
Fram Wikibooks
Gān tō: þurhfōr, sēcan
Ymbe Wikibēc
WilcumeWikibēc, Wikimǣdian weorc þe man ongann on 12um Æfterran Gēolan 2005 mid þǣm ǣrende tō scieppenne frēo samnunge openre-innunge trahtbōca þe ǣnig cann ādihtan. Siþþan ūserre staðelunge, writon bōceras 173 trahtbōcdǣlas in manigum trahtbōcum.

Sēo middele stōow tō fricgenne fregenu oþþe tō mōtienne þancas is se Werodsele (þēs is se efenweorða þǣre Wikipǣdian Þorpes Wiellan; Wikibōceras willen rǣdan ūserne onginntraht ǣr þǣm þe man onginþ). Sēo ēac þā ǣrendunggetale.

Gif þu eart lǣrend þe ācræfteþ tō nēotenne Wikibōca for leornungseles weorce, bidde rǣd ūsere regolas for leornungseles weorcum.

Ārāsa, bealda in ādihtunge trameta, pleg in þǣre sandboxe, nytta his, and gōd gifeðe!

Sēcan and Þurhscēawian
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Suma Grēata Bēc
Bysen:Goodbooc/How To Assemble A Desktop PC

Bysen:Goodbooc/Acoustics Bysen:Goodbooc/Unilingua Bysen:Goodbooc/Cookbook Bysen:Goodbooc/Consciousness Studies Bysen:Goodbooc/UK Constitution and Government

Sēon ealla betlica bēc! - ādihtan - cēosan >>

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Wordhord and twinnwordhord


Gaderung cwida


Se frēo gewrita bōchord


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Frēore innunge spell

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