Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - SubZero FAQ

                 U L T I M A T E  M O R T A L  K O M B A T  3  
                           Sub-Zero FAQ/Move List
           For Arcade, Genesis, SNES, Sega Saturn, Xbox 360 and PS3
                                Version 1.00
                              By Adam Cooper
                      Email: adam3k3[at]gmail[dot]com  
                       Website: http://adamcooper.me
                             Twitter: @Adam3k3

                 This FAQ is Copyright (c) 2013 Adam Cooper

                        Last Revision July 22th, 2013

Table of Contents

1. About this Guide......................................[100]
 1-1. Availability...................................[110]
 2-1. Copyright and License..........................[120]
 3-1. Searching the Guide............................[130]
 4-1. Version History................................[140]

2. Introduction..........................................[200]
3. The Basics............................................[300]
4. Sub-Zero..............................................[400]
 1-4. Moves..........................................[410]
 2-4. Combos.........................................[420]
 3-4. Fatalities.....................................[430]

5. Classic Sub-Zero......................................[500]
 1-5. Moves..........................................[510]
 2-5. Combos.........................................[520]
 3-5. Fatalities.....................................[530]

6. FAQs..................................................[600]
10. Closing..............................................[700]
 1-10. Contacts......................................[710] 
 2-10. Special Thanks................................[720]

  100: About this Guide   \
'-- 110: Availability --------------------------------------------------------'

The Latest version of this FAQ and all of my work is always available on 
my website [1], GameFaqs [2] and IGN [3].

[1] http://adam3k3.tumblr.com/faqs
[2] http://www.gamefaqs.com/users/Adam3k3/contributions/faqs
[3] http://www.ign.com/blogs/adam3k3

'-- 120: Copyright and License -----------------------------------------------'

This FAQ is Copyright (c) 2013 Adam Cooper, and released under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial, No Derivatives License.

This License enables you to distribute this FAQ provided it remains in 
its full form, unchanged and full credit is given. Publishing it under 
your name on websites or otherwise is prohibiting. You may not use this 
work for commercial purposes. For any reuse or distribution, you must make 
clear to others the license terms of this work along with the notice in the 
availability section.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by 
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

[3] http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0

'-- 130: Searching the Guide -------------------------------------------------'

Press "CTRL+F" to Search the FAQ. Copy, paste the code to the desired section 
from the tables of content into the search bar and click Find.

'-- 140: Version History -----------------------------------------------------'

Version 1.1 July 22th, 2013

Finished the FAQ. Every move that I know of is here, if you have something 
to add, drop me an email.

  200: Introduction       \

Welcome to my first Retro FAQ. This FAQ should cover both Classic and normal 
version of Sub. Many including myself still play old skool games especially 
UMK as its one of the best MK games. Sure there are new 3D versions but to be 
honest nothing bets the old 2D style. Any way if you have anything to add drop 
me an email found At the top of this FAQ.

  300: The Basics         \

The first thing you need to know is that you cant play as Classic Sub-Zero 
unless you use one of the two methods.

The short method (SATURN only):  

Just before the main menu screen shows up with the UMK logo or the one 
before it, enter the following cheat code:  C, R, A, Z, Y, C, Y, R, A, X. 
If done correctly you will hear laughing. Press up at the main menu and you 
will be taken to a secret options where you have the ability to unlock Classic 
Sub-Zero along with other characters and stuff. 

The long method: 

Start a normal game against the computer and lose. Let the counter reach 
zero and it will be game over. You will immediately be taken to an "Enter 
an Ultimate Kombat Kode" screen. Here press HP seven times, BLK six times, LP
five times, R two times. You should get a massage "From this point on Classic 
Sub-Zero is at your control. 


Here are all default commands and there explanations:

Command            Short-Cut            

Low Punch             LP 
High Punch            HP    

Low Kick              LK  
High Kick             HK  

Block                 BLK
Run                    R

Up                     U
Down                   D
Left                   L
Right                  R    

+ Press two buttons at once.

