How Mediapress works: guide.
I installed mediapress on my buddypress/ wp multisite community and I’ve actiavated the network option.
I got serious problems understanding how to use mediapress and I read about the same problems by other persons who left comments in another specific blog.
This is the problem:
After uploading the media gallery from the dashboard I go to the frontend and there’s no sign of that gallery.
Then I’ve tried another way: from the frontend I went to “Add Media” and added the photos: I can see the photos uploaded, but first of all are uploaded like from a member in his personal buddypress account…and as second, once i leave that page I can’t see the gallery anymore going back to gallery that now says: There are no galleries available!
I really don’t know what to do.
I’d simply need to upload the pics as admin in a page of the website, like if i’d have a dedicated page to the album in a page of my website: I’d like having a voice on the bar menu and clicking on that appearing the album.
Anyone know how to do it or if mediapress has some problems or if is just a problem of mine.
Thanks all
With Mediapress you need to save the settings at least once in order to get it to activate.
After that you need to set a Gallery page in the Buddypress page settings.
With that completed, users can create their own galleries and group admins can choose to have their own galleries too.
Mediapress is still in Beta and changes pretty much daily so be sure you have the latest download.
“After that you need to set a Gallery page in the Buddypress page settings.”
It was my problem: didn’t get how to point the gallery to the specific page; I didn’t consider the buddypress settings, thank you.
I’d have 2 other little problems now:
-in this demo the gallery shows up already opened with the pics in the grid, while in my case when I click on the menu bar to the gallery voice, I have to click then on a certain gallery to open it up ( and I have just one gallery ) so I’d like the gallery to be already opened when I click on the menu voice, exactly like in the demo.
What I’ve to do to achieve it?-second thing: as I said before, I want just one gallery as sitewide gallery, so I’ll add pics to this gallery day by day, but I see that the last pics added go to the 2nd, 3rd page and so on, while I’d need the last pics uploaded to appear in the first page as the most recent ones.
Till now I didn’t manage to find the right settings for this: is there a way to do it?Thanks again for your time and help
This was the demo I forgot to link in my previous message: think he is using a shortcode on that page that goes directly to the gallery in question
If you go to the admin menu and view the gallery from there you will be able to find the shortcode for that gallery. #once you have that shortcode you can add it to any page and it will imediately open up in that gallery
There is no free media solution that will work seamlessly across WP Multisite and Buddypress, that is comparable to at least some degree to scripts like Elgg or Easysocial for Joomla … Rtmedia paid version is little better but using and uploading media has become so intuitive and easy (along with site super admins options eg how much to allow to upload in one go) that standard cms-es like WordPress, Buddypress, Joomla, Drupal are lacking far behind : for example see Whatsapp – how easily you can add picture from you phone cam or webcam in your gallery ( for Buddypress, Elgg etc you can do this for profile photo only) – such capacities are totally absent in social scripts like BP (WordPress or WP Multisite without BP is somewhat better if used with Jetpack).
We will never catch-up – you will never catch up unless you have deep pockets. WP+BP rest on its laurels and its sad how FB monopoly is destroying the fabric of inter-connectivity of internet.
Mediapress is not a user-friendly solution if you have to quickly or in a moderate time, deploy a social net site.
I agree with you ronia, I have no idea why my members have to join a group before they can upload images to my photo’s gallery for all members, I do not know why they have to negotiate to that particular gallery in order to do so. I just want one gallery where all my site members can upload images they want to share and I want them to get there in one page click. I’d also like my members to be able to vote on images and for me to be able to set featured images for them to see first.
Is it such a big ask?
I got confirmation there should be a shortcode for showing up the gallery already opened.
Here the link of the guide: is the default syntax shortcode
[mpp-gallery option_name=some value option1_name = some other value … ]Unluckily due to my lacks I’m not very skilled in these stuff, so I don’t know how and what to put in places of those default voices, but looking at the guide, I’ve found some parameters that should be fine to obtain what I need.
These following ones are the groups I think I could need, but I’m not sure which one:Gallery Parameters:-
id:- Specific gallery id which you want to list. Only one gallery will be listed
slug:- Only a gallery with this slug will be listed.
in:- Comma separated list of gallery ids which you want to include in the list. Only these galleries will be listed.
exclude: Comma separated list of gallery ids which you don’t want to include in the listing.and this:
View Parameters:-
column:-type:- integer
default: 4
It is used to display the gallery list in grid. Default value is 4. it defins how many galleries should be listed per row.Pagination Parameters:-
type: integer
controls how many galleries to list per page
type: integer
how many galleries from the list to offset/displace( exclude from beginning of the original list)
page:- It is same as the ‘paged’ parameter of WP_Query, Which page of result you want to display.
nopaging:- If you want to list all galleries. Please avoid it as It can lead to degraded performance. Always use per_page instead.…..I’d need some help to know how to replace a code of these ones to the default ones of this shortcode
[mpp-gallery option_name=some value option1_name = some other value … ]Thanks all in advance
If you view the gallery from the admin menu Admin>>Mediapress>>All Galleries you will see the shortcode to use already laid out.
My ignorance is quite embarrassing.
