no guarantee that every shortcode will work the same way in 4.6 as in earlier versions.

    4.7 – End of Support for Old Syntax

    Old shortcodes will stop working in 4.7. Plugins that still produce the old shortcode syntax will be ignored by the Shortcode API.

    The upgrade to 4.7 will include a second pass of the conversion of old posts so that any old syntax that was added to posts during 4.6 will still get converted.

    In 4.6 or 4.7, if necessary, a filter could be added to automatically convert any old syntax still being produced by old plugins when new posts are created.

    • Daniel Bachhuber 10:15 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Old posts will be automatically converted to the new shortcode syntax. The Shortcode API will continue to provide deprecated support for old syntax so that there is no disruption during the conversion process.

      What about shortcodes stored in other fields?

      • Muhammad 10:18 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Hopefully, we’ll have helper functions to convert those into new format.

      • Robert Chapin 10:38 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Unless there are alternative ideas, I think plugins that do things in non-core ways will be expected to follow the roadmap with their own upgrades. If there are certain fields that are very commonly used in plugins, we should consider doing a core conversion of those, but with much caution.

      • Robert Chapin 11:10 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        One alternative would be to leave the old syntax parsers available for plugin filters, while removing them from default filters.

    • AmirHelzer 10:16 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for the advanced notice on this huge upcoming change. Aren’t you worried that this process will basically break 99% of all existing WordPress sites? Almost all sites use shortcodes in one way or another (like image captions). doing automated updates to CONTENT is certainly possible, but also prone to corner cases and errors.

      It’s great to have a new API. Is it critically important to deprecate the old one?

      Also, for authors, it’s a lot nicer to have a simple [ ] syntax rather than a more complex sequence of characters.

      • Robert Chapin 10:44 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        I think the conversion process will be seamless for most sites. This will mainly depend on corner cases such as plugins embedding shortcodes inside of HTML attributes.

    • Nick Haskins 10:18 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      The advanced notice is great, but IMO this is absolutely ridiculous. Are there any benchmarks on how much more efficient it is having users type in more characters for a shortcode? Any benchmarks with how much more efficient core will be from having this change made? This is a HUGE change that will affect a VERY large subset of users.

      • chriscct7 10:40 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        This is partially about efficiency. This has a lot to do with security, and basically making 4.2.3 impossible as possible to re-occur

        • Nick Haskins 10:45 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          I’d love to see benchmarks on the regex processing of the current implementation against the proposed implementation. Re: security; ATM I’m failing to see how [{{this}}] is more secure than [this]?

        • kevinwhoffman 1:13 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          If the proposal has positive effects on security, it should mention them. A brief summary or a link to the issues with 4.2.3 would help inform that discussion. As of now the only focus seems to be on theoretical improvements to efficiency while complicating the process of using shortcodes.

      • FolioVision 11:31 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        This is an absolutely hideous proposal with dreadful syntax. Is the goal of this WordPress project of ours not to bring software to the people? Syntax like this will be the beginning of a new and much better simple CMS which doesn’t do things in the ugliest, most complicated way possible.

        Code better database upgrades, test them properly before releasing and please stop trying to ruin the software for the end users (those who actually use the software and pay all the bills for us to build it).

        • Travis Northcutt 3:54 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          “Syntax like this will be the beginning of a new and much better simple CMS which doesn’t do things in the ugliest, most complicated way possible.”

          The sky is falling!

    • Scott Taylor 10:18 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Let’s all note the “Draft One” portion of the title, and let’s all actively give feedback and participate in any decisions on the table here.

      • Nick Haskins 10:21 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        My main concern is that this isn’t easier for authors, and that this will affect a very large portion of users and active sites. If I’m understanding correctly, is this being proposed because it’s more efficient for core?

        • Scott Taylor 10:23 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          I have the same concerns, and hate the syntax. I also know that the current situation with shortcodes and content-parsing is potentially unstable and unsustainable.

        • Justin Sternberg 10:33 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          I’m in agreement here with the concerns. This will break a lot of things because the short code API has been around so long. There’s just no way to account for all the hacks, workarounds, etc, and doing a migration effort on a WP update sounds like a mighty scary prospect.

          • leehodson 10:37 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            Should be able to use the existing shortcode parser to recognize old format shortcodes then make the necessary changes to update them. It recognizes shortcodes efficiently enough at the moment.

            Can imagine breakage but as long as the updater shows the changes site admins ought to be able to determine where hands-on intervention is required.

          • FolioVision 11:33 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            It seems a make work project. Are there not some important areas where we could make some real progress like integrated multilingual and better native galleries/media management (NOT reliant on external Automattic services)?

            The upgrade process here and cross-version incompatibilities are more than scary.

          • galbaras 11:44 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            Backward compatibility should take into account site-specific customizations, i.e. declaring shortcodes in functions.php of a (child) theme. Most site owners use a “build and forget” approach, or at least neglect their sites for long periods. If a new version contains no support for old-style shortcode declarations, sites will break all over the web.

        • Solinx 11:09 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          Yes. How am I going to explain anyone that this syntax is an improvement?

          What specifically are the reasons for not using {{shortcode}} and {{shortcode}} {{/shortcode}}? Or [[shortcode]] and [[shortcode]] [[/shortcode]]?

          Other than that the improvements to the API sound good.

          • Robert Chapin 11:18 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            Lone curly braces are easily confused with PHP and other C-style code snippets. The latter square brace example is incompatible with the old syntax and would cause migration problems.

    • Andrew Ozz 10:20 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Was just about to say that this is a proposal. Scott beat me to it (as usual) :)

    • Pippin Williamson 10:22 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I would assume the answer is “yes”, but have there been benchmarks done that compare the differences in various syntaxes?

      Why [{{shortcode}}] and not {{shortcode}}?

      Most of the proposed syntax seems sane (though still curious on question above), but this one concerns me:

      [{{shortcode}$] HTML [${shortcode}}]

      For most users, that will be exceptionally unintuitive and we will almost certainly see a high error rate with users not being sure where and when a $ is used.

      • Nick Haskins 10:26 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Pippin I have to agree. If we absolutely have to move, how about something as simple as [{this}] HTML [${this}] . it’s easier to digest, and easier to remember that a $ ends a closing statement.

      • webaware 11:19 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        The whole proposal sounds pretty horrible to me, but this suggestion by Pippin sounds moderately less ridiculous.

        Re: {{…}}, I would assume that’s because they are already used heavily in non-WP templating, especially JS templating.

        Essentially, this “fix” is coming rather too late in the piece and I think it’ll break more things than it solves. As a plugin writer heavily dependent on shortcodes, I can only see a greater number of support requests from broken shortcodes in my future if this goes ahead.

        Only Shortcake can save us now! :)

        • idealien 2:33 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          “Only Shortcake can save us now!”

          Seriously! If Shortcake were to be brought into core along with this (draft) proposed change – it would go a LONG way to mitigating the concerns many have raised around complexity.

          Without Shortcake:
          “Look – we took this feature you love and made it harder to use….But it’s safer / faster / better”

          With Shortcake:
          “Look – we made is hella-easy to use shortcodes without having to remember syntax type things. Oh, and that syntax is also getting harder b/c it needs to be safer / faster / better.”

          Car metaphor time… With Shortcake: You’re getting automatic transmission and manual is just a little bit harder to use. Without Shortcake: Manual transmission is now harder to use.

          Shortcake FTW!

      • Robert Chapin 11:33 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        If we could get this to work…

        [{{shortcode}} HTML {{shortcode}}]

        Is that better? Or still confusing?

      • Mario Peshev 4:16 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        I do agree with Pippin’s example with the dollar signs. Seems incredibly easy to mess up by users. I also noticed another syntax including an exclamation sign, which adds an additional layer of complexity for each and every user.

        +1 on the benchmark question. Given the several different supported syntax proposals, I’m curious to see the regex that is parsing those in a sensible and timely manner.

    • AmirHelzer 10:23 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Also, we deal a lot with shortcodes in Toolset plugins. I can’t see any evidence of any user confusing the [ ] characters for anything else than shortcodes.

      Please, besides the code changes, please also consider the huge amount of documentation update that such a change will require.

      Run a quick Google search for “WordPress shortcodes”. A few pages come from wordpress.org, but the majority are old pages, blog posts and tutorials. Nobody is ever going to update them.

      So, after making such a change, people will see two sets of documentation – with new syntax and with old syntax. You know that Google favours ‘old’ content, so the old tutorials that are never going to update will still explain to use [ ]. I don’t think that this will work out well.

      • chriscct7 10:34 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        The team working on this is committed to the documentation updates that are necessary.

        • Pippin Williamson 10:35 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          Core documentation isn’t an issue. It’s every plugin / theme developer in the world that also has to update their documentation.

          I don’t disagree with updating docs, just making it clear that’s the issue @AmirHelzer is raising.

          Also have to keep in mind the thousands (millions?) of blog posts and tutorials out there.

          • AmirHelzer 10:49 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            Exactly. I’m sure that the core team would be quick to update documentation on wordpress.org. I’m talking about the many pages on other people’s sites that will likely never be updated.

