

Attention Interested in functions, hooks, classes, or methods? Check out the new WordPress Code Reference!



The Codex is a wiki, meaning anyone can edit it. It grows and thrives off of individual contributions from people like you. Thank you for choosing to contribute to the Codex. This page should show you several ways in which you can contribute to the WordPress documentation project at the Codex.

First Things First

Before you contribute:

Create an account and log in
You cannot contribute without first logging in. Your WordPress.org forum username and password will work for the Codex, but you'll need to register for that first if you haven't already.
Create a User Page
After you have created an account and signed in, please create a new User Page for yourself. This helps us keep in touch, and helps you to define yourself.
Read the Guidelines
Please familiarize yourself with the guidelines and styles of the site.
Sign up with wp-docs
Become a member of the wp-docs mailing list.

Things you can do

  1. Administration and Maintenance
  2. Content Management
  3. Discussions and Decisions

Administration and Maintenance

A comprehensive guide to helping in maintenance of the Codex and administration is available at Codex:Maintenance. Please read the guide and start helping, now!

Creating and Managing Content

You can help the Codex grow by creating and managing content on the Codex, in the following ways:

  1. Edit existing pages to improve the content, the grammar, spelling, and presentation. Don't know where to start? Visit a Random page (there is a Random page option in the right menu, on all pages), or head over to the maintenance page and work on the Stub Pages, or pages requiring Copy Editing. Help for Editors is available, should you need it.
  2. Pick a task from the Task list and start working on it.
  3. Create new content. So, you have a brand new tutorial or guide that you want to share with everyone? Read the guidelines for creating a new page and the Guide for creating new pages. Once you are familiar with the two, you can start creating your new articles.
  4. Translate the WordPress Codex. First, find out if there is a team working on WordPress documentation in your language by visiting WordPress in Your Language page and make.wordpress.org/polyglots. After you finish translating an article, add a language cross reference link to the original.
  5. Add or edit code samples. Some of the code samples in the Codex are outdated, and many functions, classes, and hooks don't have any examples of how to use them. You can submit working examples to the Code Reference for inclusion there.

Discussions and Decisions

Learn about various discussions regarding the direction that Codex plans to take. Contribute to the WordPress community. Share your knowledge. Be active. Provide constructive feedback. Join the wp-docs mailing list & make.wordpress.org/docs and start sharing your informed opinion.