  400: Sub-Zero           \

The ninja returns unmasked. He was betrayed by his own clan, the Lin Kuei, 
he broke sacred codes of honor by leaving his clan and is marked for death. 
But unlike the ninja of old, his pursuers comes as machines. He must not only 
defend himself against the Outworld menace, but he must also elude his soulless

'-- 410: Moves ---------------------------------------------------------------'

Sub-Zero has useful attacks and special moves, lets go trough them:

Freeze                D, F, LP

Ice Clone             D, B, LP

Ice Shower            D, F, HP

Near Ice Shower       D, F, B, HP

Slide                 B+LP+BK+LK

Here are the explanations and strategies on each move: 

Freeze   D, F, LP 

Sube-Zeroís special, best used when near as it gives the element of surprise 
or far away when he is about to use his special; ex scorpions spear.  Another 
good timing is when your opponent is jumping as it makes him open when his 
bout to land. Keep mixing the timings and destines to keep your stratagem 

Another trick is to give your opponent jumping distains and wait for him to 
make the jump toward you. As soon as he does, run toward him without jumping 
so you end up behind him while he still about to land, a perfect opportunity 
right there. 

Ice Clone   D, B, LP

Ice clone can be very useful when used right.  Best used when someone jumps 
at you, immediately ice clone and heís trapped. Another good practice is when 
your opponent is running toward you. Wait about 2 steps and ice clone; your 
opponent most likely wonít have a time to react.   

Ice Shower (Far)  D, F, HP

Ice shower is a new move that first appeared in MK 3. Kind of hard to benefit 
from but can be useful when your opponent is in the air jumping backwards. 
Never attempt it when near. Another scenario is when youíre about to get hit 
but opponentís special. 

Ice Shower (Near)  D, F, B, HP

Use it when an opponent is running toward you as he will likely jump up 
thinking you will use a normal freeze. 

Slide   B+LP+BK+LK

The Slide attack doesn't do much damage but it can be used as a surprised 
attack.  A good timing is when someone jumps away as you wonít have the 
time to run or use anything other than a quick slide. Donít use it much as 
it will leave you open to combos should it get blocked. 

'-- 420: Combos --------------------------------------------------------------'
5 Hit Combo         HP, HP, LP, LK, HK, B+HK

3 Hit Kick Combo    HK, HK, B+HK

Jump Combo          Jump punch, HP, HP, HK
Jump Combo 2        Jump Kick, B+LK
Jump Combo 3        Jump punch, HP, HP, LP, B+HK
Jump Combo 4        Jump punch, HP, HP, LP, LK, HK, B+HK

Jump Slide Combo    Jump kicking your opponent, slide

Strategies on using each combo: 

The first two combos are the most damageable and are very useful. The best way 
of preforming them is to run straight at your opponent and combo him. Remember 
to time the combo right and finish it even if your opponent is blocking because
 if you stop he will have the perfect chance to combo you back. You can also 
use any combo after you freeze youír opponent. 

Another good way to use it is after the run trick. Wait for him to jump at 
you; as soon as he dose run but instead of freezing him, run back and combo 
him as soon as he lands. You can also combo him when he attempts to jump 
backwards in close-ups. 

'-- 430: Fatalities ----------------------------------------------------------'

Fatalities are the hart of Mortal Kombat. After defeating your opponent for 
two rounds, you will have a chance to finish off your opponent. She/he will 
stay dizzied for a short while; this is the time to carefully preform the 
finishing move.

In order for your move to work, you will have to be in a certain position as 
per each finishing move. Explanations below:

Close        Stand close to your opponent, don't leave any space in between. 

Sweep        About 4-6 steps away from your opponent. 

Far          Stand far away from your opponent. 

Mercy        To perform it you will need lose one round. at the finish him 
             scene hold R, D, D, let go of R. This will Enable your opponent 
             to fight again with one hit left on his/her health. 

*brutality only available on Genesis and SNES versions.