    • Scott Fennell 10:25 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for your work on this!

      I’m trying to understand what I would need to do in order to prevent about 1,200 live blogs from breaking when this syntax is no longer supported:

      [my_shortcode before='<div class="my_class">' after='</div>']

      Andrew offered a helpful suggestion here:


      If I understand his suggestion correctly, I’d be on the hook to do a search and replace in the database, which will be quite scary and expensive for my company. We have literally thousands of posts on thousands of blogs.

      Please, let’s find a way to move forward with this that leaves the old format unscathed.

      • Scott Fennell 10:28 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Sorry, meant to provide the following code.


        Is there a reference somewhere for the comment syntax so I can stop posting gibberish?

      • Robert Chapin 11:49 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        If the situation doesn’t support

        [{{my_shortcode class="my_class"}}]

        Then the alternative proposed in the roadmap is

        [{{my_shortcode}$] Optional Content [${before}$]<div class="my_class">[${after}$]</div>[${my_shortcode}}]

        We will also likely encode any HTML in attributes during a migration, so you would have the option of decoding that in your plugin.. security implications could be significant though.

        • Scott Fennell 4:10 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          “We will also likely encode any HTML in attributes during a migration”

          Can you explain what you mean by migration, exactly? My imagination is running wild a bit with what you might mean by that. Do you mean to propose that, upon this update, the new version of WordPress will automatically fix my post_content across many gigabytes of posts, without me having to do anything to the posts?

          • Aaron D. Campbell 4:29 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            That’s definitely the goal. Basically using the existing parser to pull shortcodes and replace them with the new syntax.

            • Scott Fennell 7:43 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink

              Sorry for sounding clueless here but that would be … amazing. Is there a precedent for this level of work in a similar update? I’m having trouble imagining how this would be possible given a very large database like mine. Would it run as a cron job perhaps?

    • leehodson 10:30 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      The new syntax is very confusing to the eye. Users would find it complicated. I feel we could make it less confusing by using back-to-back opening and closing brackets.

      For example

      Self Closing:



      []shortcode[] Content [/]shortcode[]

      Note the forward slash between the brackets of the closing tag on the enclosing shortcode.

      Is there a reason this wouldn’t work?

    • Peter Wilson 10:51 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I’d be happier with {{selfclosing}} and {{enclosing}} {{/enclosing}} or similar. Mixing the formats seems fraught.

      Upgrading old content is a necessary evil, backward compatibility on the deprecated format defeats the purpose somewhat. Seeing some benchmarking results would be great.

      As theme and plugin developers, we have been caught out by an ill-defined API and security problems in the past, a long term roadmap makes the best of a bad situation. I’d rather a two year defined process than a repeat of 4.3.2

      • webaware 12:46 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        [ignoring the double-moustache issue here…] but what signifies that the self-closing shortcode is self-closing? The problem is not merely one of mixed use, it’s the calling syntax that the regex needs to accommodate.

        • Peter Wilson 1:38 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          Okay, understood – that makes sense.

          {{selfclosing /}} and {{enclosing}} {{/enclosing}}, perhaps. That makes sense to me as a developer, so may be bad for a user.

          Could be double moustache, square, anything. Looking for the balance between performance and teaching.

        • Curtiss Grymala 3:44 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          In HTML, what signifies that a self-closing tag is self-closing? Hint: it’s not the / at the end; that’s totally optional; in fact, even the closing HTML tag is optional in a lot of cases.

          For instance:

          <img src="/my-image.png" alt="">


          (a complete HTML page that is 100% valid HTML)

          are both perfectly valid HTML code samples, even if they do make those of us accustomed to XHTML syntax cringe.

          In a perfect world, there would be some way to indicate when registering the shortcode itself whether or not it’s supposed to be self-closing, but that’s not always possible (I believe there are plenty of use-cases where a single shortcode works one way when it’s self-closing, and works a slightly different way when it’s wrapped around content).

          That said, I would definitely support the idea of at least trying to indicate that in the shortcode registration (for instance, if my shortcode is only ever written to be a self-closing shortcode, let me indicate that when I register it; if it’s only ever intended to wrap around content, let me indicate that when using add_shortcode()).

          • webaware 11:09 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            Yes, and a parser for HTML is a pretty complex piece of code, much more significant than a handful of regular expressions. Ultimately, a true parser might be needed if we want to keep shortcodes the way they are. But perhaps that discussion is better held on the new post

    • Scott Fennell 10:52 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Othe use case for shortcodes I’m hoping you don’t break: Shortcodes in widget titles and widget text fields. This has been a gloriously simple and helpful solution for our agency, and many others I’d suspect.

      • williampatton 12:36 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Shortcodes can be parsed anywhere by passing it through `do_shortcode()` which is what I expect your themes are doing to make use of them in widget titles and content.

        Your use case should be just fine so long as the shortcodes used obey the newer syntax :)

    • KalenJohnson 11:10 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I’m most likely horribly biased since I’ve started the discussion about [https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/33472 templating engines], but aren’t those shortcodes looking an awful lot like templating engine syntax?

      I’m mostly confused as to why users apparently would be able to remember all those different syntax’s, yet theme and plugin developers wouldn’t, or rather don’t have built in functionality to.

      Also, I also feel rather strongly that there are MANY options now that are much preferable to shortcodes. Things like ACF, Pods, etc. They are not built in to WP core like shortcodes, but really, shouldn’t we focus on getting the Fields API set up correctly rather than continuing to pursue having complicated layouts in one single WYSIWYG editor (not so much WYSIWYG when it’s littered with shortcodes).

      • Jonathandejong 5:52 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        I’m with this guy ^ Complicated layouts in a single WYSIWYG field just feels wrong. Altho I recognize there’s a lot more to it than just the editor (do_shortcode(), widget fields etc.).

    • Aristeides Stathopoulos 11:33 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I love it!
      It was about time we use something more unique for shortcodes…

    • nick6352683 11:51 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Priorities core developers, priorities. With so many things to still fix and add to the core, you are going to spend time and energy on this, and for the lamest excuse for doing so? Who uses square brackets for quotations? Way to break millions of web sites, for nothing!

      • webaware 12:48 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        [I hate to pop your bubble but] many people use brackets for essentially parenthetical in-sentence comments. :)

    • Jon Brown 11:53 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Shortcode API, yay! This is an exciting proposal, but I’ve got to echo others that the proposed syntax looks like a disaster. I get it, but I can’t imagine users will. I get avoiding the sane syntax of handlebars, angular, C, etc… but do we really have to be _that_ different. I really hope there is a better way.

      On core updating old shortcodes. I’m sorry but no, just no. Don’t you dare go changing _my content_ on a WP update. Worse still is only planning on updating post_content and ignoring all the other places shortcodes show up. Custom Fields for one, but also in PHP files.

      I’d humbly suggest two significant change to this proposal (beyond finding better syntax).
      1. Don’t plan on actually dropping support for the old shortcodes. Do show deprecated notices, just don’t stop supporting the old syntax until WP 6.0. Of all the deprecated cruft I’d love to see dropped, this will never be one of them.
      2. Build a separate utility/plugin a la the WordPress XML importer that can update old shortcodes in a user controlled fashion. Bonus if it actually scans PHP files and identifies shortcodes there. This could then either bulk update, or step through shortcodes one by one for the super paranoid.

      Summary: Simpler Syntax, No real deprecation, Separate plugin for converting old shortcodes.

    • Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) 11:56 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Going to be… interesting migrating SyntaxHighlighter over to this. Maybe this is the motivation I need to finally finish my rewrite from scratch.

    • Peter Chester 12:44 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I love clarity. I love easily parseable content. However, this seems like it’s destined to cause WordPress sites around the world to break. I’m sure we’ll see heaps of bare old shortcodes from this change.

      I’m not sure I understand why it’s a problem to check that a shortcode is actually a shortcode before trying to convert it. Why are we doing this?

      Also, I have a hard time teaching people the existing simple shortcode. I expect the error rate will be quite high for people with a more complicated new format.

      > Our old [ and ] delimiters were easily confused with the way those characters are commonly used in English quotations and sometimes even in URLs.

      What are some examples? I haven’t run into this at all in all my years of working with WordPress.

      • webaware 12:59 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Very common to have brackets in quotes, to fill in implied references, like this:

        “I won’t be rushing out to get my daughters vaccinated [for cervical cancer], maybe that’s because I’m a cruel, callow, callous, heartless bastard but, look, I won’t be.” Tony Abbott, November 9th, 2006

        Also for excerpted quotes, like this:

        […] We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender [… continued]

        For URLs, consider that PHP only handles query parameters as arrays when the parameter name has [] or [key], and some URLs pass such parameters.

    • Greg Ross 12:47 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I agree with many of the above comments about the syntax, it’s cumbersome and confusing.

      HTML seems to get by just fine with a single character for it’s delimiters and I see no reason a shortcode can’t as well. Perhaps square brackets are too common, fine let’s change to something else (curly brackets seem reasonable).

      And don’t reinvent the wheel, HTML already has a standard for self-closing and encapsulated tags ( and ) use the same format for shortcodes ( {shortcode /} and {shortcode} {/shortcode}).

