Archive widget: limit the number of months to 12

If you want to limit the number of months to only 12 for your Archive widget in your theme sidebar, use the widget_archives_args filter to add the archives limit.

Insert the following code into the functions.php file of your theme.

function my_limit_archives( $args ) {
    $args['limit'] = 12;
    return $args;
add_filter( 'widget_archives_args', 'my_limit_archives' );

And to limit the number of months in Archives widget drop-down, use the following drop-down filter by replacing the last line of the above code.

add_filter( 'widget_archives_dropdown_args', 'my_limit_archives' );

We hope this helps!

Limit the number of tags in your WordPress tag cloud widget

If your WordPress-powered site has a lot of tags (and growing), you will probably be struggling with a messy-looking list inside the tag cloud widget. But you would rather show a decent number of tags instead of removing the widget altogether, right?

Place the following code in your theme’s functions.php file which should resolve this issue.

//Register tag cloud filter callback
add_filter('widget_tag_cloud_args', 'tag_widget_limit');

//Limit number of tags inside widget
function tag_widget_limit($args){

 //Check if taxonomy option inside widget is set to tags
 if(isset($args['taxonomy']) && $args['taxonomy'] == 'post_tag'){
  $args['number'] = 10; //Limit number of tags

 return $args;

Let us know whether this works out for you just fine!

Hosting options for WordPress hosting

Hosting a website is extremely important, yet is often overlooked when the initial plans for the website are being considered. If the website is being done in WordPress, then the best hosting service to use is one that specializes in WordPress hosting. There are several different types of web hosts — shared, free, dedicated, VPS, and managed hosting. When someone is a beginner and just starting their website, choosing the wrong hosting service can be hard to turn around later.

As known to all, WordPress is a content management system and is the most popular system used to build websites used today. That being said, it does have some requirements for hosting and most major web hosts have installers that automatically will install WordPress on any website Continue reading

New developments in spy software

Wondering if your boyfriend is cheating? Curious about what your kids are up to? You’re not the only one and some software developers are creating programs to cater to your curiosity. Spy software is especially created to satisfy your curiosity. There are some people that feel the use of spy software is unethical. While others believe that the end justifies the means. Most spy software is marketed to the anxious parent or the suspicious spouse. Relojes camara espia oculta en manos libres is the name of the game.

Computer-based spy software allows individuals an affordable way to keep track of what’s going on their home. The most powerful home computer spy software will allow you to secretly know what is going on in your home. Or who has been using the house PC. The most common type of spy software is a key-logger. This stealthy program runs in the background and records the activity made during a computer usage session. Later that information can be retrieved and reviewed. Some of the information is secretly records are websites visited, keystrokes typed, chat conversations, and email both sent and received. Continue reading

Getting traffic to a website

I created a website a few months ago, and I am still waiting to make money from it.

I am starting to get a little bit discouraged, I must admit. I did everything that I thought I was supposed to do in order to make my website succeed. I created it using great onpage SEO factors, I have submitted articles and press releases about my new business venture which link back to my website, I have publicized it on Twitter and Facebook, and I have uploaded videos to YouTube. Still, I can’t seem to get interested buyers to my site. While I realize that the final step I need to take might be utilizing pay-per-click traffic, I have one more concept to try first.

I read on an internet marketing forum that submitting to web directories can bring visitors to your website. I need to get visitors who are interested in what I have to offer, because I want them to enter my sales funnel while they are on my site! Hopefully, my use of the software will pay off when interested traffic begins to flood my website.

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