WordPress uses open source software called Trac to manage bug reports and tasks. If you are looking to report a bug, please head on over.
There are many ways to contribute. We have a detailed contributor handbook to help get you started. If you want to get started quickly, try one of the Getting Started reports blow — test a patch, or grab a bug and see if you can reproduce the problem it describes.
If you have encountered a security issue in WordPress, please contact security at wordpress.org. For more, see our Security FAQ.
Tickets by Release
Getting Started
Tickets Needing Feedback
Other Workflow Reports
- Tickets needing a patch (needs-patch)
- Tickets with a patch (has-patch)
- Critical tickets (blockers)
- Commit candidates (commit)
- Tickets with a suggestion to close (2nd-opinion or close)
- Tickets that should be considered early in a release cycle (early)
- Closed tickets needing a secondary review
- Mobile — Tickets flagged by the WordPress mobile apps team
- WordPress.org — Importer plugins, old default themes, etc.
- Meta Trac for the WordPress.org site itself