      This would also allow both shortcode API’s to run side by side as plugin authors and content creators updated to the new format. Perhaps even make the new syntax a feature plugin for the next few releases until it is merged in to core and then move the old API out to a plugin for several more releases.

      The timeline seems far to aggressive, shortcodes were added way back in WP2.5 and how you want to yank out the old format in just three point releases? The amount of code and content that will require updating is significant.

      My final thought is about the assertion in the proposal that shortcodes *should* only do certain things (like not pass in html as attributes). Keep shortcodes flexible, don’t artificially limit them to certain things. While it may take more to support that flexibility, it would seem to have paid off greatly in the past looking at all the things people have done with them.

      • Ben Huson 4:11 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Completely agree on not re-inventing the wheel for self-closing and encapsulated tags. Stick with the same convention as HTML using the trailing/leading slash within the syntax.

    • Justin Tadlock 1:00 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      On syntax:

      Users know shortcodes. WP wasn’t the first system to have them. Anyone remember the old BBCodes?

      Open bracket. Type short tag. Close bracket. Simple. Intuitive. Hard to break if you’re not doing anything crazy. Let’s make sure this simplicity is at the core of any discussion on the topic.

      I’d pretty much put the [{{shortcode}}] syntax into the non-starter category. I could get behind {{shortcode}} if we must change syntax, but mixing and matching brackets is destined to fail.

      On updating:

      One thing to watch out for when auto-updating old shortcode syntax in the post content is those of us who output code examples, especially those of us who write in Markdown and don’t need to convert our [ and ].

    • Maxime Jobin 1:04 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      My main problem is understanding what real problem does it solve ?

      The proposed syntax is really confusing. Isn’t there a way to simply “improve” the actual syntax instead of changing it like this ?

      Also, wouldn’t it a good idea to abstract the concept in the editor. That would mean displaying a visual representation of the shortcode. I would see that as Facebook highlights someone you tag in a status/comment.

      But, that would mean “forcing” developers to specify expected/accepted attributes.

      Aren’t we ready for something more powerful than writing shortcodes ? For devs, it’s perfect. But for non-tech, it’s hard to understand and use. Changing that would mean a lot of confusion.

    • Justin Busa 1:07 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      If custom fields aren’t going to be migrated to the new syntax, then it would be nice if there was some sort of filter that would allow plugin developers to migrate fields themselves.

      Also, in terms of sites breaking, it would be nice if there was some sort of constant that would enable the old API. Reason being, lets say a site has shortcodes defined in the theme or is using do_shortcode in theme files. Enabling the old API would instantly fix the site while allowing the developer time to update the theme’s code.

    • Ipstenu (Mika Epstein) 1:18 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      My major concerns have been raised already but I’ll stress if from a different angle.

      If we learned anything from the shortcode change to secure them, we cannot keep breaking users sites. I know that we’re talking about a long term plan to possibly remove shortcodes as we know them by 4.7, but even with all the notification in the world, we will break sites.

      We have 3 releases of WP a year. 4.7 is 18 months away at the outside. That’s a lot of information to get out there really fast and really clearly, AND a lot of code to fix.

      We have to consider:

      • All the plugins and themes on the planet we will break (because we will, they won’t read or test). We have to degrade them as gracefully as humanly possibly. Continuing to say “Well the developers were notified and should have updated” now that we’re as big as we are is not sustainable.
      • All the very (legitimately) angry end users who are broken because they didn’t upgrade plugins and themes (or the themes/plugins didn’t get updated). People were rightly angry last time. It’s the end users, not the developers, who will be hardest hit by this change.
      • Communicating clearly to the users that it’s now {{gallery}}. That’s going to be very hard. Incredibly hard. Updating their old posts (keeping in mind Justin’s Markdown caveat and those who use them as an aside – I know I know) is easier than making sure everyone knows what to do. At best we can keep tabs on the ones built into WP and perhaps use the logic we have in the visual editor NOW to convert them, but we have to figure out how to make sure everyone knows. This is nothing like the move of Menus to customizer. That was confusing, but the users could see what happened. This is a legit change, your old way is no longer going to work. That is huge.
      • The number of users who have premium themes and plugins that do not get update alerts. These people are simply not going to know they need to update and this is not their fault. We should never be breaking them if there’s possibly any alternative.
      • Users will be upgraded by their hosts vis-a-vis one-click installs and managed hosting so they will have up to date WP and out of date plugins/themes. So yes, many users will be on 4.7 and then a theme from 2014. It sucks, it’s the reality, we know it’s the reality, we cannot stick our heads in the sand.
      • Plugins that are already using {{template}} tags in their code. Yeah, I’ve seen it. Most of them use it for search/replace within their own code, but we’ll want to make sure we check for everyone in the repo who might be doing it on their own.
      • Gabe Shackle 1:55 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        This sums up my feelings perfectly: “we cannot keep breaking users sites”

        Ending support for the current style of shortcode syntax within 18 months will absolutely break sites and frustrate end-users, site owners, and developers in a huge way.

        The best way to make developers stop using a platform is to force them to repeatedly have to retrain their clients and refactor their code.

    • Jean-Francois Arseneault 1:19 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Clients, you know, the small business owers, who we train to use their site, and the 3-5 shortcodes they might need, already have a hard time understanding these “square brackets”.

      The draft I read seems to me like the start of “pleasing the machine, and not the human”

    • Luke Carbis 1:20 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I’m concerned about client-brain-backward-compatibility. Any changes to the shortcode syntax should still work with my clients brain.

      For example, I provide my client with a site, and teach them to use [button] to insert a button. We finish our contract, and I am no longer in touch with them.

      First the client updates WordPress to 4.4. Nothing changes. Then 4.5. They’re in a production environment, so they don’t see the warnings. Then 4.6. They don’t happen review old posts / pages, but if they do, they don’t realise that their shortcodes have changed.

      Then the client updates to WordPress 4.7, but unlike me, they don’t read the Make WordPress Core blog. They don’t know about the changes. They don’t know that what they’ve learned has become deprecated and now unsupported.

      The client publishes a new page, and they put the button in the way they’ve been taught, which has always worked. But now, it doesn’t work. It’s broken. They call me.

      The client is now angry because a WordPress update cost them money, and confused because the new syntax is much harder to understand.

      I recognise that there are always changes to WordPress, and that the nature of incremental releases is that a user must learn to deal with change. But as far as I know, these changes have always been easy enough for a reasonable user to intuitively navigate. i.e. changes to the menu design, or updates to the nav menu UI.

      I have three questions:

      1. Has there ever been a change to WordPress which could not be intuitively learned by a reasonable user?

      2. Is it okay to introduce unintuitive changes to WordPress?

      3. How can we make this change intuitive to a reasonable user?

      • Luke Carbis 1:29 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Here’s a suggestion to answer my third question.

        • When the user enters a shortcode (with either the [simple] or the [{{new}}] format), check if the shortcode exists.
        • If it does, replace the text shortcode with a GUI placeholder element
        • Also, behind the scenes (i.e. in the HTML editor), replace the [simple] shortcode with the [{{new}}] format

        The user experience doesn’t get worse – it gets better. My client enters a shortcode as they always have. They see a visual indicator to show that it was recognised and accepted. Behind the scenes, the new format is saved.

        • Weston Ruter 5:52 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          Yeah, if this new syntax goes in then GUI placeholders (TinyMCE views) are going to have to be the answer, which also seems like Shortcake.

    • webaware 1:30 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Upon some further thought, I think that really there are two problems that are presented:

      1. brackets are already commonly used elsewhere, e.g. quotations, URLs with array parameters

      I see this as being a problem only when developers register shortcodes for real words. Using a sensible prefix for shortcodes prevents this. Unfortunately, there’s been a push for shortcode portability which directly undermines that, e.g. by recommending shortcodes like [product …] for products. [and of course, that prevents combining plugins with similar intent on the same site, but whatever…]

      Has it actually been a problem thus far? I imagine that anyone writing “blah-de-blah [product name] de-blah” will quickly discover that they should use parentheses instead if they don’t want to trigger the shop plugin they’ve installed. Content editors learn. They already have stuff they need to learn, and this is a very simple one that they learn pretty damned quickly anyhow.

      Is it necessary to strip “unregistered shortcodes” when we can just assume that they are part of normal sentence structure? So some websites will display the odd shortcode when its code [e.g. plugin] isn’t active; so what?

      2. self-closing shortcodes don’t look like they are self-closing until they don’t have a closing shortcode

      … which is easily resolved by demanding that they close with /] similarly to XML and HTML.

      To me, this is THE performance problem, and it is easily resolved by not allowing self-closing shortcodes without a terminating /].

      Now, bear in mind also that cleaning up old code might require changing content in:

      • wp_posts.post_content
      • wp_posts.post_excerpt (some plugins / themes use it for rich text)
      • wp_postmeta.meta_value
      • wp_usermeta.meta_value
      • custom tables
      • code (e.g. directly calling `do_shortcode(‘[product …]’);`

      And it has to take into account all sorts of edge cases.