Fatality:    BLK, BLK, R, BLK, R (Close)  Grabs his opponent and break him.
Fatality 2:  B, B, D, B, R       (Sweep)  Blows ice on opponent that will make
                                          him fall and break.

Animality:   Hold BLK, F, U, U   (Close)  Sub-Zero turns into a bear and eat 
                                          his opponent (Requires mercy).

Friendship:  LK, R, R, U          (Far)   Turns into a snowman.

Babality:    D, B, B, HK                  Turns your opponent into a baby!

Stage Fatality: B, D, F, F, HK            Drop the opponent to his death.

Brutality: HP, LK, HK, LP, HP, HK, HK, HP, HP, LP

*To perform Friendships and babalitys you should not block during 
 the wining round. 


In vicious battle, Sub-Zero faces Cyrax and Sektor: but not alone. He finds 
his third Lin Kuei Assassin - the elusive Smoke. Before automation Smoke and 
Sub-Zero were allies. Sub-Zero helps Smoke recall his past and gains him as 
an ally once again. 

Sub-Zero defeats his cyborg assassins with the help of Smoke and finds it 
takes all his own inner strengths to defeat Kahn and his Outworld Minions. 
The former ninja once again disappears into the shadows. His legacy known 
only by a select few.

  500: Classic Sub-Zero   \

Thought to have been vanquished in the Shaolin Tournament, Sub-Zero 
mysteriously returns. It's believed this secretive member of the Lin 
Kuei, a legendary clan of Chinese "ninjas", has returned to again 
attempt an assassination of Shang Tsung. To do so, he must fight his 
way through Shao Kahn's tournament.

'-- 510: Moves ---------------------------------------------------------------'

The Classic MK Sub-Zero returns with  a little power up. Basically his 
the same as you last seen him with new finishing moves and combos. Here 
are all the moves:

Freeze          D, F, LP

Ground Freeze   D, B, LK

Slide           B+LP+BK+LK

The strategies are the same as the normal Sub-Zero, except the Ground freeze. 
Use this move when opponent is jumping at you. Step back and throw the ice, 
this will leave your opponent unstable for a short time giving you some good 
hits. In rare cases it can also be useful when you are near the opponent but 
that's too risky and can put you in dangerous situation because your opponent 
can combo you before your ice hits the ground.

'-- 520: Combos ---------------------------------------------------------------

5 Hit Combo        HP, HP, LK, B+HK, F+LK

Jump Combo         Jump Punch HP, HP, LK, B+HK, F+LK
Jump Combo 2       Jump Kick, B+LK

'-- 530: Fatalities ----------------------------------------------------------'

*Classic Sub-Zero has only two fatalities Plus brutality only available 
on Genesis and SNES versions.

Fatality:    D, D, D, F, HP (Close)  Grabs his opponent head, screen goes 
                                     black, and your opponent screams. 

Stage Fatality: F, D, F, F, HP       Drop the opponent to his death.

Brutality: HP, LP, HP, BLK, LK, LK, HK, HK, HK, LP, HP, LP


Having been killed in the first tournament, Sub-Zero somehow seems to have 
emerged to win the third tournament. However, upon removing his mask both 
the Outworld and the Earth-born warriors... 

Are shocked to discover the true identity of this warrior. A warrior who has 
long been missing from a previous Mortal Kombat, and one who will return in 
the fourth tournament.

  600: FAQS               \

Q: How do I perform Brutalities? 

A: Brutalities are only available on Genesis and SNES versions.

  700: Closing            \

'-- 710: Contacts ------------------------------------------------------------'

I may be contacted any time via my email, Twitter or Blog. Just make 
sure to properly mention the subject. I welcome questions, contributions, 
corrections, requests or anything else.

E-mail: [email protected]
Twitter: @Adam3k3
Website: http://adamcooper.me

'-- 720: Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------'
. All listed websites for accepting my FAQs.
. You for reading this FAQ.

FAQ Created by 
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-End of Document-