When I get to Admin-Mediapress-all galleries, I see just the list of the galleries I’ve created. Then clicking on a gallery I open up the editor and there I see the button for the shortlink, but well, I do no think the shortlink is the same of a shortcode.May I ask how a shortcode for that aim should looks like….approximately?
I’m afraid I’m far away to solve this problem that looks ( I guess ) quite simpleThis is the shortcode I used for my test – [mpp-show-gallery id=78]
IN your configuration the gallery id (in this case 78) will probably be a different number
If you create a page with the name of your gallery and add a shortcode similar to the above you will have a page that goes straight to your gallery.
Don’t worry about being embarrassed, it happens to me all they time lol We just have to persevere and it will come right.
Very kind of you. Without forum’s help and people like you I had given up time ago, but I’ve learnt a lot and still have much to learn
Before the gallery and the mediapress page had 2 different names, now I’ve named them the same.
To find out the gallery Id, I pass over the gallery name and at the bottom of the page I see the long url with the ( post= 72 ). Guess this is the Id.
So my shortcode should be [mpp-show-gallery id=72]
I read that the shortcodes usually go to config.php but I’m not sure about that. I tried to follow the procedure you wrote above adding the shortcode into the content space of the gallery page I created… but seems that doesn’t work. I’m wroning something for sure.
If possible, I want to show where I’m testing it: this is the url:
The galley page I created is called: album and as you see clicking on the page, it open up the page with a gallery preview box, also called album, instead of showing up the gallery already opened or sitewide as is called.
Is it possible I’m wroning where to add the shortcode?
Thanks a lot for everything.
No you definitely need to put the shortcode in a page or post and it should work.
You did not include the url for your site.
Here the url of the website:
I think I did as you say: I created a page, called “album” then I pointed it to the bar menu, cause I want to put it in evidence.
Then, by mediapress I created the gallery’s photos and I named it “album”What I did after is: going to the setting of the pages: opening the page “album” up and writing this shortcode [mpp-show-gallery id=72] into the text editor.
Guess I’m missing something very banal but for now I do no have idea where else I should add the shortcode
You seem to have set that page up as the Buddypress Gallery page, and this will over-ride any shortcode you have set for it. Go to your Buddypress settings, to PAges and remove the Page Album from the gallery page, then let me know so I can look.
Ok, I removed that page from the buddypress page settings: now is even worse: is showing just the text of the shortcode :O
That’s interesting, it should work, it does on my setup. I’m pretty sure you have it configured correctly now. I think you should raise this on the Bddydev forum.
and should I not set anything on the buddypress pages setting?
No I think what you are trying to create is a one hop page to your gallery, and the shortcode is how to do that, if I understand you correctly.
Hi guys,
sorry to jump in, thought you need a little help from a mediapress early adopter.
But first, about the theme used by @caesarhills.About Graphene
The theme has an option where you can hide child pages. You probably don’t need to show all your site pages listing below BuddyPress content as you use the buddy menu.
dashboard > appearance > graphene options. Tab General > child page option, select hide listing.About Mediapress
@venutius, @caesarhills
You don’t need to use a shortcode to get a list off existing galleries. This is default behave.Caesar, you use BP on network. When you use mediapress, take in account this remark from MP’s author:
If you don’t want to have a separate MediaPress Installation for all the sites, please do not network activate MediaPress. Only activate it on your Main BuddyPress site.Currently, MediaPress does not support BuddyPress Multiblog Mode.
MediaPress is best suited on a Multisite install if you activate it on main site or network activate if you are using BuddyPress Multi Network plugin.
1) When you install a directory uploaded on Github (which is the case of mediapress), github add automatically -master to that folder. You have to remove that when you add the directory to wp-content/plugins/. So to get mediapress working correctly, ensure that the plugin path is
wp-content/plugins/mediapress/ and not wp-content/plugins/mediapress-master like it is setted on actually2) activate mediapress like any other plugin. When BP is installed, you get a message telling mediapress has no page associated to it. Click on repair and add a page manually. Call it ‘album’. Then assign this page to MediaPress component on BuddyPress > settings > pages. Save.
Return to front and reload it. Now you should see a menu item called Album beside Activity, Groups, etc. on the main menu.
Click and you see an empty Album page with the usual search filter for galleries, a sort filter for galleries and a little message telling you “There are no galleries available!”.
Again, that’s the default behave. Note that i didn’t evoquate mediapress settings. I described you only what happens when you install mediapress by default.
For more in-deep details, please refer to MediaPress documentation.
And if you want to use shortcodes, do it after reading this doc.
I see; my aim is to click on the album voice from the menu bar and getting directly to the unique gallery opened like in a grid.
Thanks for your help.
I’ll try to ask to that link you wrote.You use only a profile album, isn’t it ?
First, you have to decide what should happen in the future. Should this gallery be definetly unique ?If yes, you can programmatically remove the Album item from the main menu, and add by doing the same, a custom item, if when cliked, leads to the profile gallery.Isn’t the case with your theme. It doesn’t use a standart primary nav menu.
But you can create a new menu (call it caesarnav or what ever unique), add anything related to buddypress from the buddypress menu options(on the left), and choose the galleries option (below BP options) where your profile album is. Then simply add this to the custom menu and assign this menu as header menu. This will replace the default graphene menu by your custom menu.
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