      There’s only so much auto-upgrading that can be achieved. The changes proposed WILL BREAK WEBSITES. Even simply requiring self-closing shortcodes to have /] WILL BREAK WEBSITES. All I can see coming from this proposal is pain. “There will be a great gnashing of teeth” etc. :(

    • Jean-Francois Arseneault 1:47 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Pardon the pink-colored glasses for a second, but why does it seem that our only choice moving forward, to improve the state of shortcodes, is to change *how* shortcodes work, and not *if* there isn’t a better / newer way to accomplish the goal of inserting content into a page ?

      In the spirit of seing the forest from the trees, why are we still trying to desperately manage mixed-source content using text-based shortcodes ?

      Why are we still using a paradigm where the main content area (if talking about posts) is still an area where we can add content, but also perform layout decisions *within* the content? Where’s the separation of concerns in this way of doing things?

      I think Page Builders are the start of a better solution for managing all these different contents within a page, but perhaps forcing plugin authors to expose their functionality into native widgets and ‘page builder elements’, vs letting them add shortcodes anywhere to render content might be an approach that is easier to grasp, from a UI perspective, for *end-users*.

      Sure, developers, integrators… we can handle everything you throw at us, but in the end, the sites are built for end users, for real-life applications and business purposes. End users are the ones that matter.

      Simplicity always wins.

      • Peter Wilson 2:19 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        The Shortcake feature plugin covers providing a UI for shortcodes.

      • Chris Van Patten 2:30 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Although I’m generally in favour of this proposal, I think this merits some consideration too. Is there potentially a way to eliminate shortcodes — as in a manually entered bit of pseudo-tag-like code — altogether? I think Shortcake is an interesting approach, but it still depends on the shortcode API in the backend. What if shortcodes were deprecated, and replaced with an entirely new concept for inserting dynamic “chunks” of content that doesn’t fall back on parsing through plaintext?

        Replacing shortcodes is probably a much-longer term play, but it does mean that instead of patching the old they can be replaced with something newer, more flexible, and more in tune with the direction core has been moving already.

      • John Teague 1:53 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        I totally agree. We need to be thinking of an intuitive replacement for shortcodes altogether. That provides incentives for developers and users to make the change.

        I really appreciate the hard work by @Robert Chapman and others putting a lot of effort into solving the increasingly unsustainable shortcode system. Sadly, I think the proposal in its current form, will confuse already error prone users, and likely break a lot of sites.

    • Chris Van Patten 2:36 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      As a supplement to my other comment (which was a nested reply), I’m generally in favour of this proposal. I think there’s merit in discussing completely new alternatives to shortcodes, but that’s a semi-separate issue.

      Like many others, I’m not sold on the suggested syntax, but it’s obviously still early days.

      One other thought: why not make escaped code the default, and make unescaped the exception with its own special syntax? Are there backcompat reasons that wouldn’t work? Seems like (potentially) an easy win for security.

    • Andrew Nacin 3:03 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for your feedback, everyone. Developers, truly, honestly, really: Thank you for paying attention. I often feel that requests for comments usually fall on deaf ears, and I know I am not the only committer who feels that way. This has been one of the most substantial and productive threads on make/core I’ve seen, and it’s encouraging to see.

      Here are some thoughts on the proposal:

      • This was clearly labeled a “draft”. I am glad many of you noticed that this was not a decree, but a call for feedback. (And thank you again for obliging.)
      • The vision of shortcodes should be something like “it should be easy and intuitive for non-technical authors to embed and enrich their posts” (I have cribbed this from @matt).
      • This vision does not actually mean that shortcodes are the solution. I actually have a strong dislike for shortcodes. I think they are a terrible user experience, and that even something like Shortcake is still only a marginal improvement.
      • Some changes to shortcode parsing is absolutely necessary in order to keep WordPress secure. Yes, this is about security, not just general sanity.
      • The proposed syntax significantly clashes with the proposed vision. And given all of your feedback, we’re clearly going to have to go back to the drawing board. Please note that we still need to do something, but maybe we can think further outside the box.
      • And for goodness sake, PLEASE STOP RELYING ON HTML IN SHORTCODE ATTRIBUTES. This also does not align with the outlined vision, either, and it’s what largely precipitates proposals like these.
      • Thank you @miqrogroove for your incredibly hard work on this. Honestly, folks, many of you simply cannot see how much work Robert has poured into shortcodes over the last year, as it takes place in private security discussions. He’s been a tremendous asset to the project.

      I’m looking forward to future make/core threads getting this much high quality feedback. Now if only it can also carry over to more Trac tickets. 😀

      • Solinx 9:21 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply


        “I’m looking forward to future make/core threads getting this much high quality feedback. Now if only it can also carry over to more Trac tickets.”

        I think this could be helped by making Trac more accessible and by providing a better overview of what is currently going on.

        1. Trac
        When I first heard of Trac I had to get there through google. The “Get Involved” page didn’t help at all. Why not add a link to both the tickets dashboard and the ‘next release’ tickets list at https://make.wordpress.org?

        And why not link to related tickets, github repo’s, slack groups, etc. at the bottom of these blog posts? That makes it a whole lot easier to get to the right places to get involved.

        2. Progress overview
        It is difficult to keep track of all that is going on. The blogs provide updates, but not an overview. Perhaps you could introduce something such as: http://dev.modern.ie/platform/status/adownloadattribute/

        Also here you could link to the related tickets, github, etc.

      • Nick Haskins 12:11 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        “Now if only it can also carry over to more Trac tickets.”

        The problem with Trac, for me at least, is that it’s not part of my daily workflow. I’m a bit intimidated by Trac, not to mention making patches. I take part in conversations on Github all day, because that’s how we manage code and issues for my job. I suspect that if these conversations were on Github, with PR’s being allowed there would be a lot more participation. After all, I don’t know any developers outside of WordPress who use SVN in their workflow.

        • NateWr 2:08 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          Thanks for outlining this response @nacin. I’d second thinking outside the box. I suspect a lot of the problematic uses of shortcodes stem from people trying to plug gaps in other kinds of functionality (layout, class assignment, conditionals). Maybe solving some of those problems would take a bit of heat off of shortcodes, and make them a smaller attack vector. Or maybe not. Can’t say I really understand the security implications of shortcodes.

        • John Teague 2:33 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          Totally agree with you on this Nick. Think how moving to Git would invite solid developers to submit great fixes and features? It’s not that a lot of us can’t use Trac/SVN. It’s just who the hell wants to.

          • Helen Hou-Sandi 4:06 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            I imagine that a lot of the workflow folks think of centers around GitHub and pull requests as opposed to Git itself, but just a note that there is a proper Git mirror that many people patch against, including a number of committers. https://make.wordpress.org/core/2014/01/15/git-mirrors-for-wordpress/

            • KalenJohnson 4:49 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink

              Yes that’s very true, it is Github itself which has become such a boon for developers to be able to quickly and easily find issues, discuss them, and create pull requests. Trac seems very antiquated by comparison, and submitting patch files is not something the rest of the open source web development world does that I’ve seen.

              I can understand how large the move to Github would be for WP, but don’t underestimate that it could really remove WP from the silo it’s in and open up to better quality issues, more issue discussion (as Nacin is looking for), and possibly more patches as people are much more familiar and willing to make pull requests.

            • J.D. Grimes 6:15 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink

              Yes, the workflow on Trac is needlessly complex. I’d +1 moving to GitHub, or something where we can have PRs instead of patches.

            • John Teague 1:58 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink

              My bad. I meant github.

      • dlouwe 1:07 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        “This vision does not actually mean that shortcodes are the solution. I actually have a strong dislike for shortcodes. I think they are a terrible user experience, and that even something like Shortcake is still only a marginal improvement.”

        Very much this. Users shouldn’t have to learn syntax to make use of shortcode-like functionality. They can already use the Visual editor to insert and manipulate HTML without ever knowing what HTML is, and that should be a clear goal for whatever shortcodes end up being in the future. It doesn’t much matter what the new syntax looks like if the only people who are going to be editing it directly are people who have business doing so. As a developer, I don’t mind jumping through some extra hoops to make sure my users have an easy and intuitive experience!

      • raamdev 3:23 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        > The vision of shortcodes should be something like “it should be easy and intuitive for non-technical authors to embed and enrich their posts”

        I agree. That makes this a good time to redesign shortcodes from scratch, to rethink how we would create something that provides the same flexibility and power of the existing Shortcode API while also more accurately fulfilling the goal of being something that is “easy and intuitive for non-technical authors to embed and enrich their posts”.

        The ideas that came to mind while reading your comment were: Do shortcodes need to be something that is entirely configurable from within the post editor? What if they were instead something that pointed to a configuration, a configuration stored in the database that allowed a plugin or theme to determine what should be returned? (I’m thinking something like `[{{shortcode id=”plugin_slug_123″}}]`, i.e., something like a shortcode with a single attribute.)

        Then a new API could provide plugin and theme developers with a way of building a UI that would allow users to configure ‘shortcodes’ (the configuration being stored in the database, e.g., as `plugin_slug_123`), similar to the way the Plugin API allows plugins to register meta boxes for post types.

