

Google XML Sitemaps
[resolved] Unsupported file format errors - Google Webmaster Tools (11 posts)

  1. Summer
    Posted 1 year ago #

    On Google webmaster tools I am seeing errors but when I actually open the sitemap I can see the sitemaps that are showing the error below.


    Screenshot of errors: http://pain-and-depression.com/sitemap-errors.jpg


    Unsupported file format

    Your Sitemap does not appear to be in a supported format. Please ensure it meets our Sitemap guidelines and resubmit.

    --- Next Issue---

    And I guess I am not real clear about excluding categories as it still shows the posts in the excluded categories. Do I have to copy each post id from those categories and keep adding them to the list?

    Thank you for your help,



  2. Arne Brachhold
    Plugin Author

    Posted 1 year ago #


    do you have the plugin installed? I can't find your sitemap.xml

  3. Summer
    Posted 1 year ago #

    Hi arnee,

    It's on now.


  4. wbxpress
    Posted 1 year ago #

    Me too facing the same issue recently. Google WMT says error. Invalid XML file.

  5. michellecoates
    Posted 1 year ago #

    I'm having the same issue with 6 websites, I'm managing that were just recently launched. The are some samples of what is on the sitemap.xml pages which then drill down to the actual sitemap. I have deleted the plugin and re-installed it and am still having the same issue!

    HELP!!!! There is obviously a bug in the plugin, as I have seen multiple posts in this forum on this.

    http://fourpointsorlandohotel.com/sitemap-misc.xml 2014-07-24 13:45
    http://fourpointsorlandohotel.com/sitemap-pt-post-2014-04.xml 2014-04-30 20:46
    http://fourpointsorlandohotel.com/sitemap-pt-post-2013-11.xml 2014-05-16 15:50
    http://fourpointsorlandohotel.com/sitemap-pt-post-2013-04.xml 2014-06-25 21:29
    http://fourpointsorlandohotel.com/sitemap-pt-page-2014-05.xml 2014-07-17 18:14
    http://fourpointsorlandohotel.com/sitemap-pt-page-2014-04.xml 2014-07-03 14:06
    http://fourpointsorlandohotel.com/sitemap-pt-page-2013-11.xml 2014-07-24 13:45

  6. banthafoodoo
    Posted 1 year ago #

    I am also having the same issue.

    What I don't understand is why it changed. This was a great plugin a few versions ago. I am using am older version currently, with no problems.

    The older versions just find posts/pages, and spit out an accurate file in the form of sitemap.xml. There are no sitemap-misc.xml or sitemap-pt-page-2014-11.xml files.

    Is there anyway to use this plugin like the older versions, without all of the extraneous files? Just a simple sitemap.xml, that updates when post/pages are added or removed.

    Thank You.

  7. Summer
    Posted 1 year ago #

    Update: Mine is working fine now. My link above shows the correct sitemap. My newest ones just appeared working and then I cleaned up my sitemaps on webmaster tools--testing and resubmitted the ones with errors.

    Hello, michellecoates-- When I manually typed in your sitemap address, I am get a working site map as shown below, it lists almost 30 pages that go to the corresponding page of the site. I noticed on mine that contain 'sitemap-pt-post-2014-05.xml', are all the posts I published for that month, my archives. I am not seeing that date info at all in your sitemap like you have listed above.


  8. banthafoodoo
    Posted 1 year ago #

    Hello summer313,

    Did you do anything in particular to achieve the end result? Was there some configuration that you adjusted, or something like that?

    michellecoates, how did you fix your XML sitemaps, so that sitemap.xml is reflecting all of your post and pages, and is the ONLY sitemap showing?

    The link http://fourpointsorlandohotel.com/sitemap.xml is exactly what I am trying to achieve.

    Here is my sitemap URL http://www.getlegalpracticebuilder.com/sitemap.xml. Which returns the following:


    Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.

  9. michellecoates
    Posted 1 year ago #

    The sitemap is now working because I uninstalled the most current version and installed version 3.4.1 and that seemed to fix the issue. You can find the previous versions of the plugin here: http://wordpress.org/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/developers/

    good luck!

  10. Summer
    Posted 1 year ago #

    Hi banthafoodoo,

    I reinstalled it and then tested and resubmitted the sitemaps on webmaster tools, other than that I did nothing else.

  11. banthafoodoo
    Posted 1 year ago #

    Thank you michellecoates and summer313.

    I will just continue using version 3.2.6.

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