We are a group of Passionate Film makers, Producers, Writers, Directors, Photographers, Musicians, Artists in Bangalore.

Who can join Bangalore Film makers Club?

1) If you are a Passionate Film maker looking for a team, you can join Bangalore Filmmakers club and attend meetup to network, collaborate with other artists for your Movie Project.

2) If you are an experienced Film maker, Photographer, Writer or Artists and want to conduct workshops, you are welcome to become one of the event organizer and schedule a course workshop.

3) If you are an amateur Film maker and eager to learn the process of Film making, Movie Production, Photography, Script Writing, Screenplay Writing, Cinematography, Camera and Lighting, Story boarding, Budgeting, Pre-production, Post-production, editing, VFX, CGI, 3D animation etc., You are welcome to join the workshop events conducted by expert Film makers.

Why Should you join Bangalore Filmmakers Club?

No Movie Project is successful without a great team and Bangalore Filmmakers Club provides an Ecosystem of Film makers where you collaborate with like minded film crew and form a team for your next Movie project, Also provides a platform for Amateurs to learn from experienced Film makers.

What can you expect being a part of Bangalore Filmmakers Club?

We conduct regular meetups and Film making workshops where you can learn about entire process Movie making. If you have a great story and hesitant share it in a group, we assist you in legally getting it copy rights before you share and if you have the potential to execute it then we can help find Producers and Investors who can fund your project.

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  • Neues Mitglied
    Chaitanya K. Chaitanya K. macht mit
    vor 4 Stunden
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    APARIMIT P. APARIMIT P. macht mit
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    Sushma Sushma macht mit
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    Shiv Shiv macht mit
  • Neues Mitglied
    Brett A. Brett A. macht mit
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    Nirmala Nirmala macht mit
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    CJ S. CJ S. macht mit
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    Vinay Vinay macht mit
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    Varun Varun macht mit
    Vor 2 Tagen
  • Neues Mitglied
    Mukul Mukul macht mit
    Vor 2 Tagen


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