        My feeling is that creating something that is both easy and intuitive for non-technical users will require getting rid of syntax as much as possible and replacing that with a UI.

        Building a whole new feature to replace the Shortcode API would also make it easier to transition away from the current Shortcode API: Eventually WordPress Core could disable the old Shortcode API by default (allowing site owners to re-enable it, perhaps using an MU Plugin, with the knowledge that it’s no longer recommended) while plugin and theme developers could update their code to support the new feature (their motivation to do so will be that future versions of WordPress won’t have the old Shortcode API enabled).

    • markkaplun 5:48 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      [might not be needed after so many comments but…] I want to also voice my opinion against the proposed. I can see how software developer *might* be happy with this kind of syntax but this is very far from freely written text. The need to balance the number of braces is a no go, it is just too easy for my cat to erase one of them and making me waste an hour trying to figure out what is wrong because it will not look obvious. I actually don’t feel too strongly about the syntax of the complex variants, as they require some kind of programming state of mind, but the self closing one should be extremely simple.
      In addition, The use of the $ sign for anything in this context is ridiculous. In free written text it indicates some reference to money or value and the reason it used in regexp is because it is used in free text but rarely in programming.

      1. Whatever is the final syntax, syntax highlighting for shortcodes should be part of both the tinymce and the “text” editors. This will make it easier to identify shortcode and find broken ones.

      2. Since this will be such a big chagne, might as well fix [the lack of] permission checks. On a multi author site everyone can use all shortcodes. There is no reason why a contributor should be able to insert a contact form via a short code. Sure the editor is supposed to review and remove it, but there is no point in giving the ability in the first place.

    • umchal 6:21 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      The biggest problem of shortcodes from my view is that they remain in the posts even after the plugin which uses the shortcode gets uninstalled.

      I suggest using the HTML comment syntax.

      • HTML

      This way, users do not have to concern about removing them form the post. I suggested this a while back (https://wordpress.org/ideas/topic/commentcode-alternative-to-shortcode).

    • Florian Girardey 7:04 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      How can you possibly want to break a lot of websites with 4.7 with end of support of the current shortcode syntax and absolutely rejecting the idea of using a recent version of PHP…

      I like the idea of improvement and this roadmap is a good idea but i don’t understand the logic behind the WordPress team right now.

      • BrashRebel 12:43 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        If you want to understand, read the whole discussion. In particular @nacin‘s comment https://make.wordpress.org/core/2015/09/02/shortcode-roadmap-draft-one/#comment-27484

        • Florian Girardey 5:51 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          I understand why this roadmap is necessary and i absolutely agree.

          But the arguments advanced for such a changement are closely the same that a PHP version update, i don’t understand how the WordPress team can accept this roadmap but also refuse a PHP version update. That’s all

          • Ipstenu (Mika Epstein) 7:18 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            While I understand the comparison, it’s a logical fallacy.

            A minimum requirement is just that. A minimum. WP’s minimum is PHP 5.2.4 and MySQL 5.0.15. We still say mod_rewrite is optional. Supporting older versions doesn’t make the codebase insecure in and of itself, and there is no external dependency update that can fix the current security issues with shortcodes.

            The point of this post is to ensure, when we do fix shortcodes, we do it in as graceful and as minimally intrusive a way as humanly possible. To not repeat the shortcode sins of the past. Your concern, while well meaning and valid, has a marked tendency to detract from that.

    • Cristian Antohe 7:10 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      We’re using Mustache template tags in both our plugins and I can tell you {{tag}} is in no way simpler then [tag]. Once you start adding {{!tag}} or {{^tag}} HTML {{/tag}} things start to go wrong fast. Users simply have a hard time understanding how that works.

      Start to mix up template brakes like [{{tag}}] and that’s just stupid. It’s un-intuitive and will give a lot of headaches to ALL plugin developers who also actively support their plugins.

      • Cristian Antohe 7:19 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        With these more unique delimeters, we will be able to process registered shortcodes more efficiently because we will not have to search for them by name. Unregistered shortcodes will have more consistency because we can find them more accurately.

        The new syntax is making it harder for users to use shortcodes for the sake of developers who have a hard time working around the constraints that come with using [tag].

    • leemon 7:25 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Sorry to say this, but that new syntax is hideous. If this goes forward as it stands, I predict major breakages, lol

    • Mike Schinkel 8:08 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Reviewed all the comments and did not see anyone suggest what @cfc suggested on @miqrogroove‘s blog post which just use Custom HTML Elements:


      They seem perfectly suited for this:


      What would they look like?

      Old Shortcode: [foo]bar[/foo]

      New Shortcode: <wp-foo>bar</foo>

      One I saw that idea by @cfc everything else seemed like painful overkill. Besides, shortcodes are very closely aligned with the goal of the custom HTML element proposal with shortcodes being server-side and custom HTML element being client side.

      • Benny 5:56 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        I like the idea of custom HTML elements / web components replacing shortcodes. But that still means we can’t phase out the old shortcode syntax because it would break so many sites. How would you suggest to solve that problem? Maybe by adding you’re “You are doing it wrong” notices (for ever)?

      • Michael Davis 10:53 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        I hope this gets more discussion. Particularly, what would be potential shortcomings of this method compared to what the new syntax would bring.

      • Knut Sparhell 1:18 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        I like this idea of custom HTML elements. Registered elements gets executed either server-side or client-side. An advantage is that it’s quite obvious that such elements can’t be used in attribute values, and attributes can’t contain such elements.

        What has to be solved is the slow deprecation of the old shortcode syntax, and if old shortcodes should be replaced upon upgrade, at some point.

        I also look to the more tag and page tags, that are HTML comment tags. When shortcodes was first introduced I was surprised the HTML comment tag was not considered.

        Custom HTML elements seem very future proof, outright elegant, even if the draft never becomes a recommendation or they will never be supported by browsers (for the client side types).

      • webaware 11:09 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Much love. Was thinking about how NextGEN Gallery does its galleries these days (as a decorated image tag it parses out), but this sounds even better.

      • Braad 12:57 am on September 5, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        +1 for web components. Great idea Mike!

    • chrishoward 8:24 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Sorry, I see these new syntax changes as ridiculous.

      The current syntax is untidy and cumbersome enough, and now you want to throw all these braces in it? We should be making shortcodes easier to use, not harder.

      Have you forgotten the user totally?

      These are great for coders. We love “mustaches” and parameters!

      But I pity the user having to key in a multiple-enclosured shortcode.

      Personally, I believe shortcodes should be invisible to the user, just as HTML is. Show the code in text mode, sure, but not in WYSIWYG. In WYSIWYG mode shortcodes should only be entered via a button and form, and then represented in full if possible (like the gallery shortcode) or by a clickable icon.

      For day-to-day users, this new syntax is a big step backwards.

    • asarosenberg 8:45 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I agree with previous comments that this suggestion is very bad for users. People can understand shortcodes if they are somewhat familiar with HTML or online forums but the suggested syntax is unreadable to anyone who is not a programmer.

      An easier way to solve the problem with wanting to use brackets for other things is to allow people to escape brackets for example by ignoring brackets prefaced by backslash, star or whatever char that makes sense. If you want WordPress to be a CMS and not just a blog tool, shortcodes are more important than brackets in text.

      As for deprecation and conversion consider that there are shortcodes in meta fields. Many themes use page templates with multiple wp_editors and shortcodes. To avoid massive sudden breakage the old format should work for at least a year or two after the changes have been implemented and announced.

    • Arunas Liuiza 9:07 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      While I do get the technical reasoning behind this proposal, but I am really worried changes like that will soon make WordPress only usable for people with PhD in Computer Science. Seriously, I think something like 简shortcode简 would be easier to use and understand than the proposed syntax for the average WordPress *user*.

    • andreasnrb 9:27 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      The first thing I think that should be done before even touching or discussing syntax is to clearly define the purpose of shortcodes and come up with appropriate use cases.
      And just to ignore my first statement. Why not go in other direction and introduce custom HTML tags instead? You register your tag, what attributes it accepts with sanitation callbacks.
      <wp-button href=””>Click me</wp-button>
      Even makes it possible to integrate with HTML5 custom tags later on.

      • andreasnrb 9:31 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Yes I know it encodes when written in the HTML window. So it should be combined with a insert button in the menu.

    • HasinHayder 11:56 am on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Now you need a Ph.D in CS to use WordPress :(

    • FolioVision 12:11 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I see that doing this will open new possibilities, but I think the basic shortcodes should stay without change:

      Self-Closing: [shortcode]
      Attributes: [shortcode attr1=”value1″ attr2=’value2′ “value3” ‘value4’ value5]
      Enclosing: [shortcode] HTML [/shortcode]
      Escaped Code: [[shortcode]]

      If you want to add more features (like nested shortcodes here), I think yout can do it without breaking too much stuff:

      Multiple Enclosures (this one should work if they could look for closing tag for [shortcode] – a regex won’t suffice though): [shortcode] HTML [encl2] HTML [encl3] HTML [/shortcode]

      I’m not sure about the rest though, but these special cases could probably use the new syntax:

      Stripped Unregistered Code: [{{randomthing}}]
      Stripped Unregistered Enclosure: [{{randomthing}$] Content also stripped. [${randomthing}}]
      Stripped Empty Code: [{{ }}]
      Ignored Orphan: [{{shortcode}$]
      Ignored Orphan: [${shortcode}}]
      Ignored Orphan: [${encl2}$]
      Ignored Context: [{{shortcode
      Ignored Context:

      Do you see any issue with keeping the basic shortcodes unchanged?

