
Det Danske Filminstitut (DFI) er en institution under Kulturministeriet. Filminstituttets hovedformål at fremme filmkunst, filmkultur og biografkultur i Danmark.

DFI har i nogle tilfælde pressemateriale til enkelte film. Dette findes ved at søge på filmens titel i søgefeltet øverst til højre på denne side.

Kommende spillefilm

Nøgle Hus Spejl / Key House Mirror

Nøgle Hus Spejl / Key House Mirror

12.11.2015Lily and Max have been married for more than 50 years. Now, they live together in a nursing home, where Max has been reliant on professional care since his stroke. Lily has been putting her own nee...
Emma og Julemanden / Emma and Santa Claus - The Quest for the Elf Queen's Heart

Emma og Julemanden / Emma and Santa Claus - The Quest for the Elf Queen's Heart

12.11.2015Emma is an 11 year old girl with a lively imagination who feels left out in her large family. Emma loves fairy tale creatures and when she meets Saint Nicolas himself and his wife, Julie, it is the...
Under sandet / Land of Mine

Under sandet / Land of Mine

03.12.2015Taking place in May 1945 only a few days after the end of the war, the film tells the story of how a group of German prisoners of war were brought to Denmark and forced to disarm the two million la...
Iqbal og den hemmelige opskrift / Iqbal Farooq

Iqbal og den hemmelige opskrift / Iqbal Farooq

17.12.2015Iqbal is a charming, imaginative and fun boy, which according to his father is not enough if you want to make it in life. But when Iqbal, his friend Sille, and his little brother Tariq, create an p...
Kollektivet / The Commune

Kollektivet / The Commune

14.01.2016Erik and Anna are a couple of academics with a dream. With their daughter Freja, they set up a commune in Erik's huge villa in an upmarket district of Copenhagen. With the family at the centre of t...
Kommende spillefilm

Seneste spillefilm

Far til fires vilde ferie /

Far til fires vilde ferie /

01.10.2015The family's long awaited holiday at The Wadden Sea is threatened, when Dad is accused of being a burglar. The family tries to prove his innocence - but Dad's unlucky actions make him look more and...
Klovn Forever / Klown Forever

Klovn Forever / Klown Forever

24.09.2015Mikkel Nørgaard is back at the helm directing Frank Hvam and Casper Christensen in a follow-up to 2010's "Klown," a toe-curling comedy with the two stand-up comedians playing fictionalised versions...
Krigen / A War

Krigen / A War

10.09.2015Company commander Claus Michael Pedersen and his men are stationed in Helmand, Afghanistan. Meanwhile back in Denmark, with a husband at war and three children missing their father, everyday life i...
Sommeren 92 / Summer of 92

Sommeren 92 / Summer of 92

27.08.2015In 1992, the Danish national football team had failed to qualify for the European Championship in Sweden. The players were already on holiday when they were called up in their summer residences wit...
Comeback / Comeback

Comeback / Comeback

06.08.2015Comedian Thomas Vang has wrecked his career and will do anything to return to the top. Even if it is just warming up for his friend, the successful Mads Andersen, he goes all out to get his career...
Guldkysten / Gold Coast

Guldkysten / Gold Coast

02.07.2015The year is 1836. Danish botanist and visionary, Frederik Wulff, travels to Africa following orders from the king of Denmark. He is to monitor the work at a coffee plantation on the Gold Coast (now...
Seneste spillefilm


Sparrows vinder i San Sebastian

Sparrows vinder i San Sebastian

26.09.15SAN SEBASTIAN. Hovedprisen, Den Gyldne Muslingeskal for bedste film, på filmfestivalen i San Sebastian gik lørdag aften den 26. september til islandske Rúnar Rúnarsson og danske Mikkel Jersin for s...
Krigen indstillet til Oscar-kapløbet

Krigen indstillet til Oscar-kapløbet

23.09.15OSCAR. "Krigen" bliver den danske deltager i Oscar-kapløbet i kategorien Foreign Language Film.
Dansk shortlist til Oscar-kapløb

Dansk shortlist til Oscar-kapløb

03.09.15PRESSEMEDDELELSE. Tre danske film er i dag blevet sat på shortlist til at blive dansk kandidat til en nominering i kategorien Foreign Language Film ved Oscar-uddelingen. De tre film er "Mænd og høn...

Kommende dokumentarfilm

Kommende dokumentarfilm


Det Danske Filminstitut
Gothersgade 55
1123 København K
Telefon: +45 3374 3400

Kommunikation og Presse

Susanna Neimann
Telefon: +45 4119 1540

Lars Fiil Jensen
Telefon: +45 2032 8121

Anders Budtz-Jørgensen
Telefon: +45 3374 3528

Presse Filmhus / Cinematek

Morten Tang
Telefon: +45 2214 8940


  • DFI er en statsinstitution under kulturministeriet.
  • DFI blev oprettet i 1997.

Mere information

Det Danske Filminstitut

Det Danske Filminstitut
/ Danish Film Institute

EAN-nr: 5798000794085
CVR-nr: 56858318

Gothersgade 55
1123 København K

Tlf. +45 3374 3400
Fax +45 3374 3401

Cinematekets billetsalg
TLF. +45 3374 3412