    • jakeparis 12:46 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I think that the new syntax is difficult and burdensome to the average user. I would suggest:

      a) Make at least the basic “Self-Closing” shortcode operate without the brackers (just as it does now).
      b) The “Enclosing” style should close with a slash, not a $. There is not precedent for using a $ as a closer in any programming language that I know of — therefore that makes this difficult to remember. The slash it a much better choice.

    • J.D. Grimes 1:26 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I do not know how serious the security implications might be, but perhaps we could avoid removing the old syntax at all, and just disable it on new sites, like we’ve done with other deprecated features.

      I think the real lesson here though, is that shortcodes don’t need to be fixed, they need to be removed. We would still have to figure out how to maintain some amount of backward compatibility for old sites, but it might be more productive to work on a broader roadmap that would actually make shortcodes obsolete. Others, including @nacin, have hinted at this. Is a syntax overhaul really necessary as an intermediate step? Is it even plausible as an intermediate step? What if instead we approached it like this:

      1. Bring Shortcake (or some other “shortcode UI”) into core. This would still use the shortcode API, but would provide a UI for it so the user never has to directly manipulate the shortcode string.
      2. Start using an alternate, secure method of indicating the insertion points of the different content bits when this UI is used.
      3. Disable the shortcode API on new sites.
      4. Let the old sites get slowly broken and hacked over time, or break them ourselves all at once with an update.

    • JakePT 2:28 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I’ve got a couple of things I want to say. Firstly, I really need clarification on what these security issues with Shortcodes are. I read the post on the 4.2.3 change and it didn’t really help. Maybe it’s because it’s happening in an area of WordPress development that I just haven’t stepped into, but I’m having trouble understanding what contexts Shortcodes are a problem in. Isn’t their output defined by the plugin? Why isn’t the security problem with the *plugin*? Aren’t authors the only ones who can use them anyway? What could they do with them that’s so bad? I’m having trouble accepting such a drastic proposal when it doesn’t come with a clear rationale.

      But my biggest problem by *far* is that this would be so so so much easier to swallow if there was *any vision at all* for the future of the content editor. A single TinyMCE field just doesn’t cut it anymore. What happened to the content blocks idea that came up around 3.8/3.9? WordPress needs to address the problem of editing and creating more complex layouts, not breaking functionality that is only being abused because of this lack of vision and progress.

      Shortcodes suck, but don’t make them suck more without something better to replace them.

    • Stefano Aglietti 3:02 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I don’t know if someone already rised the question, but apart that making shortcode delimiter like the ones propose make user in a complicated situation.

      Maybe english people don’ìt know that { and } are not present in alla keyboards directly as the [ and ] are, in Italian keyboard [ and ] are generated using ALT-GR+è or ALT-GR++ and keyboards show ALT-GR basic sign like €@## and [ ].

      To get { and } you net to type ALT-GR+SHIFT+è and ALT-GR+SHIFT++. Most people don’t know about this combination (i think only who write code does) and the parentesys are not written on any key.

      This change would be a a really complication for italian users and i supect a lot of non english keyboard suffer from the same problem. Please when you think to change something like this for end users, use ALWAYS the KISS Method, [{{ is not KISS at alli suggest adding after the square bracket somthig that is awailable on alla keyboards like ! or ? or % or & but for sure nothing is really hide in system and that 99% of people ignore that existes or how to get it leke curly braces

    • Curtiss Grymala 3:04 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      First of all, let me say “Thank you” for beginning the process of thinking about this issue.

      As we begin to move forward, has anyone thought about trying to identify where & how shortcodes are currently used, then trying to come up with the best solution for each of those situations? Maybe a shortcode isn’t the best solution for all of the situations in which it’s being used; it’s just the only viable solution we’ve had up until now.

      The bottom-line is, we are still going to need placeholders of some sort within WordPress. There are perfectly reasonable uses of placeholders, regardless of the syntax they use.

      Some are within HTML tags, such as <div class=”[my-custom-class extras=’one-third first’]”> or <img src=”[some-img-url]” alt=”This is my awesome image”/> or <a href=”[my-home-page]” title=”Return to [my-site-name]”>. There are perfectly valid & viable reasons to need to use some sort of placeholder inside of HTML (even if it’s not necessarily inside of the Visual Editor). If we stop allowing these sorts of things, then we’re going to end up with more plugins implementing silly things like [custom-html tag="a" href="{{home-page}}" title="Return to {{site-name}}"]Go Home[/custom-html] which will introduce potentially even bigger security issues and more usability issues for the users.

      Some stand on their own, such as We currently have [number-of-users] users on the site.

      Some output HTML, such as .

      Some are, IMHO, poor attempts to get around security restrictions in the editor, such as [iframe] (there are many plugins that implement this, by basically allowing the editor to enter an HTML tag in normal syntax, but replacing the < and > with square brackets).

      Some need to be nested in order to work properly, such as something like:
      [accordion-title]My accordion item title[/accordion-title]
      [accordion-content]Some content to appear within the accordion item[/accordion-content]

      Some are also completely related to formatting the content, attempting to “fix” the problem of only having one content area, and trying to keep editors from needing to enter HTML on their own, such as the various implementations of column shortcodes (this is a very similar reason that implementations like the accordion shortcodes above exist, as well).

      There are many more perfectly valid & useful implementations of the current shortcode API.

      Each of these may have a completely different and much better solution than the others.

      Finally, as WordPress has evolved very, very far from a simple blogging platform, we need to stop thinking that post titles and post content are the only features that people are using.

      There are plenty of places where shortcodes might appear within the Options table, possibly even inside of serialized data. For instance, shortcodes could, potentially be used within widgets or theme options.

      Shortcodes could absolutely be used, within plain-text or serialized data, within the postmeta table (there are a ton of places that custom fields on a post could include shortcodes) or possibly even the usermeta table.

      The problem I see with the original discussion we had after 4.2.3, and the problem I see with some of the comments on this post, are that there still seem to be people saying “You shouldn’t have used shortcodes to do that; that was stupid, so it doesn’t matter if we break them.”

      The thing I appreciate about this original post, regardless of the fact that the proposed solutions are certainly more complicated than they should be, is that the core team is back to at least trying to solve the issue rather than continuing to feel like it’s okay to break sites just because they disagree with the use-case.

      Again, though, I want to thank @miqrogroove for bringing this to the table and beginning the process of trying to move forward.

    • Stanislav Khromov 5:01 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I’d like to echo the dismay most people feel with this proposed roadmap, and also stress that this can cause a fragmentation in the WP ecosystem.

      Consider that it’s easier than ever to not keep WordPress up to date with the latest version – security patches are backported all the way back to 3.7 and minor security fixes get applied automatically.

      By introducing big, “scary” changes that people feel uneasy about (which the comments prove include even seasoned developers), many will just not update. Consider the kind of fragmentation Python faced after they introduced syntax changes in version 3. Most people just didn’t want or need these changes. I feel the same way about this proposed roadmap.

    • Grant Palin 5:07 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      One other gripe I have with the current shortcode syntax is that it sometimes confuses Markdown. Particularly when using within posts authored using WP-Markdown plugin. There’s a workaround, but still.

    • Jacob Santos 8:59 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Why was shortcodes added and what problem did they attempt to solve? What was their original purpose?

      The reason it is a bad idea is that it neglects the reason shortcodes were created and why they have the syntax they do. The history for the most part, I believe, was based in part on BBCode. If Handlebars existed and was more popular, then who knows.

      You will always have a security issue. Tough, but true. Introducing a wholly obtuse syntax will not change that and will make it more difficult for users and developers. Most likely you will just see an influx of plugins that put back the same behavior or those who move away from shortcodes altogether. It will also be a slap in the face once another security flaw is discovered.

      Unless you wish to remove the security issue by pushing people away from using shortcodes completely or creating their own solutions of various quality for security.

      The timeline is far too short. If you go back as far as 3.7, then you must follow that pattern. Deprecate it and update it if you can, but you must support the current until 2018 or 2 years after 4.4 is released.

      • Jacob Santos 9:06 pm on September 3, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Lest my argument be misconstrued; I am saying that any syntax change is a bad idea. Solve the security problems with the current or work around them. The bed is made, you have to deal with it.

        Biggest problem I have is that it looks like you are creating a new template engine. There are already those that exist. It would be better if you used them as several have already been audited by security professionals or could be audited by security professionals. They also have a community and those that support it outside of WordPress.

        If you are going to introduce a template engine to WordPress posts, which in and of itself is charge to be warily, you are better off going with something developed by professionals.

        Shortcodes were supposed to be an easy replacement for plugins without a lot of features. When did it become the end all, be all to implement a feature?

        If anything, the RFC should formally suggest where shortcodes should and should not be used, deprecate those usages and at a later date, remove support for them. If advanced templating is required, move to an actual established templating engine. Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m writing this.

        I must be in shock, because the horror of this is just beyond comprehension. I can’t imagine the discussions or the problems that lead to, “hey, why don’t we create a template engine for posts?”

        I have to conclude that this is an early or late April Fool’s joke.

    • chriscct7 2:44 am on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      As an update, the team working on the Shortcodes Roadmap, has been working on a new draft proposal which will be posted to make at some point in the near future, which is significantly different than Draft 1. Also, there will be a weekly meeting that will be announced during the same post.

      • John Teague 2:10 pm on September 4, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Thank you Chris. And to everyone working to find a solution on this. Hope people realize how much time and effort has to go into this.

  • Scott Taylor 5:37 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink |

    Deputies for 4.4 

    In lieu of picking one “backup lead” for WordPress 4.4, I have decided to recognize two of the hardest working devs in show business as my deputies for the release. They have both been crushing it in Core for as long as I can remember and are essential to making this release run smoothly for me.

    Dominik Schilling

    Sergey Biryukov

    Excited to be working on another release with Dominik Schilling and Sergey Biryukov!

    I have peace of mind when making bold changes to WordPress, because they keep us all honest and watch our changes closely. They know the codebase and have the experience to inform us of the implications of our changes related to the back end, front end, i18n, and browser compatibility. I dare you to stump @SergeyBiryukov on WordPress trivia, and I dare you to name a Beta period where @ocean90 wasn’t an All Star.

    Look out for them to lead bug scrubs and help me manage the release.

  • Ryan Boren 4:43 pm on September 2, 2015 Permalink |  

    Component Page Updates for 4.4 

    Now that 4.4 is underway, let’s update the component pages to reflect 4.4 activity. The Customize, Editor, and Press This pages serve as good templates, though they all need 4.4 updates. The component pages are targeted at beta testers. They should describe the component, list milestones (roadmap), and explain what needs testing and how to test it. Good component pages assist triage. For details, see the previous round of component page updates.

    Also, if your component has a corresponding Slack chat, link to the component page from the chat’s channel topic. This assists using Slack in beta testing flows.

    Component maintainers, here are your component pages…

    (More …)

  • Pascal Birchler 6:31 am on September 2, 2015 Permalink |
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    oEmbed Feature Plugin Update 

    After kicking off the oEmbed feature plugin a couple of weeks ago, it’s high time for another status update.

    In case you have missed it, the oEmbed API plugin makes WordPress an oEmbed provider, allowing you to embed blog posts just like YouTube videos or tweets. Of course everything happens with security and ease-of-use in mind.

    oEmbed Feature Plugin

    Embedding a post is super simple!

    We made some great progress over the last few weeks. The highlights are:

    • Improved test coverage, which led to many fixed bugs
    • Auto-resizing of the embedded iframe so it looks great on every screen
    • It seamlessly integrates with the REST API, but also works perfectly without it

    The plugin is very stable so far. We’re looking into bringing it to WordPress.com for testing, but of course we also need your help to bring this further! Download the plugin from the repository — play with it, break it, and help us fixing all bugs that may appear. We’re always looking for areas to improve.

    We’re now mainly working on getting it into shape for an eventual core merge proposal and implementing the different oEmbed response types. This means supporting embedding attachment posts and posts with different post formats.

    Please, test and report both errors and suggestions either on GitHub or our #feature-oembed Slack channel. Anyone is welcome to join us!

    Next chat: September 7 2015 9pm UTC

  • Morgan Estes 5:03 am on September 2, 2015 Permalink |
    Tags: ,   

    WordPress Core Weekly – Aug. 24-30, 2015 

    Welcome back to the weekly core development recap post, with highlights from Trac changesets and other development updates for 4.4. This week’s update covers changesets [33721][33820], Aug. 24-30, 2015. That’s a lot of changes, but there are a few that developers need to be especially aware of:

    • File restructuring: new class and functions files have been introduced, and existing files used as loaders for the new files for backwards compatibility.
    • File and class documentation enhancements: ensuring every file gets a standard file header, even if that file only contains a class that is itself documented.
    • Switching themes now takes menu locations into account so the new theme (maybe) gets the locations of the current theme.
    • New hooks introduced: 'invite_user' (Multisite users) and 'wp_verify_nonce_failed'.
    • The Twenty Sixteen theme is being developed on GitHub.

    Now on to the firehose…


    • Bump h3 headings to h2 on various admin screens for better accessibility:
    • Network Admin: Hide the bulk actions checkbox for super admins. [33777] #28529
    • Avoid PHP notices in redirect_canonical() and _wp_menu_item_classes_by_context() if $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] is not set. [33775] #32229


    • Remove error from the query variables when cleaning up a URL in wp_admin_canonical_url(). [33770] #32847
    • Prevent unintended password change after clicking “Generate Password” and then “Cancel” when editing a user profile. [33766] #33419
    • When wp_json_encode() calls json_encode(), the latter will generate warnings if the string contains non-UTF-8 characters. No one likes warnings, so we need to do something about that. [33747] #33524
    • Add oEmbed support for ReverbNation. [33745] #33207
    • Remove rounded corners from “Choose from the most used tags” result in Tags meta box. [33742] #31560
    • Add some more data for shortcode unit tests. [33740] #33455
    • Allow these CSS properties in KSES: min-height', 'max-height', 'min-width', 'max-width' [33739] #31949
    • Pass option name to option and transient filters with dynamic names. [33738] #28402
    • In get_home_url(), import the $pagenow global to avoid having to check if it exists before comparing against it. [33736] #33545
    • In WP_Users_List_Table::single_row(), $actions is not always set before being used. [33735] #33491
    • foreach is a statement, not a function. [33734] #33491
    • Instead of [33713], allow WP_Posts_List_Table::get_bulk_actions() to check edit_posts AND delete_posts. [33733] #29789
    • TinyMCE: ensure the wordpress plugin is loaded before calling _createToolbar(). [33728] #33393
    • With a few modifications in wp-admin/menu.php, we can eliminate the extra logic for Post and Page menu registration. Instead, they can just declare menu_position on post type registration. [33723] #16865
    • WP_Query: add changelog for the title param after [33706] [33722] #33074

    Restructured some files for separation of purpose, so class files only contain classes, functions files only contain functions, and the existing file loads the new files for backwards compatibility.


    Move WP_Tax_Query into class-wp-tax-query.php and functions into taxonomy-functions.php; taxonomy.php contains only top-level code and loads the new files. [33760] #33413


    Move WP_Post into class-wp-post.php and functions into post-functions.php. post.php contains only top-level code and loads the new files. [33759] #33413


    Move classes into their own files, and functions into its own:

    • class-wp-roles.php
    • class-wp-role.php
    • class-wp-user.php
    • capbilities-functions.php

    capbilities.php contains only top-level code and loads the new files. [33752] #33413


    Move classes into their own files and functions into its own:

    • class-wp-http-cookie.php
    • class-wp-http-curl.php
    • class-wp-http-encoding.php
    • class-wp-http-proxy.php
    • class-wp-http-streams.php
    • http-functions.php

    http.php contains only top-level code and loads the new files, so this is 100% BC if someone is loading http.php directly.

    class-http.php requires functions from http.php, so loading it by itself wouldn’t have worked.

    WP_Http remains in class-http.php. [33748] #33413


    Move WP_Meta_Query into class-wp-meta-query.php and functions into meta-functions.php. meta.php contains only top-level code and loads the new files. [33761] #33413


    Move WP_Rewrite into class-wp-rewrite.php, functions into rewrite-functions.php, and constants into rewrite-constants.php. rewrite.php contains only top-level code and loads the new files.

    The rewrite functions have all kinds of cross-dependencies (like WP_Query), so loading the file by itself would have been bizarre (and still is). [33751] #33413


    Move WP_Comment_Query into class-wp-comment-query.php, and functions into comment-functions.php. comment.php contains only top-level code and loads the new files. [33750] #33413


    Move WP_User_Query into class-wp-user-query.php and functions into user-functions.php. user.php contains only top-level code and loads the new files. [33749] #33413


    Move classes and functions into their own files:

    • class-wp-widget.php
    • class-wp-widget-factory.php
    • widget-functions.php

    widgets.php contains only top-level code and loads the new files. [33746] #33413


    It’s important for every file in WordPress, regardless of makeup or architecture, to have its own file header, even if the file contains nothing but a class. When parsed, files and classes are mutually exclusive and should be documented with this in mind. [33755] [33756] #33413

    • Bring the file header and class DocBlock summaries for class-wp-widget.php in-line with the intention of the docs standard:
      • File headers: What the file is
      • Class DocBlocks: What purpose the class serves. Mentioning the class name in the class DocBlock is redundant [33816] #33413
    • Add inline-docblocks for the require_once() calls that now bring in the WP_Widget and WP_Widget_Factory classes, as well as general core widgets functionality, as of [33746]. [33758] #33413
    • Add a file header description and @since version to wp-includes/widget-functions.php, introduced in [33746].
      Also adds sub-section headers per the inline documentation standards for syntax. [33757] #33413
    • Add a file header to wp-includes/class-wp-widget-factory.php, created when the WP_Widget_Factory class was moved to its own file in [33746]. [33756] #33413
    • Correct the hook docs for the user_profile_update_errors action. [33769] #33537
    • After [33764], fix docblock formatting for wp_list_categories(). [33765] #33460
    • Use proper array documentation formatting for wp_list_categories().
      This changeset also corrects a few parameter descriptions, and adds a few that
      were previously missing. [33763] #33556
    • Fix copy pasta in wp_cache_decr() doc block. [33809] #33548
    • The type for the $t_time parameter in the post_date_column_time filter docs should be string, not array. [33731] #33540
    • Document the default comment data arguments for wp_new_comment(). [33730] #32369
    • After [33698], wrap the time constants in a DocBlock template. [33737] #33397
    • Clarify the return description for wp_create_user() to illustrate that a WP_Error object will be returned on failure. [33725] #33321

    Add changelog entries for a variety of hook doc parameters added in [33738]:

    hook parameter changeset/ticket
    set_site_transient_$transient $transient [33794] #28402
    site_transient_$transient $transient [33792] #28402
    pre_delete_site_option_$option $option [33789] #28402
    pre_add_site_option_$option $option [33788] #28402
    pre_site_option_$option $option [33785] #28402
    transient_$transient $transient [33783] #28402
    option_$option $option [33779] #28402
    pre_option_$option $option [33768] #28402
    pre_set_site_transient_$transient $transient [33793] #28402
    pre_site_transient_$transient $transient [33791] #28402
    pre_update_site_option_$option $option [33790] #28402
    site_option_$option $option [33787] #28402
    default_site_option_$option $option [33786] #28402
    pre_set_transient_$transient $transient [33784] #28402
    pre_transient_$transient $transient [33782] #28402
    update_option_{$option} $option [33781] #28402
    pre_update_option_$option $option [33780] #28402
    default_option_$option $option [33778] #28402


    • Get the correct theme when template and stylesheet were both passed as arguments. Fixes a bug introduced in [21131] where $new_theme got set before the second argument was
      appropriately handled, causing the current_theme option to later always be updated to the parent theme’s name. [33815] #32635


    • Improve/update escaping in default widgets:
      • wrap some variables in esc_attr() before echoing
      • replace some strip_tags() calls with sanitize_text_field()
      • call esc_url() when wrapping some URLs [33814] #23012
    • Improve/update escaping in WP_Widget_Pages. [33813] #23012
    • Switch back to using array_key_exists() instead of isset() for widget instance existence check.
      Reverts unnecessary change in [32602] since array_key_exists() does actually work with ArrayIterator objects.
      Merges [33696] to the 4.3 branch. [33721] #32474, #33442



    • Fix the doc block syntax for the 'wp_get_current_commenter' filter. [33811] #33304
    • get_comment_count() currently increments awaiting_moderation when comments are in the trash. This occurs because case 0: will match any value passed to switch that is a string that isn’t specified in the list of cases. This is terrifying.
      Cases for 0 and 1 should be '1' and '0'
      Add unit tests for get_comment_count(). Currently, there are none. [33806] #33414


    • Favor using the consistent and agnostic string ‘Attach’ over ‘Attach to a post’ in the media list table. [33810] #33515
    • Make a period translatable. [33802] #33594
    • Switching themes: if the new theme doesn’t have nav_menu_locations defined, but the old theme does, copy the old theme’s nav_menu_locations into the new theme’s theme mods. [33808] #18588


    • Improve the reliability of the crop returned by image_get_intermediate_size() and add a bunch of unit tests to tests/image/intermediate_size.php. [33807] #17626
    • When inserting an image into a post, the values in wp.media.controller.Library should not default to linking the image when no user settings are present.
      The default display setting value for link is now none. User settings persist and will override or confirm this value based on user actions. [33729] #31467

    Posts, Post Types

    • In get_post_type_labels(), ensure that filtered labels contain all required default values. [33776] #33543
    • Don’t change the View Post button permalink in the sample permalink HTML when updating the slug on a published or future post. [33773] #32954
    • Pass taxonomy name to filters in get_adjacent_post(). [33805] #33568
    • Make post meta box toggles accessible. [33762] #33544


    • Improve the efficiency of is_user_member_of_blog() by removing its use of get_blogs_of_user(). Adds additional tests. [33771] #32472
    • Add 'invite_user' action that fires immediately after a user is invited to join a site, but before the notification is sent. [33732] #33008


    • In wp_list_categories(), ‘current_category’ should accept an array of values. [33804] #33565
    • Introduce $hide_title_if_no_cats parameter to wp_list_categories(). [33764] #33460
    • Rename param added to wp_list_categories() in [33764] to $hide_title_if_empty. [33767] #33565
    • Term Splitting: Switch to a faster cron unschedule process to benefit sites with thousands of affected jobs. Fix the cron hook name in the failsafe rescheduler. [33727] #33423
    • In WP_Query::parse_tax_query(), allow ‘cat’ and ‘tag’ querystrings to be formatted as arrays. [33724] #32454, #33532


    • Simplify the weeks-per-year calculation WP_Date_Query::validate_date_values(). [33803] #30845


    • Bring network admin user searching to parity with single site user searching by wrapping search terms in asterisks. This means that searches don’t require an exact match and therefore significantly reduces friction when searching for users on the network admin screens. [33801] #32913

    Bundled Theme

    Correct license information in readme.txt.

    Text Changes

    • Drop the hyphen from e-mail and standardize on email.
      The AP Stylebook changed this in 2011, and we’re woefully inconsistent, so let’s go with the standard. [33774] #26156



    • Add 'wp_verify_nonce_failed' action that fires when nonce verification fails. [33744] #24030
    • Fire the check_ajax_referer action on failure as well as success. [33743] #33342

    Build Tools

    Thanks to @azaozz, @BinaryKitten, @boonebgorges, @bordoni, @Cheffheid, @chipbennett, @danielbachhuber, @dd32, @DeBAAT, @dimadin, @DrewAPicture, @ebinnion, @egill, @eherman24, @ericlewis, @garza, @hauvong, @helen, @janhenckens, @jjeato, @jmayha, @joedolson, @joehills, @joemcgill, @johnbillion, @KalenJohnson, @kitchin, @liljimmi, @luciole135, @mako09, @MikeHansenMe, @miqrogroove, @morganestes, @niallkennedy, @nikeo, @obenland, @Otto42, @pavelevap, @pento, @peterwilsoncc, @rachelbaker, @rhubbardreverb, @sammybeats, @sboisvert, @scribu, @SergeyBiryukov, @Shelob9, @tyxla, @Veraxus, @vilkatis, @Viper007Bond, @voldemortensen, @welcher, @westonruter, @wonderboymusic, and @yamchhetr for their contributions!

  • Scott Taylor 5:35 pm on September 1, 2015 Permalink |

    Let’s Garden Trac! 

    Trac has an overwhelming number of tickets in it. A lot of us gravitate towards specific components, or have our own way of slicing the master list into a customized view.

    For those of us who have created an issue on Trac, we have the ability to view all of those tickets in one place, go here once logged in:

    Tickets that we own:

    Tickets we have patched:

    One of my favorite things to do is to scan the list of tickets that other users have created and look for inspiration for things to work on. Just change the “Reporter is” value to someone else’s username.

    I want to encourage everyone to do the following

    Look at the tickets you have created in the past and ask yourself:

    • is this still relevant?
    • has this been fixed already? if so, when?
    • is the suggestion/premise obsolete?

    Look at the tickets that you have created patches for in the past and find out:

    • Does the patch still apply?
    • Can the solution be improved?
    • Do I need to add unit tests?

    For the tickets that you own:

    • is the ticket a candidate for 4.4?
    • is the ticket a candidate for commit?

    I’ve been doing a TON of digging through Trac over the past 2 weeks. My hunch is that there are a lot of tickets that can retired. The BEST person to decide that for your old tickets is YOU!

    • Mike Nelson 5:55 pm on September 1, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      yep good idea. I noticed I had a ticket that hadn’t been touched in 10 months: it’s a perfectly good feature request, just obviously not a high enough priority for anyone, including myself, to work on.
      I assume tickets like these should just get invalidated if no one’s probably going to work on it for the forseeable future right? Or is there value in keeping them open for “just in case we decide to get to work on it again”?

      • chriscct7 10:18 pm on September 1, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        Keep them open. There’s a team working on the ancient tickets report (which has tickets that haven’t been responded to in X period of time or longer). Used to be 4 years, and at the moment it’s down to 2 1/2 years, with a goal of getting it to 6 months, so it will be looked at at some point.

    • dMpmJ 5:58 pm on September 1, 2015 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      > Look at the tickets that you have created patches for in the past and find out:
      > * Does the patch still apply?

      That seems pretty scummy. “we neglected to review your code for so long that your diff patch is busted. now fix it so we can ignore it for another 4 years LOL”

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